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Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Stefan did not expect to find 300, 000 active users on this forum, which placed it in the top five mostactive groups on the entire website.

He foolishly thought that this was just a small interest group, but it seemed that they were as big as anarmy. It was no wonder a single live stream was able to put him in the headlines.

Stefan continued scrolling down the page, his eyes completely focused on the screen.

[This is so sweet! Just look at them! Look at them!]

[Oh my god, my precious little Renee is looking at that bastard with such loving eyes!] 2

[They’re definitely the opposites attract trope! The cold tsundere CEO, Stefan Hunt, loves his wife justas much as she does!]

The forum was incredibly active, and new threads containing old stories, photos, and theories wouldpop up every few minutes, all revolving around Stefan and Renee’s relationship.

This was the first time Stefan realized that he actually had this many pictures with Renee. Moreover, henoticed just how deeply in love with him she appeared to be.

Out of all the posts, there was one that stood out from the rest with its astonishing amount of likes. Itwas a piece of fanfiction about them, written by someone with the ID name, ‘Everheart_Hunter’.

[Their first meeting was on a summer evening, as rain poured heavily from the skies. Everyone wasbusy finding shelter when their gazes met…]

Stefan was intrigued. He was about to give it a good read when he was met with a 404 error messageafter clicking on the post. It seemed that the post had been deleted.

“Damn it!” He cursed under his breath, obviously wishing that he could’ve seen just a little more aboutthe story. 1

However, he finally understood why there were so many active members within the forum. Theirauthors were just too imaginative and skilled in their writing. The moment you entered this fanbase, itwas near impossible to get out.

Stefan did his best to keep cool as he clicked away from the page. He was worried he himself wouldbecome a fan of his relationship with Renee if he continued reading on.

It wasn’t long before nighttime descended upon the city. Although Stefan had worked productively theentire day, he felt an emptiness in his heart.

After pointlessly scrolling through his phone in the quiet office, Stefan stared off into space, seeminglydeep in thought.

At the same time, Renee was reading a book on parenting when her phone suddenly rang. Picking itup from her couch, she realized that it was a call from Stefan.

“I’ll be waiting for you at Rose Quartz Eatery,” the voice said coldly before hanging up abruptly, inovelbin

Listening to the dial tone, Renee was dumbfounded. “What’s his deal?”

This man had never called her during the entirety of their marriage, he’d merely do it through hisassistant, Elijah, and only if it was necessary. 1

‘Well, tonight’s a first.’ i

If this was before, she would’ve squealed with excitement while hugging her phone to her chest. Then,she’d do her makeup and dress nicely to meet him.

Now… she just thought of it as a scam call. She just wanted to dismiss it as soon as she could.

After finishing her book, Renee proceeded to watch a documentary, then played around with somecodes. 1

Soon, it was 10 PM, and she intended to put on a facial mask before heading to bed.

“Are you here yet? I’ve been waiting for more than two hours.” Stefan sounded like he was about toexplode from rage.

Renee was speechless. ‘Is he okay in the brain?*

‘I didn’t make him wait. Why would he wait for more than two hours anyway? Isn’t he a CEO? When didhe get the luxury to wait for others?’

“Come here, I have something to tell you!” Stefan said before hanging up once more.

“Ugh! He’s just so…!” Renee groaned, not knowing what his deal was.

‘How did I not realize that my prince charming has a few screws loose before? He’s being so childishright now!’ 1

She first decided to ignore the man, but as the clock continued ticking, she couldn’t help but imaginehim waiting in a cold, empty restaurant all alone.

She felt bad.

‘Oh whatever, I’ll just go check it out. The restaurant’s just a mile away anyway.’

With that, Renee headed out in her cartoonish pajamas without any makeup nor hairdo.

It was already 10:30 PM. The restaurant was empty, except for the seat by the window. There was ahandsome man sitting at the table, all alone.

He was currently looking out the window with eyes filled with melancholy. Watching him from afar,Renee felt her heart skip a beat. ‘Damn, just look at this man. Handsome… Elegant… What a shamethat he’s a jerk.’

Taking a deep breath, the woman approached Stefan.

“What do you want, future ex-husband? Why’d you have to call me up at such a late hour?”

Stefan turned around and looked her up and down. “Wearing pajamas to meet me? You sure letyourself go.”

“You’re going to be my ex-husband anyway, why would I have to restrict myself?” Renee sat downnonchalantly, making fun of herself. “Besides, I couldn’t make you stay even when I was on my bestbehavior. Why would I ever do something so pointless now?” “So you really did love me?” Stefanasked, his gaze focused entirely on Renee’s face.

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