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Chapter 2113

Chapter 2112, Inquiry “Let’s leave this discussion for another time.” Yang Kai stood up and observed her from above. He couldn’thelp but curl his mouth into a faint smile and say, “Actually, if you want to regain your freedom, then it’s easily achievable.” “Whatdo you mean?” Hua Qing Si shivered and looked warily at Yang Kai. She said, “What are you up to?” Yang Kai burst into laughterand said, “Relax, relax. I’m not after your body. But, if you really want to regain your freedom, then you have to hand over yourSoul Imprint and I'll give it some consideration. After all, a Third-Order Dao Source Realm Cultivation is pretty good...” “Keepdaydreaming!” Hua Qing Si said through gnashed teeth and interrupted Yang Kai’s speech. “Then... Farewell,” Yang Kai wavedhis hand at her then left the Small Sealed World. He left the dumbstruck Hua Qing Si alone, sitting there in a trance for a longwhile before she came back to her senses and let out an aggrieved cry, “Come back, come back, come back...” ... In the room,Yang Kai’s body appeared once again. He stood there in contemplation for a little while before his body turned into a light beamand flew out of the Zhang family’s residence. He was leaving for Maplewood City! After a short moment, Yang Kai reachedMaplewood City, but he didn’t seek Mo Xiao Qi or Kang Si Ran. Rather, he went toward the Qin family’s home. He had alreadyvisited the Qin family once and knew its location. Moreover, after he swept the area with his Divine Sense, he immediately foundQin Yu's location. Yang Kai didn’t plan to hide his aura and he just casually walked toward her. In a short while, he reached aroom and knocked on its window. “Who is it?” a shout sounded from behind the door. Yang Kai responded, and the person insidequieted for a while, then light footsteps echoed as she walked to the window and opened it. Qin Yu looked in surprise andconfusion at Yang Kai. She asked, “Yang... Senior Yang, why are you seeking me so late in the night?” “Hmm, | have somequestions for you,” Yang Kai replied and stuck his head inside to take a look at the room and said. “Can | come in?” Qin Yu's facegot flushed and she said, “Senior, please come in.” By the time her voice fell, Yang Kai had already jumped into the room throughthe window. Upon seeing this, Qin Yu’s face reddened further. Yang Kai sneaked into her room through the window so late in thenight, and if a person oblivious to the truth witnessed this, it would give rise to some awkward misunderstandings. But, Qin Yuwas still at ease as she trusted Yang Kai. After all, if someone with his power had any malicious aims, he could achieve his aimsstealthily; he didn’t have to expose himself to her. The room setting was refined and comfortable, while a pleasant fragrance waspresent here. This was Qin Yu's personal room. Yang Kai was aware that his actions were quite presumptuous, but he didn’tcare. After Yang Kai sat down, Qin Yu offered him a cup of tea and asked, “Senior, what questions do you have for me?” YangKai took a sip of tea and said, “Miss, you are both pretty and exceptionally smart and you're the most knowledgeable person |have ever known. | have come here hoping that you can dispel some of my doubts.” Qin Yu pursed her lips and said with asmile, “Senior, | don’t deserve such high praise, | have only read more books than your average cultivator. But, if | can be of anyhelp to you, then just go ahead and ask.” Yang Kai smiled and said, “I'll go right to the point, but | hope that today’s discussion...”“I'll take a Soul Oath that | won't divulge it to anyone,” Qin Yu said sternly. Yang Kai cast a glance at her, thinking, [it’s so easy toconverse with smart people], then said, “I have been corrupted by the Demon Qi outside the city and | almost turned into ademon. You must have seen this, correct?” Upon hearing him, fear flashed past her pretty eyes and she nodded, “That’s right,but Heaven helps the worthy and you have crossed this crisis with no mishap.” “When | was corrupted by the Demon Qi and wason the verge of turning into a demon, many strange scenes emerged in my mind,” Yang Kai started making things up. Qin Yusaid in surprise, “Many strange scenes?” “That's right,” Yang Kai nodded and said. “At that time, we had cast a Secret Techniqueand we peered into the Ancient Great Demon’s silhouette within Jiang Chu He’s Knowledge Sea, which is likely a remnant will ofthe Ancient Great Demon hidden within the Demon Qi, and it has retained that demon’s memory and knowledge. After | wascorrupted by the Demon Qi, | got a chance to peer into some affairs.” “You're not mistaken, and | agree with you,” Qin Yu said,gratified, as if she had just found a soul mate. “But, what | have seen is completely different from what Jiang Chu He saw. Thosescenes were also fragmented and intermittent, and didn’t have the Ancient Great Demon's silhouette.” “Huh? What kind ofscenes?” Qin Yu got interested in this subject. Yang Kai revealed a pensive look and said in a low voice, “There were numerousscenes and | have only seen two clearly. One of them has a golden and silver seed, with each colour taking up roughly half of itssurface. After that seed had been planted, it grew into a Golden Silver Exotic Tree after innumerable years. The tree emittedoverlapping silver and golden radiance and it looked quite mighty!” “A golden and silver, two-coloured exotic tree?” Upon hearingthis, amazement showed up in her pretty voice, and she let out a cry, covering up her mouth. “That’s right.” Yang Kai nodded andlooked at her. He said, “I wonder whether you know that Golden Silver Exotic Tree?” “I vaguely remember reading some recordsabout this Exotic Tree.” Qin Yu furrowed her brows and tried to recall some information about it. A stunned look appeared onYang Kai's face and he looked at her expectantly. But, Qin Yu didn’t provide him with an answer even after a long while, and sheonly shook her head and said, “Senior, I’m sorry. | have seen records about it, but | can’t recall them in a short while. Please giveme a few days and I'll go to look up some ancient books | read before and look for some relevant records about it.” “It’s fine, I’mnot in a hurry. I’m only a little curious about it,” Yang Kai chuckled in response. He was quite disappointed, but he didn’t let itshow up on his face. “Senior, what's the second scene you have seen?” Qin Yu asked. “It's a token, a pocket-sized token with astrange texture, neither wooden nor metallic. A ‘dragon’ word was carved on its surface and it looked like some ancient script,while the picture of a True Dragon soaring into the sky was carved on its back.” When Yang Kai finished describing it, Qin Yugave an answer. She said, “It’s the Dragon Island Token!” “Is it really the Dragon Island Token?” Yang Kai was quite delighted.Hua Qing Si had already told him so, but he didn’t trust her completely. Besides, Hua Qing Si couldn’t affirm that it was a genuineone. But, since even Qin Yu had as much, then it was likely genuine. “If your description is accurate, then that’s the DragonIsland Token.” Qin Yu was so excited that her face turned flushed. “It's said that only five Dragon Island Token appeared sinceancient times, and three had already been used, while only two were left...” She had recounted the same story as Hua Qing Si,and all details, including the number of the Dragon Island Tokens, their usage date, and locations, were the same. It could beseen that Hua Qing Si didn’t lie and deceive Yang Kai. “But...” As Qin Yu continued talking about it, a confused look appeared onher face. She asked in confusion, “Why has a Dragon Island Token appeared in the memory of the Ancient Great Demon’sremnant will.” “Why wouldn't it appear?” Yang Kai asked back. “It’s because it doesn’t make sense time-wise. When the AncientGreat Demon was sealed, the Dragon Island Tokens hadn't appeared yet... So, why does the Great Demon know of them?” QinYu revealed a bewildered look. Upon hearing this, Yang Kai lamented inwardly about his awful decision. He had just come to getan answer to his questions from Qin Yu and didn’t expect her to be so shrewd. She had quickly spotted a clear flaw in his story.“I'm not sure about that, maybe it’s because the Ancient Great Demon detected that the Dragon Island Token posed a threat toit,” Yang Kai said and chuckled. “That is possible,” Qin Yu didn’t dig into it. After all, those were all matters of the ancient past andshe couldn’t get any concrete evidence about them. “Fine, | have come here just to get an answer to those questions. It’s alreadyso late and | won't disturb your rest. Farewell,” Yang Kai said and stood up. Qin Yu also stood up to bid farewell to him and shesaid, “I'll quickly look into the Golden Silver Exotic Treem’s matter, and I'll notify you the moment | find anything.” “Got it!” Henodded and his body disappeared out of sight shortly after he walked out of the main door. After a short moment, Qin Zhao Yangappeared suddenly next to the door to Qin Yu’s room and he gazed toward where Yang Kai had just been. He said with a strangelook plastered on his face, “Yu’er, why did Brother Yang seek you?” “It’s just to ask about some matters,” Qin Yu replied. “Whatmatters?” Qin Zhao Yang asked with a startled look. Qin Yu stuck out her tongue and said, “It’s a secret!” Qin Zhao Yang wastaken back and he shook his head then said with a bitter smile, “Little girl, are you keeping secrets even from your OldAncestor?” Qin Yu said helplessly, “It isn’t up to me, | can’t tell you. But, | can still tell you that what Senior Yang asked isn’trelated to Maplewood City or the Qin family.” Qin Zhao Yang understood her implication and nodded. He said, “Then it’s fine.” Hequieted for a moment, then let out a sigh and said, looking at Qin Yu, “How is your body?” “Alright!” Qin Yu replied. “Don’t lie tome!” Qin Zhao Yang's expression turned solemn. “Do you think | don’t know how much effort you have put into repairing the seallast time? | know that your body can’t keep on any longer.” Qin Yu didn’t reply and kept her silence. Qin Zhao Yang sighed andsaid, “If you didn’t have that constitution... someone with your talent may rise to the same height as our Qin family’s ancestor.But... It's so frustrating, I’m so weak and can’t do anything to prolong your life or cure you. I’m really ashamed to face you.” QinYu's eyes turned flushed and she said in a low voice, “Old Ancestor, don’t disparage yourself, if | didn’t have your help, | wouldhave died three years ago. I’m already happy to live for three more years and my sole regret is that | can’t stay by your side andhelp you, and | have even troubled you.” “You can set your mind at ease, I'll come up with a solution, | won’t let you die in yourearly years,” Qin Zhao Yang said in a deep voice before his body flickered and disappeared. Qin Yu had just opened her mouthto speak, yet Qin Zhao Yang had already disappeared from her sight. After she mulled this over for a moment, her pretty face fell,as if she had realized what Qin Zhao Yang was up to.The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!novelbin

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