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Chapter 175

Chapter 175

Stefan didn’t reply to Renee’s question but proceeded to survey the villa.

“The layout doesn’t work. The hall is too cramped, the dome looks awful, and the staircase is too steep.It needs a complete renovation. The decorations are so ancient they look like leftovers from theRepublican era. The carvings on the pillars at the entrance aren’t exquisite enough, either. It’s best youknock it down and start from scratch.”

Stefan continued to nitpick on everything about the villa in an arrogant tone, and Renee was thoroughlyconfused.

Was there something wrong with this man? He still thought of himself as her husband, did he?!

“Do you have that much free time on your hands, Stefan? Did you get a degree in interior design whenI wasn’t looking? You don’t need to point out anything about my house!”

Stefan was currently standing in the middle of the living room, staring hard at the landscape paintinghanging on the wall and ignoring Renee’s moody words.

“This is a nice painting. It’s the famous painting of a young shepherd boy singing a song in the evening,isn’t it? If this were authentic, it would be very valuable.”

Renee was surprised at how perceptive Stefan’s eyes were when it came to art. She thought he was abusinessman through and through and never expected that he’d be knowledgeable in literature andarts.

The painting was indeed the most valuable item in the entire villa, but no one knew that. Because ofthat, the painting. Evening Song of the Shepherd Boy, was never taken even though the home had

been ransacked many times. It was also her father’s favorite painting, and Renee would think of himwhenever she looked at the painting hanging in the hall.

It was mystifying as she felt a sense of security she usually associated with her father when she lookedat Stefan’s strong back. He was like a silent, unmoving mountain. She felt that her world was safe aslong as he was around. Even if the sky fell, she wouldn’t need to be afraid.

Oh my god. Renee was going out of her mind! What was she even thinking?!

Margaret looked at Renee, then at Stefan, and she couldn’t help but smile. This was the first time shesaw Stefan in person, and he was nowhere as cold–blooded or heartless as Renee had portrayed him.

Based on his heroic rescue and how he looked at Renee, it seemed this man was not as apathetic asRenee claimed.

‘Perhaps a misunderstanding led to their divorce…‘ Margaret thought as she watched the two.

“Are you done? If you’re done, you should leave!” Renee said rudely, trying to get him to leave.

Though she wasn’t sure why the man had visited her, she was certain he didn’t have any goodintentions, so she might as well

chase him away as soon as possible.

“Miss Ren, you can’t be so rude!” Margaret admonished. “Mr. Hunt is a guest, and he just saved us. Weshould at least have

him stay for a meal.”

Then, the older woman turned to Stefan and said, “Mr. Hunt, it’s afternoon now, so why don’t you stayfor lunch? What do you usually eat? I can make almost any kind of cuisine, even Western! Just spill

your preferences.”

Stefan turned and observed Margaret for a few moments. After a while, he seemed satisfied andstarted to make uninhibited orders. “I like seafood. Do you know how to make pan–fried salmon withwatercress? Crab linguine is fine too. If you make soup, make sure it’s not too thick…”

Renee clenched her fist as Stefan continued.

“Have you had enough, Stefan? Do you think my house is a restaurant, ordering food like that?!”

She wouldn’t stop herself from waving her arms wildly like she was chasing flies away as she tried tousher Stefan outside. Go, leave! You’re not welcome here! I’m going to close the door!”

Stefan was unmoving as he said coldly. “I don’t need you to welcome me.”

Then he turned to Margaret and continued, “It’s fine as long as you welcome me, Madam.”

Margaret was slightly stunned. She didn’t expect the rumored cold and heartless man to have such achildish side and immediately played along.novelbin

“Yes, of course! You were once the family’s son–in–law, either way, and you’ve also protected Miss Renfor many years! Let me show you what I can do for you today!”

After saying that, Margaret picked up the forgotten bag of groceries and walked into the kitchen,leaving Renee and Stefan to stare at each other awkwardly….

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