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Chapter 1479

Chapter 1479

Francine’s admiration for Adie grew when she heard what he had done. She felt that Adie hadtaken after his mother and grandmother, and he was much better than his reserved father. Adie wasa promising candidate to run Hunt Enterprise in the future, and he might even be more capablethan his father.

“Your grandson nearly got my daughter killed, and you’re laughing? Are you mocking her?” Ethanblustered, his face red in anger. He had wanted Francine to feel guilty, but it looked like she wasmore amused than anything about the whole incident.

Francine snorted. “Yeah, I’m mocking her. She’s an adult, but she was bested by a kid. Isn’t itridiculous?” After that, she took a step toward Ethan and said fiercely, “And for your information, I’mfully aware of my grandson’s character- he’d never attack someone unless they provoked him first.The better question is why he pushed your daughter into the pond; I think you’d better ask yourdaughter about it before putting on a show here.”

“Francine, you… you’ve gone too far!” Ethan bellowed in outrage as he pointed at Francine. “I usedto consider you charming, but you’re actually this arrogant! Seraphina sincerely loves Stefan, butwhat did she get in the end?”

Francine rolled her eyes and scoffed, “How would I know? She can leave if she feels wronged. I’msure there’s a reason

she so desperately wants to be with Stefan anyway.”

“Well, look at you—you don’t even want to resolve this! I guess that officially makes us enemiesfrom today onwards! ” Ethan sneered spitefully. In actual fact, the Murphy family had other plans,but Ethan couldn’t fall out with the Hunts because Seraphina kept pestering Stefan. However, hecould now use today’s incident as an excuse to attack the Hunt family. Even if word got out about

this, others wouldn’t criticize the Murphy family for being cruel, but they would condemn the Huntfamily for being outrageous.

“It’s you who wants to cut ties with us, so don’t involve the youngsters. Although I don’t manage thecompany, I know what your family’s been up to.” Francine was a smart woman, and she was wellaware of the schemes and deception in the business world. The Murphy family had approached theHunt family with ulterior motives, and now they wanted to fall out with them for the same reasontoo.novelbin

“So what if you know? My family will stop investing in your family, and Hunt Enterprise will sufferbecause you’ve put all your money into the field of AL” Gloating, Ethan continued, “I don’t care ifyour son wants to take risks, but don’t drag me into it. I don’t want to suffer any losses with him, sodon’t blame me for retreating.”

Francine’s expression changed and she snarled, “Get lost! My family doesn’t need pity from anupstart like you!”

After Ethan left, Elijah cautiously approached Francine. “Are you alright, Madam Francine?”

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