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Chapter 137

Chapter 137

Renee shot up to instant fame after the summit forum despite being completely unknown prior to it. Shehad become the darling of the electronics technology industry. Many people came to chat with her andwanted to take photos with her, and it was almost as if everything else was forgotten.

It was customary for the successful conclusion of the summit forum to be followed by a celebrationbanquet attended by all of the big players in the industry. Naturally, Stefan and Renee were bothexpected to join the banquet.

The two sat down at the same round table, but there were several people seated between them.Despite having been in a very intimate relationship as husband and wife in the past, not a single wordpassed between them for the duration of the event. In fact, they did not even make

eye contact once.

Truthfully, it was Renee who did not spare Stefan a glance. Stefan, on the other hand, kept his eyesfixed on Renee, giving her the legendary ‘Hunt Stare’ the whole time.

With a glass of drink in her hand and a casual smile on her face, Renee was able to interact with thebig names of the industry with ease. The sight of her laughing and chatting with everyone else madeher look like a successful entrepreneur who had been in the game for many years. There was not asingle trace of the old Mrs. Hunt, who was always shy, reserved and


Stefan wore a gloomy expression throughout the meal. It was as if he had a ‘Do Not Disturb’. sign onhis face. Anytime someone came up to him to propose a toast or to congratulate him, they would be

scared off by his icy, piercing glare. This kept everyone there from approaching him, and they resortedto merely observing him from afar.

This created an interesting scenario in the banquet hall, where the people were clearly divided into twomain groups – on Renee’s side, everyone was laughing and chatting away happily; on Stefan’s side,everyone was silent and the atmosphere was gloomy.

Elijah was standing behind Stefan, and just like him, his eyes had been following Renee very closely.

“Mr. Hunt,” he uttered in a hushed voice, “I never imagined Mrs. Hunt had such a powerful side to herpersonality that’s been tucked away for so long! Not only did she turn out to be a technological genius,she’s also a masterful communicator too! How did we never notice this?”

Stefan pursed his lips and said nothing in reply, but his expression turned even darker.novelbin

“Didn’t you even say,” Elijah babbled on like an idiot who did not know how to read the room,

that you’d let the new director of the association blacklist Azure Group? Well, now it looks like we’d belucky if Mrs. Hunt doesn’t blacklist H Group! What a slap in the face! I must say, that’s really impressiveof her.”

Stefan threw a chilling glare at Elijah, then hissed dangerously, “You should cut off that tongue of yourssince it’s so useless.”

“Mr. Hunt,” Elijah daringly continued like someone who was not afraid of death, “I think you’d better justset your ego aside and remarry Mrs. Hunt. She’s no longer the kind of woman who’s afraid to even stepoutside. She’s now the respected director of the Electronics

Technology Association. If you remarry her, both of you can form a powerful alliance that can easilyconquer the world!”

Stefan remained silent, but he stared at Renee even more intently. The Hunt family was the head of theeight most powerful families in Beach City, and H Group was so powerful that it was practicallyinvincible, so there was no need for Stefan to be thinking about finding a wife just to make himself evenmore powerful. But still… there was no harm in considering remarrying Renee. After all, he despisedthe way she surrounded herself among all those men.

away from everyone All he wanted to do right now was drag her home and hide her away


The possessiveness and jealousy that burned in him shocked Stefan himself, and the furrow betweenhis brows deepened without him realizing it.

Seeing that Stefan said nothing in reply, Elijah assumed that his boss agreed with his suggestion.Mustering up his courage, he cleared his throat and turned to Renee. “Ms. Everheart, Mr. Hunt herewould like to have a drink with you. He’s got something he’d like to talk to you about in private!”

At the time, Renee was happily chatting away with the Minister of the Technology Industry and otherprominent figures in the field, but as soon as she heard what Elijah said, the smile on her face fadedabruptly.

She swirled the glass in her hand, which was filled with orange juice, and turned towards Stefan. Anexpression that Stefan had never seen before appeared in her eyes. With an

inscrutable air, she said, “Since it’s an invitation from Mr. Stefan Hunt himself, it’s an honor I can’tpossibly refuse,”

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