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Chapter 1360

Chapter 1360

“How do you know my favorite fruit is kiwi? We must be quite close if you know that much,” Stefanremarked casually as he smiled and ate his kiwi. novelbin

“Yes, you’re right. You nearly killed my brother, and I nearly killed you. That must make us close, right?”Renee rolled her eyes and said.

“That’s right, so we’re even now. Can we let bygones be bygones and just move on?” Stefan suddenlydemanded, which reminded Renee of Jovan’s shameless behaviour. It seemed like after Stefanreceived Jovan’s blood, he inherited some of his characteristics too.

“I nearly broke your neck but you’re forgiving me so easily? Are you still the petty man I knew?” Raisingher brows, Renee asked.

“What about you? Do you forgive me?” Stefan asked instead.

But Renee averted her gaze and said nothing.

“Why aren’t you answering my question?” Stefan smiled and urged, “Do you still hate me or have youforgiven me? Tell me.”

Renee looked up and met his gaze. “Is it important?”

“Yes, it is.” Stefan nodded eagerly. Something strange was happening to him these days-it was like

Renee had taken over his mind. Sometimes, blurred scenes would flash in his mind, and he knew theywere related to Renee. His instincts told him that Renee was important to him, and her attitude towardshim only confirmed it.

‘I will give you one last chance.Tell me honestly-did you take off my brother’s oxygen mask?” Reneewas no fool. She could guess that the person who did it and engineered Quinton’s accident was notStefan. She knew he could be ruthless sometimes, but he would never use such wicked means toharm others. However, the fact that he was willingly taking the blame for it told her that he was probablytrying to protect someone important to him… but Renee hadn’t figured out who it was. All she knewwas that him lying to her to protect somebody else made her heart ache.

“Yes, I did,” Stefan answered calmly. Although he wasn’t the one who did it, Seraphina had harmedQuinton because of him. It made Stefan feel that he had to be held responsible for it.

“Okay, so you still don’t want to tell me… Well, I’ll never forgive you for being the killer’s accomplice.You’re even more abominable than them!” Renee choked out and glared at him, her eyes full ofdisappointment.

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