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Chapter 1111

When Renee held the documents and went through the formalities to help Jovan transfer to anotherhospital, Jovan’s attending doctor, David, was very surprised.

“Joan, why do you suddenly want to transfer Van to another hospital? He’s now in the critical period ofhis recovery, and he can’t endure the stress of moving to another hospital.”

David was one of the doctors with the most medical experience in the surrounding cities. Besides, hewas amiable, humble, and responsible.

When they first arrived at that town, they came because of David’s medical skills, not to mention hewas also the one treating Jovan’s illness. Hence, they established a very good friendship.

“There’s a special condition, so we need to leave for a while for the time being. When the time is right,we’ll come back again.”

Renee gave David a rough explanation because she could not go into the details.

“If you want to transfer to another hospital, you’ll have to change his attending doctor. You’re aware thatevery doctor’s concept of medicine is different. I think Van’s case isn’t too serious. As long as herecuperates patiently and keeps in a good mood, he’ll slowly get better. At least, I can guarantee thathe can walk again.”

David adjusted his glasses and reminded Renee seriously, “If you transfer him to another hospital andget another doctor, I can’t guarantee that they won’t use extreme treatment on Van after the check-upresults are out. The consequences will be a bit serious by then.”

“What is the extreme treatment?”

“It’s like using muscle regeneration hormones or transplanting new limbs on his body.”

“They can’t possibly do that!!!”

Renee could tell they were unreliable methods, and she expressed her deepest objection.

Injecting muscle regeneration hormones or a limb transplant didn’t seem very much like what anordinary doctor would do.

“So, I suggest you not transfer him to another hospital. After all, we have such good cooperation now.Both you and Van accept my treatment methods. You can’t give up at such a critical time. Don’t youthink so?”

David twirled a pen with his fingers and slowly established his point, trying to persuade Renee withreason.

“Doctor Wilson, you’re right, so I won’t apply for a transfer then. I’ll help to discharge him from thehospital first. We’ll then come back and let him stay here again after a period. Is that possible?

After pondering over it, Renee compromised.

Jovan’s waist injury was almost cured, so he merely needed regular physiotherapy and someointments for the wounds. They could do those kinds of things at home.novelbin

In short, it was fine as long as they did not have to keep staying in this hospital. It would cut off allpossibilities of meeting Stefan.

“Yes, you can do that. But I think Van needs to be hospitalized for another week before his waist injuryis cured. Do you have any urgent affairs? Why do you want to leave in such a hurry?”


Renee bit her lips and tried her best to come up with an excuse. “Van and I have difficulties sleeping inbeds that aren’t ours. We can’t sleep well here, so we’re low in spirits and hard to hold on.”

“All right. I’ll approve it for the time being since you’ve already made up your mind.”

When David knew that he couldn’t dissuade her, he had no choice but to sign the discharge applicationform.

That day, Renee packed up her things and pushed Jovan out rapidly, ignoring that night had fallen.

“No, darling! Are we running away? Do we have to be in such a hurry?”

Sitting in the wheelchair, Jovan became confused.

He heard the hospital’s clock just now. It was midnight… at the moment.

He could not figure out why they had to leave the hospital at this hour. Would they have to catch thelast bus or ride something else?

“Yes, we’re in a hurry.”

Renee closed the door behind her and pushed Jovan to the elevator. She kept looking around in asneaky manner as if she was a thief.

Most of the people were asleep if they were leaving at this hour. So, the probability of meeting thepeople they should not meet was at its lowest.

“Can you tell me why you are in such a hurry?”

Jovan wanted to get to the bottom of it.

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