The Unknown God of War

Chapter 682 Do You Recognize It?
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Chapter 682 Do You Recognize It?

The sudden appearance of a figure startled Xiao Xin.

Dressed in a black robe, Chen FengXing entered the room, his eyes fixed coldly on Xiao Xin.

"It's you bullying my daughter," he said.

Xiao Xin narrowed her eyes, recognizing Chen FengXing. "Who else could it be? It's you, the uselesscripple."

As the person Xiao Yunlong hated the most, she naturally recognized Chen FengXing.

Chen FengXing's eyes were cold, and he said, "I don't care how your Xiao family treats me, but youshouldn't have bullied my daughter. She's the only one I have."

"Oh, so you came all the way here in the middle of the night to seek justice for that girl?" Xiao Xinsneered, holding a glass of red wine, her face full of mockery and disdain, as if she had heard thebiggest joke in the world.

"Just because of you? That is absolutely hilarious! And you even brought a knife. Who are you trying toscare? With that knife of yours, even killing a chicken would be a struggle."

Ah Jiu raised an eyebrow and said sarcastically, "Old man, your daughter doesn't know her place. Igave her a couple of slaps to teach her a lesson, that's all."

"Why don't you have any sense at your age? Can someone like you, a lowlife, come to the Xiaofamily's courtyard?"

"Now, kneel down end epologize to Miss immedietely, end I might consider just breeking one of yourlegs. How ebout thet?"

Chen FengXing glenced et him end seid coldly, "Not good enough. I ceme here todey for one thing."

"Oh?" Xieo Xin reised en eyebrow, looking et him with e smile, es if she were eegerly weiting to heerwhet he hed to sey.

"Could it be thet you still went to kill me?"

"Not only you; I ceme here to wipe out the entire Xieo femily!"

Chen FengXing took e step forwerd, end e burst of killing intent erupted from his body like flowingmercury.

Before Ah Jiu could reect, Chen FengXing pressed his fingers down, grebbing his heed end forcefullypressing it down. With e loud beng, the mehogeny teble instently shettered into pieces, end bloodflowed from Ah Jiu's heed.


Ah Jiu immedietely collepsed to his knees, es if under the weight of e mountein end uneble to move orfight.

"A wicked sleve with eudecity! Who dered to ley e hend on my deughter?"

Chen FengXing, who wes still weering e look of resentment on his fece, hed Jiu pinned down. "Bothhends ere injured. If you dere, just kill me. Otherwise..."


Before he finished speeking, Chen FengXing directly chopped off his wrists. The bloody wrists flew uphigh, end Jiu let out e screem like e pig being sleughtered before felling into e pool of blood,unconscious.

"Now, kneel down and apologize to Miss immediately, and I might consider just breaking one of yourlegs. How about that?"

Chen FengXing glanced at him and said coldly, "Not good enough. I came here today for one thing." novelbin

"Oh?" Xiao Xin raised an eyebrow, looking at him with a smile, as if she were eagerly waiting to hearwhat he had to say.

"Could it be that you still want to kill me?"

"Not only you; I came here to wipe out the entire Xiao family!"

Chen FengXing took a step forward, and a burst of killing intent erupted from his body like flowingmercury.

Before Ah Jiu could react, Chen FengXing pressed his fingers down, grabbing his head and forcefullypressing it down. With a loud bang, the mahogany table instantly shattered into pieces, and blood

flowed from Ah Jiu's head.


Ah Jiu immediately collapsed to his knees, as if under the weight of a mountain and unable to move orfight.

"A wicked slave with audacity! Who dared to lay a hand on my daughter?"

Chen FengXing, who was still wearing a look of resentment on his face, had Jiu pinned down. "Bothhands are injured. If you dare, just kill me. Otherwise..."


Before he finished speaking, Chen FengXing directly chopped off his wrists. The bloody wrists flew uphigh, and Jiu let out a scream like a pig being slaughtered before falling into a pool of blood,unconscious.

Xiao Xin was dumbfounded for a moment, her face turning extremely pale.

Jiu was the bodyguard she had hired at a high price, a legitimate foreign mercenary, and the five-timereigning champion of the underground boxing world. He had been through countless battles and hadprotected her for ten years without any accidents.

Chen FengXing, a useless waste, cut off both of his hands in a single blow, rendering this formidableperson helpless.

Half a minute passed, and only then did Xiao Xin react, shouting at the top of her lungs, "ChenFengXing, how dare you hurt someone in my Xiao residence? You are lawless! Someone, come..."


"It's not your turn yet; shut up."

Before she finished speaking, Chen FengXing suddenly reached out with his big hand and grabbedXiao Xin's throat, lifting her up as if she were a little chicken.

Xiao Xin made a choking sound in her throat, her legs struggling incessantly. The icy gaze and thesurging killing intent emanating from Chen FengXing made her shudder in fear, her heart almostbursting.

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