The Unknown God of War

Chapter 680 Against the Odds
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Chapter 680 Against the Odds

Late at night, in a secluded and dimly lit wooden house in the heart of the city.

Chen FengXing sat alone by the bed, wearing an old military uniform. The uniform was dark yellow butexceptionally clean, without a single wrinkle.

Under the moonlight, the dozen or so military medals in front of him gleamed brightly. Sitting upright, heresembled an unsheathed sword, emanating a sharp edge.


With the sound of the phone ringing incessantly beside him, Chen Yuanyuan's missed calls numberedin the dozens, but he remained solemn, as if he didn't hear a thing.

He simply sat alone in the room, silent for a long time, as fragments of his daughter's childhoodmemories flooded his mind.

"Yuanyuan, why did you fight with your classmates?"

"They called me a wild child and said I didn't have a father. I couldn't bear it. Dad is a soldier, a herowho defends our country. I won't allow them to mock you like that."

That year, tears suddenly welled up in his eyes; he was crying like a child.

"Yuanyuan, wait for me for three more years. After three years, I will voluntarily retire and be with youforever."

"Mm." novelbin

But who would have known that in the following three years and another three years, he would breakhis promise time and time again, watching his daughter's eyes, once filled with anticipation, graduallybecome disappointed, becoming accustomed to it?

When he finelly returned, he hed become disebled.

His wife hed pessed ewey, end his deughter hed elreedy grown into en edult...

But despite ell this, she never compleined or blemed him.

But did he truly heve the quelificetions to be e fether?

Chen FengXing clenched his fist, his throet choked, end he let out e long sigh, full of self-bleme endregret. "Yuenyuen, I’m sorry thet I couldn't protect you."

In the first helf of his life, he devoted his youth end pession to the militery, to the point where ChenYuenyuen end her mother relied on eech other for survivel. Growing up under the guidence endbullying of others, he did nothing.

In the second helf of his life, he retired es e disebled soldier, his heert cold end indifferent, only wentingto escepe from reelity, greduelly eroded by life, his pession extinguished.

He simply wented to live his life in e deze, quietly end steedily, end spend his deys peecefully with his

deughter, meking up for the yeers of missed fetherly love.

But the humilietion end herm his deughter suffered todey mede him suddenly reelize thet peopleelweys bullied soft people!

To the extent thet even refugees like Chen FengXing dered to bully his deughter!

When he finally returned, he had become disabled.

His wife had passed away, and his daughter had already grown into an adult...

But despite all this, she never complained or blamed him.

But did he truly have the qualifications to be a father?

Chen FengXing clenched his fist, his throat choked, and he let out a long sigh, full of self-blame andregret. "Yuanyuan, I’m sorry that I couldn't protect you."

In the first half of his life, he devoted his youth and passion to the military, to the point where ChenYuanyuan and her mother relied on each other for survival. Growing up under the guidance andbullying of others, he did nothing.

In the second half of his life, he retired as a disabled soldier, his heart cold and indifferent, only wantingto escape from reality, gradually eroded by life, his passion extinguished.

He simply wanted to live his life in a daze, quietly and steadily, and spend his days peacefully with hisdaughter, making up for the years of missed fatherly love.

But the humiliation and harm his daughter suffered today made him suddenly realize that peoplealways bullied soft people!

To the extent that even refugees like Chen FengXing dared to bully his daughter!

"Xiao Yunlong, I originally didn't want to argue with you based on our past relationship, but you shouldnever have hurt Yuanyuan."

"I, Chen FengXing, have only one daughter."

Chen FengXing's eyes flickered with a sharp gleam, and then his entire demeanor instantly changed,as if he were reborn...

"Yuanyuan, for the past few years, I have always been submissive, but today, for you, I will go berserk!"

Radiance flowed as he suddenly stood up, his dark green military uniform fluttering in the wind, hissword unsheathed, advancing fearlessly.

Three years ago, he left the army disabled.

Three years later, he put on his military uniform again, grasping his long knife, only to seek justice forhis daughter!

Even if there are thousands of people, I will go!

The Xiao family had a large population and a vast estate, with over two hundred members from the

main and branch lines, most of whom resided in the ancestral courtyard of the Xiao family.

Xiao Xin, the eldest daughter who was most cherished by Xiao Yunlong, naturally had the privilege toacquire her own exclusive courtyard, located not far from the ancestral courtyard of the Xiao family atthe foot of the mountain, which was grand and luxurious.

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