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Chapter 63

Chu Feng hugged the beautiful woman in his arms, then used his right hand to wave on top of herhead, instantly forming a shapeless wall of air that blocked the rain from falling on top of her, and thewater drained away from the sides of the wall of air; it was as if they were in another world.

The group of bodyguards from the Yun Family were stunned. They looked at each other and none ofthem knew what sorcery this was.

At this time, Chu Feng raised his head. His glance swept across Yun Xiaoyue who was standing there,then asked simply, “You forced her to kneel just now?”

Yun Xiaoyue could feel a murderous aura from him, but when she thought of her own lofty identity andwealthy family background, she cracked a smile. She puffed out her chest and proudly lifted her headwith insufferable arrogance. “So what if I did? I can ask her to kneel. This is her fate as a lowly woman.I…”

Before she could finish her sentence, Chu Feng flicked his five fingers and it was as if an invisible handhad grabbed Yun Xiaoyue. With a loud booming sound, the bones in her legs fractured into pieces, andshe fell onto the ground into a kneeling position.

“Who are you to ask my woman to kneel?” Soon after Yun Xiaoyue gave a terrified cry, Chu Fengflicked his five fingers again and there was another loud bang, and Yun Xiaoyue ended up splayedacross the ground and her whole body fell into the mud pile. She was covered from head to toe in mud,looking absolutely miserable like a poor stray dog.

At that moment, there was a deathly hush, as though even the rain had paused in its tracks. The groupof people from the Yun Family was dumbstruck. They watched the scene with their mouths wide open

and couldn't react. What was actually happening? The majestic Yun Family’s Miss High-and-Mighty, theeldest child, was actually getting beaten up at the entrance to the Yun House? More importantly, theperpetrator was somebody they looked down on. Somebody they thought they could trample on at will,Yun Muqing’s boyfriend? This drama took a very quick turn, and they had trouble keeping up.

At this time, Yun Xiaoyue—whose whole body was in the mud under Chu Feng’s foot—felt veryhumiliated and angry. She shouted, “Are you all dead people? I got beaten up by this as*hole!”

The group of bodyguards from the Yun Family came to their senses at this time. Since they knew thattheir duty was to serve and protect, it was finally their opportunity to shine.

“You dare to cause trouble on the Yun Family’s property? Are you looking for death?”

“Surround him and chop off his hands and legs. Turn him into a human rod so that Miss can vent heranger.”

The surrounding bodyguards rushed forward and quickly had Chu Feng surrounded, all of themsneered in an imposing manner. But within the next second, the arrogant sneers on their facessuddenly turned to fear, and eventually into mournful and miserable howls.

Chu Feng looked calm as he swept a glance at them. Then, he flicked his hand and the rain that wasoriginally falling from the sky was momentarily attracted to him and became a whirlpool in front of him.He flicked his hand again, and the countless raindrops sprayed outward. Those ordinary raindropswere like a barrage of bullets, hitting the bodyguards in both legs. Blood burst out of their bodies andthey all fell into the mud, howling and crying for mercy.

“You only live once, so please watch yourself and not provoke me again.” Chu Feng’s voice was cold

and it fell on every bodyguard’s ears. He was practically death personified, and all the bodyguardswere terrified.

Even after his voice disappeared, the rain continued to fall, pattering without respite, as if nothing hadhappened.

Yun Xiaoyue was completely stunned; what kind of sorcery was this? “W-Who are you?” Yun Xiaoyuefelt like her heart was beating so hard that it was about to jump out of her throat. This man before herhad given her an other-worldly fright. novelbin

“Somebody who can send you to your grave.” Chu Feng looked down at her, his eyes were full ofmurderous intent. He held the unconscious Yun Muqing in his arms and said in a low voice, “If youdon’t want to die, then apologize to my woman.”

Yun Xiaoyue shot the unconscious Yun Muqing with a poisonous glance. With disdain, she retorted,“You want me to apologize to this lowly woman? In your dreams. Let me warn you. I am the eldestdaughter of the majestic Yun Family. Here is…”

Before she could finish her sentence, another loud bag was heard and Yun Xiaoyue’s right armsuddenly started to bleed. It was so painful that she cried out and tumbled into the mud, battered andexhausted.

The four bodyguards all took in audible gasps one after another; all this man did was wave his handand he could cripple a person, just what kind of sorcery is this?

Chu Feng’s voice was cold as he ordered, “Apologize.”

Yun Xiaoyue was dissatisfied and angry. “You will pay the price. I will make sure you die without aburial ground.”

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