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Chapter 577

"According to my father's words, I instructed my brothers to calculate Hu Tianba's assets early in themorning, and everything is here."

As Lu Hui said it, he presented a thick bundle of bills, containing various valuable items such as goldand silver jewelry, antique calligraphy and paintings, a significant amount of money, land deeds formultiple villas, and company share contracts.

"I have also taken care of Hu Tianba's mistresses, and they are willing to serve you…"

Master Lu suddenly smiled and remarked, "You're sensible and know what's going on."

If Hu Tianba's spirit existed, he would surely be furious in his grave upon seeing his once-trusted elderbrother taking control of his family assets and claiming his women after his death…

"Now, who is in charge of Hu Tianba's territory? I remember there was a man named Li somethingcompeting with him in that area," Master Lu asked while holding a purple sand pot.

"Li Hongtu is worth billions and is considered a prominent figure in the business world, but he doesn'thold much sway in the underground scene," Lu Hui proudly declared, exuding confidence. "If Fatherdislikes him, I can make him disappear."

"No rush, I've heard that Li Hongtu has a stunningly beautiful daughter who just turned twenty thisyear."

Master Lu narrowed his eyes, his smile becoming mysterious. "They say she's a talented student whostudied abroad, possessing an unyielding personality—a true spirited horse."

"I love conquering spirited horses the most."

"I understand, Father."

Lu Hui respectfully nodded. "Tonight, there will be a banquet for guests and friends to celebrateFather's reunion and the marriage of the ninth concubine."

"You have great insight. Among my sons, you are the most sensible and understand me the best…"

Master Lu burst into laughter.

While chaos consumed Yenching, Chu Feng and Yun Muqing were still fast asleep.

The strong sunlight caused Chu Feng to furrow his brows and slowly wake up.

His arm felt slightly numb, and Yun Muqing, like a lazy sleeping kitten, peacefully rested her head onChu Feng's arm as a pillow. novelbin

With her long eyelashes, delicate nose, plump red lips, and a faint blush on her beautiful face, she wasutterly enchanting.

Chu Feng lifted the covers halfway, revealing a flawless and milky-white figure before his eyes. Thesmooth and plump body bore the marks of their passionate night, giving Chu Feng a sense offulfillment—

"The night was long, and the morning has come. From now on, I shall skip the early court sessions."

Now he finally understood why there are so many foolish rulers in the world.

Truly, this comfort is unmatched.

In Ruanrou Town, where heroes lie buried, not to mention there were more than 3,000 beauties in theharem.

Chu Feng stretched his body, and despite his physical fitness, he felt a slight soreness and stiffness,which made him sigh with emotion—this woman is truly captivating.

"A woman's waist is a lethal weapon."

The ancients never misled me.

Chu Feng playfully pinched Yun Muqing's nose. "Wake up."

Yun Muqing lazily waved her hand. "Go away, let me sleep a little longer."

Chu Feng had no choice but to lower his voice. "I'm sorry, I'll take off the covers"

Yun Muqing suddenly widened her beautiful eyes, leaped up like a startled kitten, and pouted."Shameless!"

Chu Feng remained silent but merely gestured, appreciating the breathtaking view as the nakedwoman's body playfully smiled.


A scream filled the air…

Then, a pillow flew towards Chu Feng.

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