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Chapter 544

Xu Yiming was raging at the security guards when a middle-aged man in a uniform came to theentrance. He wore a name tag that said "Front of House Manager."

He waved his hand to dismiss the security guards, then glanced at Xu Yiming. "It's you, Mr. Xu! Thosetwo guards are new recruits. They don't know who you are. I sincerely apologize for the oversight."

Xu Yiming's expression softened a little. He said arrogantly, "You ought to be more discerning whenhiring your security guards. If this happens again, I'll make sure they're fired immediately. Also, preparethe best private room for me. I'm treating my in-laws to dinner."

He took another step forward. This time, the manager stopped him.

"You heard what they said earlier, Mr. Xu. The entire restaurant is reserved. Mr. Li's orders. Only Mr.Chu and his friends can go in. I'm sorry that you'll have to leave."

Xu Yiming's expression instantly sank. "What do you mean I can't go in? I spend five million dollars inyour restaurant every year, and I'm a platinum-level VIP member. How dare you refuse my business?Do you want to lose your job too?"

Behind him, Yu Hui and Zhou Li were also whispering to each other, criticizing the stupidity of themanager.

Zhou Lie and his family were watching the drama from afar and smirking to themselves.

Earlier, Zhou Yong's family had mocked Chu Feng for being useless, and they thought Xu Yiming wasvery powerful. They wanted to see what Xu Yiming would do this time. novelbin

"I can't let you in even if you're a diamond-level member. These are Mr. Li's orders," the manager saidwith a disdainful smirk and puffed his chest. "If you insist on intruding on Mr. Li's party, I'll have to kickyou out by force."

He spoke into his walkie-talkie. In a few seconds, a group of eight security guards appeared at therestaurant entrance, and they glared at Xu Yiming with hostility.

Xu Yiming's face became awkwardly taut. If the security guards really kicked him out, his reputationwould be ruined, and he would be the laughingstock among his friends.

"Hey, is that how you treat your customers? Don't you know that the customer is always right? I'll haveyou written up!" Yu Hui yelled at the manager.

"Don't you know who my boyfriend is? If he doesn't like you, he'll make sure you won't get a job in theentire Yenching!" Zhou Li said threateningly.

"Do whatever you like!" The manager smirked. "I'd like to remind you that Hongbin Restaurant belongsto Hongtu Corporation. You might want to think twice if you want to cause trouble in Mr. Li's territory!"

He waved his hand, and the security guards threw Yu Hui and Zhou Li out as though they weregarbage bags.

The manager dared to do so because the influential Li Hongtu had given him authority. He was onlypolite to Xu Yiming because he came from a wealthy family, but the manager also knew that Xu Yimingwas powerless when compared to Li Hongtu.

Xu Yiming and the others were furious, but they dared not do anything rash. They could only stamptheir feet and bicker among themselves.

"Well, whatever! They're not the only restaurant in Yenching anyway! Let's go somewhere else," ZhouYong said sullenly. He did not like putting on airs, so he would rather go somewhere else anyway.

Even so, Yu Hui was angry that she was unceremoniously booted from the establishment. It was worsewhen she saw Zhou Lie and his family standing at a distance laughing at them.

"Why are you still standing there? Didn't you hear the manager say you're not invited? Get lost!"

Zhou Ying smirked and lifted her chin. "Right, we shouldn't be standing here. We should be going intothe restaurant! Too bad you're not invited! Aren't you ashamed of yourselves?"

"Is that how you speak to your aunt? Where are your manners?" Yu Hui yelled angrily.

"It's okay, Mom. There's no point in being angry at them. If we can't go in, how can they expect to betreated?" Zhou Li said while shooting Zhou Ying a hostile glare.

"That's right, Mrs. Zhou. If they can step into Hongbin Restaurant, I'll eat my shoe!" Xu Yiming shouteddisdainfully.

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