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Chapter 53

Li Ziyang deliberately held his head up, as if to demonstrate his stubborn pride in his family name. Hehad no idea whether that last trump card of his was effective on Chu Feng, so he put on the front of aman with nothing to lose and roared, “If push comes to shove, you’re going down with me!” novelbin

There was a saying in psychology that when humans feared the worst, their fear turned to rage. Andnow, Li Ziyang was just one straw away from breaking the camel’s back—

“Going down with you?” Chu Feng gave him an aloof glance, then scoffed. “You’re not fit to do eventhat.” Just then, Chu Feng received a call. After glancing at it, he put the call on speaker but did not sayanything, and simply savored his tea while the caller spoke.

“M-Mr. Chu, I humbly apologize for the disrespectful behavior of that twerp, Ma Jun. I’ve already taughthim a lesson by stripping him of all his positions at the Chamber and sending him for gold-mining inAfrica, so that he may rot there. Please spare him, Mr. Chu…” A voice that sounded obedient, almostsubservient and begging for mercy, made Li Ziyang’s face fall and his eyes widened when herecognised who it was.

Ma Sanyuan of the Chamber? This man had been childless his whole life and spoiled his nephew, MaJun because of this. That was why Ma Jun was quite lawless even among the elite circles of Jiangling,and Li Ziyang himself was not exempt from showing him respect. But now, Ma Sanyuan had exiled hisprecious nephew to Africa, just so Chu Feng would show him mercy? What in the world?

“Got it.” Chu Feng said simply, as if he was merely ticking a minor item off a checklist.

After that, Ma Sanyuan awkwardly continued, “There’s, um, one more thing, Mr. Chu. Please ask yourmen to revoke their convictions. The Chamber has hundreds of people still locked up in prison, and my

companies are all crashing hard in the stock market. My nightclubs, my realties, my spas have all beenshut down and driven out of business. I’ve already learnt my lesson and turned over a new leaf, and Ihave apologized personally to Mr. Zhou. Please, I beg for your mercy and spare me something to makea living with, Mr. Chu…”

At that moment, Li Ziyang felt thunderstruck and dumbfounded. He’d essentially witnessed how the Lifamily would eventually go down, and now he understood Chu Feng’s words—he didn’t have the powerto take Chu Feng down with him, not even close. It was in this moment that his pride, his dignity andbottom line were all shattered with just one call.

With a thud, Li Ziyang fell to his knees shaking and suffocating on his fear as he begged, “GeneralChu, please have mercy.” This supposedly exceptional young man had finally bent his knees and kneltbefore Chu Feng, shaking as cold sweat drenched the back of his suit.

A few days ago the news of the Chamber’s Ma Sanyuan being subjected to ‘a wipeout of disastrousproportions’ had rocked the elite social circle of Jiangling. Overnight, hundreds of the Chamber’semployees were arrested and some of the city’s most high-performing realties had their supply chaincut off by the banks. At the same time, the taxation, industrial, judicial and many other authorities shutdown the Chamber’s businesses at the same time, bringing it to the verge of bankruptcy in a singlenight. As if that wasn’t enough, rumor had it that Ma Sanyuan’s benefactor in the provincialadministration was imprisoned after an anonymous tip led to his conviction for over 30 criminaloffenses, cutting off Ma Sanyuan’s backup support as well.

After this incident, just whispers in the wind were enough to terrify the wealthiest in Jiangling. Whoknew which powerful bigshot had the influence to bring down Ma Sanyuan, the man who’d ruledJiangling’s underworld for over twenty years? But now, Li Ziyang understood perfectly that thelegendary bigshot with limitless power was standing right before him; all of this had been orchestrated

by Chu Feng!

Even Ma Sanyuan, with a net worth of three billion and twenty years of experience with the Chamber,became a ruined man overnight! In the face of Chu Feng, there was nothing Li Ziyang could do butkneel and beg for mercy.

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