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Chapter 489

Dragon Soul acted faster than Chu Feng expected.

He received a call within twenty minutes of returning to Haitang Garden Mansion.

"Speak," Chu Feng said while watering a potted lily.

"Yes, Dragon Lord. We acted upon your instructions. Among the four military regions, we've weededout many spies from the Martial Arts Alliance," the person on the other end of the call said excitedly."We found thirteen officials involved in this conspiracy. They're scattered across all military regionswaiting for the chance to sow chaos. Just like you wanted, every one of them is summarily executed.The Headquarters also wants me to thank you for your information. If we hadn't found out about theexistence of Martial Arts Alliance spies, they would've continued to gain influence in the military. I can'timagine what would happen in two or three years!"

Chu Feng listened to the report but said nothing. He had no reaction toward this piece of good news.

However, he was surprised that Wei Zhongxian managed to insert thirteen spies into the higher ranksof the military.

In only five years, the Martial Arts Alliance had grown from a motley gang to a serious threat to thenation's security.

It was obvious that Wei Zhongxian wanted to rule over the entire country as emperor.

"Thank you, my brothers. I'm happy you acted faster than I expected," Chu Feng said. "I'll submit areport to the Headquarters and give you all the credit."

"No, this is what we should do. We wouldn't dare to take the credit," the man on the other end of thecall said. He hesitated for a while before continuing, "There has been an oversight in this mission. YunTing, Wei Zhongxian's son-in-law managed to escape because he happened to be in Jiangling. By thetime we found him, Wei Zhongxian had already been alerted, and he dispatched three eighth-classgrandmasters and two hundred martial arts elites to bring him out of the country. Don't worry though,we've already contacted international law enforcement authorities to arrest and execute him."

Chu Feng grinned. "Oh? Looks like Wei Zhongxian adores his son-in-law. Eighth-class grandmastersare one in a million, and he dispatched three of them." novelbin

As shrewd as Wei Zhongxian might be, he forgot that Chu Feng was not only the Dragon Soul's God ofWar in Donghua, but also Lord Ashura of the Western Mafia World!

Yun Ting might be able to survive if he remained in Donghua, but if he went to the West, where all thecriminal organizations respected Lord Ashura, he would be dead for sure, as long as Chu Feng gavethe word.

"I can't blame you for that. I've already made arrangements to deal with Yun Ting," Chu Feng said whilepruning the potted plant.

"Yes, Dragon Lord…" The other person hesitated for a while, and he began to sob. "Dragon Lord, whenare you coming back here? Your brothers in Xi Ye miss you. We're waiting for you to lift the banneragain…"

Chu Feng's body trembled subconsciously as memories flashed past his mind. "The world is at peacenow. Does it matter if I return? To be frank, I enjoy my life now. At least those old geezers in Yenching

wouldn't have to rack their brains to think of how to get rid of me. I'm sure they still remember how I hadraided their homes and confiscated their ill-gotten gains to fund the conquest of the West."

"Take care, Dragon Lord."

The man sighed before hanging up.

Now that the world was at peace, Chu Feng knew that his life in the military had to come to an end.

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