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Chapter 444

As soon as Chu Feng hung up, a group of men in bespoke suits and leather shoes walked in throughthe door. Yun Jiaqiang and the other shareholders were surprised by the spectacle.

"I am Liu Fang, the vice chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of the Four Seas. On behalf of theChamber of Commerce, here's a deposit of five hundred million dollars." A gentlemanly figure solemnlyplaced a check on the table.

I am Tang Yun, vice president of Tang Corporation. Mr. Tang has ordered me to pay one billion dollarsto you in advance."

"I am Fang Ping, treasurer of the Fang family…"

"I am from Feng Yun Group…"

The shareholders gasped and shuddered when they saw another check placed on the table.novelbin

Oh my! That's another billion dollars! And they just placed it on the table!

Yun Xiaoyue's jaw dropped. Yun Jiaqiang nearly fell from his chair.

Any of those individuals who had just entered the conference room was a billionaire. If they combinedtheir finances, they could buy Yun Group ten times over!

Even so, those people personally delivered checks to Chu Feng and stood behind him. That was aridiculous sight to behold!

Just who is that guy? was the thought in the shareholders' minds.

Chu Feng's gaze swept over the shocked crowd and said, "The money is in front of you. If you stilldon't believe me, you can get the checks verified."

The shareholders contacted the finance department. In ten minutes, the department head came intothe conference room with his laptop and pointed at the table with a trembling finger. "The money… isreal…"

Of all the years he was the head of the department, he had never seen so much money before.

Everyone in the conference room exclaimed in surprise. Some of the shareholders cheered excitedly.

"Yun Group will soar to greater heights with that money! That's billions of dollars!"

"We're all multi-millionaires now! Haha! We won't have to work for the next ten years!"

"Muqing is young and accomplished! I knew she's an outstanding individual since she's a girl."

"Yes, that's right! It's an honor to have Muqing taking the helm!"

The shareholders immediately switched allegiances and showered Yun Muqing with flattery. If they hadtheir way, they would be on their knees worshiping her.

Yun Muqing gawked at Chu Feng, confused by the sudden turn of events. Yun Xiaoyue and YunJiaqiang were extremely displeased.

"You said it yourself, Yun Jiaqiang. If Yun Muqing can bring more profits than you to the company, youare willing to voluntarily give up your position," Chu Feng stood up and said while glaring at YunJiaqiang.

"I propose relieving Yun Jiaqiang from his position as president of Yun Group and electing Yun Muqingto take his place. If you agree, raise your hand."


Other than Yun Jiaqiang and Yun Xiaoyue, all twenty-odd shareholders raised their hands without anyhesitation. They looked impatient as though they could not wait for Yun Muqing to be the companypresident.

Those people might be leeches, but they were not idiots. No one would say no to billions of dollarsworth of profits!

"You… You can't do that!" Yun Jiaqiang yelled and pointed at hu Feng angrily. "You're not a companyshareholder, Chu Feng. You can't propose a motion!"

"That's right! You can't do that to us! Didn't we agree on kicking Yun Muqing out of the company? All ofyou took our presents!" Yun Xiaoyue yelled angrily.

To ensure her plan would succeed, she visited each of the shareholders' houses and brought themlavish gifts. Not only was Yun Muqing still in the company, but her father was also removed from hisposition!

"You shouldn't say that, Xiaoyue. Didn't you hear what your father said earlier? The real world operates

on money! Now that Muqing has proven herself to be more capable than your father, it's obvious whoshould be the president!"

"She brought us billions worth of contracts, while you messed up your two-hundred-million-dollar deal.Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

"That's right! Your father did nothing constructive in his twenty years of being the president. He shouldmake way for the younger generation."

"I've always known Muqing to be an outstanding individual…"

"Yeah! That girl is more capable than your father. I wonder what he's been doing all these years? Whata waste of our time!"

The shareholders did not have any reservations about dressing down Yun Jiaqiang and Yun Xiaoyue.

"You… You…"

Yun Jiaqiang clutched his chest and fell unconscious.

"Father!" Yun Xiaoyue cried.

The shareholders quickly dispersed and left the conference room.

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