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Chapter 437

Yun Muqing felt uncomfortable and angry when she heard how her mother and aunt were slanderingChu Feng.

She frowned and wanted to speak up for Chu Feng, but when she opened her mouth, she decided notto say anything.

She knew their characters very well. Anything she said would only fuel their anger, and they might evenshift the blame to her.

It did not matter what they thought of Chu Feng. She knew what Chu Feng had done for her and DuoDuo, and that was enough.

Yun Muqing sighed silently and glanced at her wristwatch. She was going to be late for the Yun Groupshareholders' general meeting.

She said, "Aunt Fengqin, your test results came out fine, and your injuries aren't that serious. Shouldwe pack up and prepare for your discharge today?"

"Discharge? How can you possibly think that, Muqing? My face is still swollen, and you're telling methat I have to leave the hospital? Where's your conscience?"

Li Fengqin was furious. She pointed at Li Fenglan and said, "Is that how you educate your daughter,Sis? I've done so much to match her with Mr. Fang, and is this how she should treat me?"

Li Fenglan comforted her sister while casting resentful glances at Yun Muqing. "How can you say that,

Muqing? Apologize to your aunt now!"

Yun Muqing inhaled deeply to suppress her anger. "How about this? I'll pay for your hospital bill, andyou can stay here for as long as you like. Are you happy now?"

"What's the meaning of this, Muqing? Do you think I have some sort of terminal disease, and you'rewaiting for me to die?" Li Fengqin was so angry that she threw a cup at the wall. "Do you know howlong it takes for me to travel to Jiangling, and you want me to stay in the hospital? Is that how you treatyour relatives?"

Despite her mild temper, Yun Muqing's anger was manifesting on her face. "Aunt Fengqin, if you don'twant to stay and don't want to leave, what do you want? I still have a lot of work at the office, and I'vealready spent the entire night with you. Do you expect me to look after you twenty-four hours a day?"

Li Fenglan was feeling embarrassed. Even she thought her sister was asking for too much.

"Now you've finally shown your true colors! Now that you're the director of the company, you must belooking down upon us poor relatives!" Li Fengqin crossed her arms and said sarcastically. "You don'twant us to be here, right? Do we embarrass you that much? If you don't welcome our presence, youcan tell us straight to our faces, and we'll leave! How ungrateful!"

Li Fenglan quickly dragged Yun Muqing aside. "Don't be like that, Muqing. She's your aunt," she said.

Yun Muqing had enough of the emotional blackmail. "What do you want me to do, Aunt Fengqin? Youdon't have to beat around the bush."

Li Fengqin lifted her chin and revealed her true intentions. "If you still think of me as your aunt, it means

you still have a shred of conscience within you. I'll get straight to the point then. Indeed, I have a favorto ask of you…"

She pointed at her son who was browsing his phone while sitting on the sofa. "Your cousin justgraduated from college earlier this year. He's an outstanding and capable individual. I thought he couldlearn a thing or two by working in Yun Group, and you can arrange a position for him."

She continued without feeling any shame, "He can be the vice director. I'm sure he'll be very helpful toyou. His salary? A million dollars a month should suffice, and the company should give him a BMW 7Series car. You'll have to give him accommodation too, at least a mansion in the city center. Oh, andyou shouldn't tire him out. He's still young, and I don't want him to overwork himself. Can you get himsome beautiful young women as his secretaries too? My son doesn't have a girlfriend yet."novelbin

"They must be virgins," Li Hua said and lifted his chin in an act of misplaced confidence. "I'm not intosecond-hand goods."

Yun Muqing was about to blow her top at the ridiculous requests.

How deluded can she get to make such demands? She wants me to give her son a job, a car, a house,and even a girlfriend? I'm not his mother!

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