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Chapter 427

Fang Zhong, who had been standing behind Chu Feng, stepped out and yelled like a sidekick, "You'vegone too far this time, Huang Feihu! Mr. Chu is the Fang family's honored guest. If you still consideryourself a part of the Martial Arts Alliance, you'd better let the hostage go now! Otherwise, Grandfatherwill hear about this!"

Even though Fang Zhong looked angry, he was actually trembling inside. He had no martial arts skills,and it was obvious why he was fearful when facing a grandmaster. However, he wanted to prove hisloyalty to Chu Feng.

Huang Feihu spat and laughed. "So it's you, the little whelp of the Fang family! Hahaha! I admit yourgrandfather Fang Zhentian might be qualified to compete in an arm-wrestling match with me, but you?"

He charged over and slapped Fang Zhong in the face. "Get out of my face!"

"You!" Fang Zhong's cheek was bleeding. He was furious, but he dared not offend Huang Feihu anyfurther.

Huang Feihu was a martial arts grandmaster and had the favor of the Nonamillennial. If even thepresident of the Jiangbei region posed no threat to him, who was Fang Zhong to tell him what to do? novelbin

"Hahaha, is that all you've got? Do you think your grandfather can help you? What a joke!"

Huang Feihu slapped Fang Zhong again and toppled him. Arrogantly, he pointed at Chu Feng and said,"I'll give you one chance to kneel and apologize to me while I have my way with your woman. I mightjust be merciful enough to spare your life!"

His chin was lifted high, and he acted like a god looking down upon mortal beings. The platinumemblem on his chest, his unmistakable status symbol, glinted coldly under the moonlight.

The disciples of the Martial Arts Alliance cheered excitedly. They would worship Huang Feihu on thespot.

Chu Feng finished tidying up Tang Sisi's appearance. He calmly turned his head around and said, "DidI say you could speak?"

"What the f*ck… How dare you! You have a death wish!" Huang Feihu roared ferociously. Withterrifying force, he threw a punch that could rip the air apart.

That was the Tiger Fist, Huang Feihu's signature move. According to rumors, the Nonamillennial hadpersonally taught him the technique. With the technique, Huang Feihu broke through to thegrandmaster level in a mere two years.

The disciples were extremely excited. It was an honor to witness a grandmaster using his signaturemove!

Chu Feng lifted his right hand and waved it gently.



Huang Feihu's stout body jerked violently and fell to the ground, raising a dust cloud. A human-shaped

hole about three inches deep was created on the concrete floor.

"What the…"

The disciples' excitement turned into shock and horror as they watched the scene unfold in disbelief.

Huang Feihu got to his feet and roared, "You b*stard! I'll kill you…"

Boom! He fell on all fours once more before he could take a step.

The scene repeated itself another eight times. Every time Huang Feihu got up, Chu Feng waved hishand and brought him down to all fours again.

One could say Chu Feng managed to catch Huang Feihu by surprise for the first time, but eight times?

The truth was plain for all to see. Huang Feihu was no match at all for Chu Feng!

Everyone gasped in surprise when they reached that conclusion, followed by a deathly silence thatpervaded the backyard.

"I'm finished!" Huang Shengshou's heart dropped. He felt as though he was thrown into the depths ofhell.

The Martial Arts Alliance disciples were dumbfounded. Their respected master who had never lost abattle was being treated like a dog and could not fight back!

Even though Fang Zhong was also shocked, he was incredibly excited. He understood he had made

the right move.

"I guess this is all I've got. What do you think?" Chu Feng said while Huang Feihu struggled to get onhis feet. He was already severely injured.

The shock and unease were evident on his face, but there was no fear.

"I admit you're much stronger than I am, but what about it? I'm an important figure in the Martial ArtsAlliance, and no martial arts practitioner in this country would dare to go against it!"

Huang Feihu glared sternly at Chu Feng. The emblem on his chest glimmered. It was like a symbol ofworship that could provide him endless strength.

"No matter how powerful you might be, you're still no match for the Nonamillennial and the eight milliondisciples he commands! Are you going to risk your life offending him?"

Huang Feihu was standing straight by now. Everyone could hear the pride and confidence in his voice.

Dropping the Nonamillennial's name was like a get-out-of-jail-free card in the martial arts world. No onewould dare to go against the leader of the Martial Arts Alliance.

"The Nonamillennial?" Chu Feng narrowed his gaze and rested his hands behind him as thoughreminiscing about something. "Is that what the eunuch Wei Zhongxian goes by now? He's doing prettywell for himself after my retirement…"

Huang Feihu's eyes widened, and his jaw dropped as though he had heard the most blasphemousstatement ever uttered.

The one hundred Martial Arts Alliance disciples went pale and gasped in shock.

How dare he… How dare he utter the Nonamillennial's name?

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