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Chapter 349

Yun Muqing shrieked out loud and woke up abruptly from her dream. She sat there dumbfounded anddrenched in sweat.

"What's wrong, Muqing?" Cheng Meixin asked worriedly. She was woken up by the commotion.

"It's… It's nothing, Meixin. Let's go back to sleep," Yun Muqing said and lay back down. Her eyesremained open, and she could not stop thinking about things.

Yun Muyu's nonsense resurfaced in her mind once more. "Sis, I really think Chu Feng is Duo Duo'sbiological dad. He's probably the man you met in the bar five years ago. Why didn't he attempt toreunite with you? It's because he feels guilty. He ignored you and your daughter for five years, and hecan't bring himself to reunite with you two. Now, he wants to protect you from the sidelines so he canredeem himself."

Yun Muqing bit her lip. Those words rang in her mind over and over again. She flipped to her side andmumbled to herself, "Just who are you, Chu Feng?"

Yun Muqing woke up at eight o'clock the next day. She went to the restaurant within the resort to haveher breakfast.

As she looked into the eyes of Chu Feng, who was sitting opposite her and chatting away happily, sheblushed and remembered what Cheng Meixin told her the night before…

Cheng Meixin had described to her many unmentionable maneuvers, and that had translated into arare dream in which she made out with a man.

Of course, that man was Chu Feng.

Even though it was only a dream, she could not help but blush when she recalled it.

I'm not someone who'd dream of naughty dreams! And why must the man be Chu Feng?

"What's wrong, Muqing?" Chu Feng was confused. He reached out and touched her forehead. "Do youhave a fever?"

"I'm… I'm fine." Yun Muqing lowered her head and continued eating her breakfast as though nothinghappened. She stuffed a hard-boiled egg in her mouth and realized she had not peeled it.

Cheng Meixin smiled brilliantly, happy that Yun Muqing seemed to have absorbed her teachings andwas putting them into practice.

I hope she's thinking of what she's going to do with Chu Feng tonight. Another marriage saved!

Yang Gang was wondering what was going on. "Why are you so happy that Yuqing has a fever?"

"None of your business!" Cheng Meixin huffed and glared at her husband.

This guy! If only he were manlier and lasted longer, I wouldn't have had to research extensively on allthose "techniques" and "maneuvers!" So what if he's so tall and muscular? He's useless in bed!

Yang Gang looked away sheepishly and continued eating. novelbin

Chu Feng laughed at the scene. He did not expect the man to be so easily subdued by his wife.

While Chu Feng, Yang Gang, and their families were enjoying their breakfast in peace, a parent camerunning into the restaurant.

"Chu Feng, Yang Gang, why are you still eating? Your children picked a fight with another kid!" he saidafter catching his breath.

"What? Duo Duo picked a fight with someone else? That's impossible!" Yun Muqing blurted impulsively.She could not believe what she heard.

Yang Gang and Cheng Meixin frowned. "Are you messing with me, Mr. Liu? Dou Dou has musculardystrophy, and he can't even change his clothes by himself. How could he have picked a fight?"

"Geez, whatever happened to saying 'Thank you?' You think I've nothing else better to do than lie toyou?" the parent said angrily. "Your kids beat up Mr. Shen's son, and in case you forgot, Ms. Shen isthe boss of the resort! The teachers and parents are there now. It's a total mess. If you don't believeme, why don't you go and see for yourself?"

All color drained from Yang Gang and Cheng Meixin's faces.

Chu Feng and Yun Muqing quickly stood up and went to the scene of the incident.

The parents gathered in the main lobby of the resort, whispering to each other and pointing atsomething.

Duo Duo and Xiao Hu had dirt all over their faces and clothes, but they stood rooted on the spotdefiantly.

Next to them was a boy curled up on the floor and bawling. His expensive branded clothes were torn,his face was scratched, and he had a black eye.

"This is outrageous! Why did you bully this poor kid? Did your parents teach you to do that? I've nevertaught you to bully others! You're horrible kids!"

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