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Chapter 333

Just half of Baozhi Pharmacy? That was just half of the Huang family's generational wealth and justfive billion yuan!

Even though Tang Sisi came from Jiangling's wealthiest family, that figure was still very tempting.

"Thank you, Chu Feng," Tang Sisi said haltingly. She lowered her head and blushed slightly. "That's anincredibly expensive gift. I… I don't know how to repay you…"

It was rare that the usually aloof Tang Sisi behaved timidly. Chu Feng smiled and said, "Why don't yourepay me with a kiss?"

Tang Sisi glared at Chu Feng angrily and picked up the butter knife on the table…

"Hey, I was only joking." Chu Feng quickly tried to stop the violent woman from going on a rampage.

"Shameless!" Tang Sisi pouted and glared at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng smiled and continued to speak seriously, "I've told you before. Both of us are born out ofwedlock, so I know how you feel. I'm giving you the shares of Baozhi Pharmacy so that you have thecapital to finally do the things you like and be yourself. With that, you won't have to be forced into amarriage you don't like, and you don't have to sacrifice your freedom for anyone. Even if the Tangfamily disowns you, you'd still be a billionaire."

Tears welled up in Tang Sisi's beautiful eyes. She bit her lip and was at a loss for words.

Chu Feng wiped away her tears and said, "It won't be that easy to claim those shares though. Huang

Shengshou wouldn't want to part with that fortune so readily. It's up to you if you can snatch it from hishands."

Tang Sisi raised her head and said solemnly, "I won't disappoint you."

"I believe that you're capable," Chu Feng said and nodded. Now that he had settled most of thematters, he stretched lazily and prepared to go home.

Duo Duo's winter camp was a few days away. It was a rare opportunity for the family of three to bond,so Chu Feng wanted to make sure that the preparations were complete.

"Hey, Chu Feng." Tang Sisi suddenly stood up and called his name.

"Hm?" Chu Feng was surprised. The moment he turned around, he caught a whiff of a unique femininescent. A pair of red-hot lips imprinted themselves on Chu Feng's mouth.

They were soft and slightly sweet.

However, they did not stay on Chu Feng's lips for a long time.

Chu Feng was thoroughly stunned.

"I've repaid you, so we don't owe each other anything now," Tang Sisi said softly. Her cheeks were asred as tomatoes. After saying that, she lowered her head and ran away frantically. novelbin

Chu Feng remained standing in the wind for a long time. Eventually, he came to his senses and rubbed

away the lipstick stains on his mouth. "Running away after taking advantage of me? Sigh, thatwoman…"

The next three doys possed in the blink of on eye.

In those three doys, Chu Feng prepored oll the items needed for their winter comp, including o tent,sleeping bogs, o comero, o portoble borbeque grill, plenty of snocks for Yun Muqing ond Duo Duo, ondseverol pretty outfits for the photos.

"Sis, ore you reolly going to the comp with Chu Feng?" Yun Muyu grumbled os she helped her sisterpock the bogs.

Yun Muyu wos in Yun Muqing's room in Hoitong Gorden Monsion. She wos recruited os o freebobysitter.

"Yeoh. I've been busy with work these doys, ond I hoven't spent enough time with Duo Duo. I'm notgoing to miss this chonce."

Yun Muqing could not help but smile gently when she imogined Duo Duo running ond skipping hoppily.

Chu Feng's oddition to the fomily hod brought them huge chonges…

"Whot obout me then? How could you leove me olone here while you two enjoy yourselves somewhereelse?" Yun Muyu soid coyly while hugging her sister from the bock. "I'll hove to sustoin myself by, ugh,

doing deliveries! Sigh, no one cores obout me."

"You con olwoys go home," soid Yun Muqing while rolling her eyes.

"I'm not going to do thot! I'd rother stoy in o monsion ond mooch off the two of you. I won't leove," YunMuyu soid with o smile. "I've decided I wont to be o porosite. Don't think of driving me owoy."

The next three days passed in the blink of an eye.

In those three days, Chu Feng prepared all the items needed for their winter camp, including a tent,sleeping bags, a camera, a portable barbeque grill, plenty of snacks for Yun Muqing and Duo Duo, andseveral pretty outfits for the photos.

"Sis, are you really going to the camp with Chu Feng?" Yun Muyu grumbled as she helped her sisterpack the bags.

Yun Muyu was in Yun Muqing's room in Haitang Garden Mansion. She was recruited as a freebabysitter.

"Yeah. I've been busy with work these days, and I haven't spent enough time with Duo Duo. I'm notgoing to miss this chance."

Yun Muqing could not help but smile gently when she imagined Duo Duo running and skipping happily.

Chu Feng's addition to the family had brought them huge changes…

"What about me then? How could you leave me alone here while you two enjoy yourselves somewhereelse?" Yun Muyu said coyly while hugging her sister from the back. "I'll have to sustain myself by, ugh,doing deliveries! Sigh, no one cares about me."

"You can always go home," said Yun Muqing while rolling her eyes.

"I'm not going to do that! I'd rather stay in a mansion and mooch off the two of you. I won't leave," YunMuyu said with a smile. "I've decided I want to be a parasite. Don't think of driving me away."

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