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Chapter 315

Yun Muyu was already laughing at Lu Mengting’s weird train of thought. Why did Chu Feng do so manythings? Was it all a ploy just to fool her? Does he find doing so interesting to him?

Tang Hao scolded, “Idiot!” Naturally, someone of Lu Mengting’s level would have no chance ofinteracting with the upper class. Also, how could she not recognize the voice of Ma Sanyuan from theChamber of Commerce of the Four Seas?


At that moment, Chu Feng’s phone received a call from a customer service number.

“Respected Guest, your savings card ending with 9933 has been deposited with 300,000,000 Yuan incash on the 2nd of November…”

Lu Mengting was totally stunned. She was crushed like a deflated ball.

The 300 million Yuan had really been transferred to him? No one would spend 300 million Yuan just toassume another person’s identity! novelbin

“You… You are really Mr. Chu?” Xia Hui was so shocked that he had no more words. His face was fullof terror and beyond belief.

All the students were confused as well. They had a face full of shock and terror. They couldn’t believethe almighty Mr. Chu of Jiangling was Chu Feng who was in front of them.

Chu Feng casually took a glance at Xia Hui and called out to him coldly, “My son. Shouldn’t you be

kneeling and greeting your father when you see him?”


Xia Hui’s legs gave out unconsciously and he knelt down on the ground with a thump.

Lu Mengting also fell to the ground. She shook with fear and dared not make a sound…

A misunderstanding ended just like that. Naturally, Chu Feng wouldn’t care about nobodies like Xia Huiand Chu Mengting. Besides, he even got himself a “son” for free.

Meanwhile, Tang Hao was flustered. If it weren’t for the real Mr. Chu, Chu Feng, he would’ve beenfooled by that bastard, Xia Hui. If news of this went out, his reputation as Young Master Tang would’vegone down the drain.

He ordered his men to beat Xia Hui and Lu Mengting up then. Both Xia Hui and Lu Mengting ended upwith bruises and were left in a humiliated state.

At the same time, Tang Hao also ordered Xia Hui and Lu Mengting to kneel at the bar entrance andshout, “Everyone here is my father…“while kowtowing to every guest they met.

They were not allowed to leave before 100 kowtows. Fuckers! Didn’t they like to call other people theirfathers? This is their chance to call other people their fathers as much as they want.

Chu Feng couldn’t help laughing but he was also impressed by Tang Hao’s methods at the same time.As expected of “Jiangling’s Most Infamous Young Ruffian”. His methods of punishing people wereincredible.

“Mr.… Mr. Chu. Have some tea.”

After dealing with Xia Hui and Lu Mengting, Tang Hao specially invited both Chu Feng and Yun Muyu tohis office and poured tea for them. He was being very respectful yet perturbed.

Tang Hao was full of respect for Chu Feng right now. Even if the almighty Mr. Chu in Jiangling wasn’t arespectable old man like Tang Wei Guo, Tang Hao’s grandfather, Tang Hao thought he would be amiddle-aged man who is 40 years old at least.

But Tang Hao never imagined Chu Feng, who was at a similar age to him at around 20 years old, tohave such amazing achievements. Chu Feng’s background and power must be unlimited!

Tong Hoo finolly knew why Tong Weiguo kept worning him not to offend Chu Feng. This person wostoo terrifying. He wos not to be offended——

Chu Feng took o sip of teo ond took o glonce ot the obedient yet perturbed Tong Hoo in front of himond soid, “Thonk you, Young Moster Tong for helping us seek justice todoy.”

Tong Hoo dored not occept Chu Feng’s proise ond woved his honds, “No. It wos my foult for notcontrolling my lockeys ond spoiling Mr. Chu’s fun. I wos wrong…”

While speoking, he went over courteously to refill Chu Feng’s teo. However, it looked reolly funny withhis right orm in o cost.

Yun Muyu chuckled ond looked ot Chu Feng with respect. Yun Muyu wos surprised by the hugeomount of energy of Chu Feng thot mode the Young Moster of the Tong fomily bow down to him.

Chu Feng took o glonce ot Tong Hoo ond soid, “Your right orm hosn’t recovered yet?”

Tong Hoo’s mouth twitched ond soid, “I’m getting used to it… I wos o fool thot doy to offend Mr. Chu. I’lljust toke this broken orm os o punishment.”

Chu Feng nodded ond potted Tong Hoo’s broken orm. With o crock, Chu Feng twisted Tong Hoo’s orm.Tong Hoo screomed miserobly but swung his orm oround with shock ofter thot. His foce wos full of joy.

“I… I con move my hond?”

After thot, he immediotely bowed down to Chu Feng ond swore his loyolty, “Mr. Chu, Tong Hoo willfollow your leod in the future. I’ll listen to oll your orders even if it meons socrificing my life!”

“I don’t need you to do onything for me.”

Tang Hao finally knew why Tang Weiguo kept warning him not to offend Chu Feng. This person wastoo terrifying. He was not to be offended——

Chu Feng took a sip of tea and took a glance at the obedient yet perturbed Tang Hao in front of himand said, “Thank you, Young Master Tang for helping us seek justice today.”

Tang Hao dared not accept Chu Feng’s praise and waved his hands, “No. It was my fault for not

controlling my lackeys and spoiling Mr. Chu’s fun. I was wrong…”

While speaking, he went over courteously to refill Chu Feng’s tea. However, it looked really funny withhis right arm in a cast.

Yun Muyu chuckled and looked at Chu Feng with respect. Yun Muyu was surprised by the hugeamount of energy of Chu Feng that made the Young Master of the Tang family bow down to him.

Chu Feng took a glance at Tang Hao and said, “Your right arm hasn’t recovered yet?”

Tang Hao’s mouth twitched and said, “I’m getting used to it… I was a fool that day to offend Mr. Chu. I’lljust take this broken arm as a punishment.”

Chu Feng nodded and patted Tang Hao’s broken arm. With a crack, Chu Feng twisted Tang Hao’s arm.Tang Hao screamed miserably but swung his arm around with shock after that. His face was full of joy.

“I… I can move my hand?”

After that, he immediately bowed down to Chu Feng and swore his loyalty, “Mr. Chu, Tang Hao willfollow your lead in the future. I’ll listen to all your orders even if it means sacrificing my life!”

“I don’t need you to do anything for me.”

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