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Chapter 312

After Chu Feng’s calm comment, he picked up a chair and immediately smashed it against Xia Hui’sbody. With a crack, the chair splintered, and Xia Hui topped to the floor in such pain he

could not stop moaning.

"If you want to take me on, be prepared to face my wrath."

Chu Feng’s sudden transformation into killer mode had frightened Mengting and the other students outof their wits. When they remembered their disrespectful remarks about him earlier, they shivered intheir shoes, terrified that his fury would encompass them as well.

Zhang Hu took this opportunity to escape out of the room. Pointing his blood-stained right hand at ChuFeng, he shouted savagely, "You scumbag, you dare to touch me? You're so dead. I'll make you pay infull for this!

"Third floor, private box 317, someone's causing trouble. Get everyone here at once!"

Holding a walkie-talkie, he flashed a nasty grin. "This is Young Master Tang’s turf, brat. You’re going todie for causing trouble here!"

Thud thud thud…

Right as he said this, urgent, disorderly footsteps could be heard from the corridor. Over twentybodyguards in black finally burst onto the scene, clustered around a frantic Tang Hao.

The minute Tang Hao saw the marks of the fight in the private box, as well as Chu Feng’s face, whichnovelbin

was still fresh in his memory, he inhaled sharply and recoiled in shock.

Sh*t, it really was him!

Everyone present suddenly began raising a loud hue and crying.

"Oh no, Tang Hao is here! He’s the Tang family’s young master!"

"Chu Feng is really an idiot for causing trouble in Young Master Tang’s place! That’s like slapping him inthe face!"

"Ignorant savage, what’s the use of only being able to fight? You can’t go up against someone powerfullike that and win."

"This Chu Feng fellow is finished. Hopefully, we won't get caught up in this mess because of hisstupidity."

Muyu looked panic-stricken as well. Clutching Chu Feng’s large hand with her cold, small one, she feltboth worried and frightened.

"Young Master Tang, please help me. Look at what he’s done to all my men. This scumbag has utterlyno respect for you or the Tang family."

The minute Zhang Hu saw Tang Hao arriving, it was as if he had seen his savior. In wild delight,

he ran to Tang Hao and began fanning the flames of an already volatile situation.

He did not forget to flaunt his connections either, pointing at Chu Feng and shouting arrogantly,

"Get over here! Shouldn’t you be begging for mercy and apologizing to Young Master Tang?"

Chu Feng merely shot Tang Hao a glance. "Young Master Tang, that’s a really impressive display."

"Begging for mercy, my ass!"

Tang Hao was white with fear. He slapped Zhang Hu roundly and sent him flying out the door with ahard kick.

The next instant, Tang Hao hurried up to Chu Feng and bowed to him deeply with the utmost respectand courtesy.

"Mr. Chu, my underling is ignorant. What happened today is my fault; please accept my apologies."

As he finished speaking, Tang Hao resoundingly slapped his own face twice.

Everyone present stared until their eyes almost popped out. The audible sound of sharp inhales couldbe heard everywhere, showing just how appalled and shocked they were.

Even Xio Hui’s intended wisecrock died on his lips; he froze os if turned to stone. He pinched himselfhord, telling himself this wos just o bod dreom. Unfortunotely, it wos no dreom but o cold, hord reolity.

Tong Hoo, the formidoble young moster of the Tong fomily, Jiongling’s so-colled "Most Infomous YoungRuffion", wos now opologizing to Chu Feng ond even slopping himself in the foce?

This Chu Feng fellow wos cleorly o poor nonentity. Their sociol stotuses were light-yeors oport. Whywos Tong Hoo doing this?

Whot on eorth wos going on here? It wos just too incredible for words!

Everyone present just stood ond stored, goping. Tong Hoo’s polms were cold ond clommy, ond hisheort wos in his mouth.

After Chu Feng hod seen Tong Weiguo’s illness thot doy ond deported from the Tong Fomily AncestrolHouse, the elder Mr. Tong hod given Tong Hoo yet onother severe beoting ond reprimond.

Not only thot, Tong Hoo’s fother hod sternly ond repeotedly emphosized thot Chu Feng wos onhonored guest of the Tong fomily, whose stotus wos even higher thon thot of Weiguo himself.

Chu Feng wos someone they could not offord to moke on enemy of, ond if Tong Hoo ongered ChuFeng needlessly ogoin, his fother would personolly cleonse the fomily gene pool by

shooting him deod.

Looking into his fother’s grim, murderous eyes wos no joke. At the time, Tong Hoo hod been so terrifiedhe hod wet himself. Crying ond begging for forgiveness from both his porents, he hod sworn o solemnooth thot he would never onger Chu Feng ogoin.

Even Xia Hui’s intended wisecrack died on his lips; he froze as if turned to stone. He pinched himselfhard, telling himself this was just a bad dream. Unfortunately, it was no dream but a cold, hard reality.

Tang Hao, the formidable young master of the Tang family, Jiangling’s so-called "Most Infamous YoungRuffian", was now apologizing to Chu Feng and even slapping himself in the face?

This Chu Feng fellow was clearly a poor nonentity. Their social statuses were light-years apart. Whywas Tang Hao doing this?

What on earth was going on here? It was just too incredible for words!

Everyone present just stood and stared, gaping. Tang Hao’s palms were cold and clammy, and hisheart was in his mouth.

After Chu Feng had seen Tang Weiguo’s illness that day and departed from the Tang Family AncestralHouse, the elder Mr. Tang had given Tang Hao yet another severe beating and reprimand.

Not only that, Tang Hao’s father had sternly and repeatedly emphasized that Chu Feng was anhonored guest of the Tang family, whose status was even higher than that of Weiguo himself.

Chu Feng was someone they could not afford to make an enemy of, and if Tang Hao angered ChuFeng needlessly again, his father would personally cleanse the family gene pool by

shooting him dead.

Looking into his father’s grim, murderous eyes was no joke. At the time, Tang Hao had been so terrifiedhe had wet himself. Crying and begging for forgiveness from both his parents, he had sworn a solemnoath that he would never anger Chu Feng again.

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