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Chapter 273

Chu Feng lifted his daughter high into the air. As she laughed and squealed, flailing her arms, hecarried her with him into the kitchen. He was adept at cookery so it was not long before delicious smellsbegan wafting out.

Muyu had been up until 3 a. m. binge-watching shows and had slept all afternoon. When the enticingsmells from the food reached her nose, she immediately leaped out of bed with glee

and began tucking into the meal with voracious satisfaction. novelbin

"It’s been ages since I had a good, full meal like this. It’s fantastic."

Sated from eating and drinking her fill, Muyu sprawled on the couch and stretched like a lazy kitten.She was wearing a pair of light cotton pajamas; for a moment, her long, fair legs and a tantalizingglimpse of her smooth, supple waist were on display.

Lazy days like this where she could just sit and enjoy life without working at all were just far toocomfortable.

Muyu, the Yun family’s social butterfly, was so content she did not want to go home.

"You know, Chu Feng, I've just realized that a certain someone's really starting to become fond ofyou…"

Muyu winked conspiratorially at Chu Feng. A die-hard soap opera fan, she adopted the typical pose ofa female heroine in such shows, cupping her chin in one hand and delivering her lines vampishly. It

gave Chu Feng goosebumps.

"Why not be kind and take me in as well? In the future, my cousin can be your main interest, and I'll beyour secondary interest. We can shamelessly live together, all three of us, and be happy. Wouldn't thatbe great?"

"Sure." Chu Feng peeled an apple for Duo Duo and commented very casually, "However, you’ll need toexpand your coconuts first. I have absolutely no interest in cheeky little girls who are as flat as aboard."

Muyu’s heart was cut to the quick. Snatching up a cushion, she hurled it at Chu Feng and aired hergrievance loudly and indignantly. "Cousin Muqing! Your man’s bullying me again. Aren’t you going to dosomething about it?"

Muqing, busy with household chores and cleaning up the kitchen, glanced over at the pair and beganlaughing heartily. She had been enjoying the little scene playing out. With a mischievous grin, shereplied, "Well, who asked you to put yourself second? Those are the rules for secondary interests, soyou’d better just bear with it, little one."

Muyu stood up, outraged. "Little? Who says I’m little? Let’s see how much bigger you are!"

With a theatrical cackle, she curved her fingers like talons and sprang at Muqing, trying to claw at herample bosom. Muqing was so startled she lost composure and hastily fled, her face red.

However, she was unable to escape Muyu in the end. The two beautiful women wound up in thebedroom, tussling and play-fighting for a while. All that could be heard were the sounds of shrieks andbell-like laughter. In the absence of any visuals, one could only rely on imagination to supply the deficit

and the tantalizing details.

"Daddy, what are coconuts? Are they good to eat?" At this point, Duo Duo blinked large innocent eyesup at Chu Feng and asked him curiously.

Chu Feng looked absolutely disconcerted. Hurriedly, he replied, "Children can’t eat them. They shouldeat more apples, so they become smarter."

"Oh, okay then." Duo Duo nodded uncomprehendingly. She bit into the large apple she was holding inher plump little hands, then happily snuggled into Chu Feng’s arms and began watching one of herfavorite children’s shows.

Right now in the bedroom, the two women had exhausted themselves rough-housing and were nowlying on the bed exchanging girl-talk and gossip.

Muqing rapidly recounted the happenings of the last two days to Muyu, who was as close as a sister toher. Muyu listened, agog. She was so absorbed in the narrative that she jumped up from the bed inexcitement, waving her small fists in glee.

"Hahaha, who would have thought that Xiaoyue would get her just desserts one day! That’s great, shedeserves it!

"Uncle Jianye’s family has always been arrogant and snobbish; they look down their noses ateveryone. For the last few years, they’ve been abusing their position to misuse company resources,and goodness knows how many of the Yun family members they’ve exploited and bullied. Hah, they’vedefinitely gotten what they deserve; karma comes around after all!"

Muyu cupped her chin in her hands and wiggled her fair, shapely thighs. Her eyes shone withadmiration and hero worship.

"Honestly though, Brother-in-law is really something. He put Uncle Jianye and Xiaoyue in their placesimmediately, and he managed to get you promoted to Director. Now that’s a man for you! I’m soenvious!"

"It’s not as dramatic as that. But you’re right, Uncle Jianye’s family was really out of line. Chu Feng juststepped in to teach them a lesson, that’s all."

Despite her rational words, a smile tugged at the corners of Muqing’s mouth. The pride andcontentment in her expression could not be concealed.

Muyu stretched lazily and wiggled her thighs again. Quietly, she remarked, "Muqing, I really envy you,you know. You managed to find an upright, principled man like Brother-in-law without even trying. I’vebeen hunting for so many years, but I don’t even have a boyfriend."

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