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Chapter 252

Yun Muqing was stunned as well and somehow she was convinced by everything Chu Feng had said.The only problem was, she knew that the whole ordeal with her family was not as simple as it seemed.

Yun Muyu chimed in as well. "Hey Chu Feng, I believe that you've underestimated our family's 'test'.Look, everyone from the family will do everything in their power to fight for the position. Chu Feng isbeing pressured by them and his sales are unimaginably depressing. The thing is, unless he somehowgets an order that is worth several hundred million Yuan in a single night, he's going to lose. Tell me, doyou even think that's possible?"

Yun Muqing's expression dimmed as she chuckled bitterly while she lamented that impossible feat. Shemight not even be able to close that many sales in a year.

However, Chu Feng calmly replied, "What if a miracle really does happen then?"

Upon hearing that, Yun Muyu rolled her eyes at Chu Feng and said, "Look, I'd serve you for a month ifa miracle does happen. I mean it. Hmph."

Chu Feng nodded and immediately replied, "It's a deal then."

"Gosh, can't the both of you behave a little," Yun Muqing complained. However, a phone call suddenlyrang which stunned her as she picked up the call, "Greetings, Yun Muqing speaking…"

"What? An order from the Chambers? Five-hundred million Yuan?!"

Yun Muqing exclaimed as she leapt up in joy and said, "Of course. Of course. I'll return to my office andget the contract signed right away."

Chu Feng on the other hand was calmly spectating the whole scene unfold as he was impressed athow fast Ma Sanyuan acted.

Hearing this stunned Yun Muyu so much that she was wide-eyed and in complete disbelief. Sheexclaimed, "Good gosh. Is this really a miracle?"

She even told Chu Feng that she would serve him for a month if something this absurd were to happenearlier. This revelation made no sense to her.

"I told you that there are plenty of miracles in this world," Chu Feng teased and continued, "Don't youforget now. You need to serve me for a month, Ms. Yun"

Yun Muyu was incredibly flustered when Chu Feng said that.

"Daddy, daddy, I know what to write in today's diary entry now. I will title it as 'My Aunt Is A Maid!'" DuoDuo cheered while waving her little fists around.

Chu Feng felt glad about what she said, as he praised, "Oh, you're such a good child. Now, rememberto bring your aunt out so she can shop for a maid's outfit. That way, she'll know her place better."

Duo Duo nodded gleefully and continued, "Yeah, she needs one for her flat chest too, or else she won'tfit."

Hearing this made Yun Muyu speechless.

Yun Muyu looked hurt when Duo Duo said that. She nearly fainted from her cheeky comment.

"Ugh… They sure are quite the handful!"

Thus, it did not take long for Chu Feng to close the sale on the Chamber's five-hundred million Yuanorder. Everything officially began after they signed the contract with Yun Muqing.

Yun Muqing would no doubt shock everyone with the sales order that she managed to close during herfamily's 'test'. Therefore, she was not afraid of any of her family members using underhanded tacticsagainst her. That was because they would all be rendered speechless once they found out how muchmoney she made.

Yun Muqing felt so confident that she could not stop smiling.

Yun Muyu on the other hand had no choice but to honor her bet. Since she was busy doing chores andbabysitting Guo Guo for free, Chu Feng was able to relax.

Meanwhile on one fateful morning, Chu Feng and Yun Muqing dropped Duo Duo off at her kindergartenas usual.

However, Chu Feng noticed that Yun Muqing seemed troubled about something. She was zoning outalot and if Chu Feng did not remind her, she would have run several red lights by then.

"Hey Muqing, what's gotten into you? Is everything okay?"

She had been really happy about the sales in the past few days. Her odd behavior that day puzzledChu Feng and this made him wonder if her family was bullying her again.

Upon hearing that, Yun Muqing wanted to explain something, but she held back. She shook her headand left before saying, "It's nothing. I'm going to buy a bottle of water. Just wait for me for a bit." novelbin

"Daddy, Mommy's mom called her yesterday. I heard that mommy is going to be promoted soon andthey wanted to butter up to her," Duo Duo whispered while holding onto her lollipop.

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