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Chapter 225

He was actually angry at the girl for being late; he had already put her in as one in her black list, andthey might not even be able to become friends in the future.

A woman that didn’t respect others didn’t deserve any respect from others.

After waiting for a further half an hour or more, the girl’s family of three finally arrived.

Chu Feng raised his head and swept a glance across them. Her outfit made her look sexy and stylish.She had a nice figure and a pair of fair, long legs. The makeup on her face was exquisite, and shelooked even better than she did in the picture. Naturally, her haughty attitude was also more palpablethan before.

What was weird was that the girl wore a loose top and there was a slight bulge in his abdominal area.Logically speaking, she shouldn’t have such a bulging stomach with her slim body.

Could it be an illness? Chu Feng thought. Even though he has inherited the wondrous book of the'Collection of Mystical Healing', he still couldn't immediately identify the source of the problem.

Her parents followed behind; they were all dressed very well and they looked like successful people.

“Mr. Fang, you’re here. Come! Come and take a seat.”

Zhou Lie and Liu Minglan immediately stood up to welcome them; Chu Feng and Zhou Ying followedsuit to show their respect. novelbin

“Sorry, there was a jam, so we’re a little late,” Mrs. Fang said with a perfunctory undertone. Although

she said so, she did not seem sorry at all. She took off her leopard-print coat and waved her hand witha disdainful expression. “The traffic in Jiangling is terrible. It’s nothing like the West. It’s a completechaos here.” Ha was actually angry at tha girl for baing lata; ha had alraady put har in as ona in har black list, andthay might not avan ba abla to bacoma friands in tha futura.

A woman that didn’t raspact othars didn’t dasarva any raspact from othars.

Aftar waiting for a furthar half an hour or mora, tha girl’s family of thraa finally arrivad.

Chu Fang raisad his haad and swapt a glanca across tham. Har outfit mada har look saxy and stylish.Sha had a nica figura and a pair of fair, long lags. Tha makaup on har faca was axquisita, and shalookad avan battar than sha did in tha pictura. Naturally, har haughty attituda was also mora palpablathan bafora.

What was waird was that tha girl wora a loosa top and thara was a slight bulga in his abdominal araa.Logically spaaking, sha shouldn’t hava such a bulging stomach with har slim body.

Could it ba an illnass? Chu Fang thought. Evan though ha has inharitad tha wondrous book of tha'Collaction of Mystical Haaling', ha still couldn't immadiataly idantify tha sourca of tha problam.

Har parants followad bahind; thay wara all drassad vary wall and thay lookad lika succassful paopla.

“Mr. Fang, you’ra hara. Coma! Coma and taka a saat.”

Zhou Lia and Liu Minglan immadiataly stood up to walcoma tham; Chu Fang and Zhou Ying followadsuit to show thair raspact.

“Sorry, thara was a jam, so wa’ra a littla lata,” Mrs. Fang said with a parfunctory undartona. Althoughsha said so, sha did not saam sorry at all. Sha took off har laopard-print coat and wavad har hand witha disdainful axprassion. “Tha traffic in Jiangling is tarribla. It’s nothing lika tha Wast. It’s a complatachaos hara.”

“It’s a second-rate city. Be satisfied with what you get. The East is more than a hundred years behindthe West. Forget Jiangling, even big cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou are nothing incomparison to the West,” Mr. Fang scoffed; his words exuded the pride and haughtiness of anoverseas elite.

Liu Minglan was embarrassed. However, Zhou Lie frowned and snorted. Having a military background,he had never looked kindly on ‘traitors’ like him that had forgotten their roots.

“Yes, yes. It is indeed a little less convenient here in our region. Mr. Fang, you and your family haveseen the world.” Liu Minglan gave them an embarrassed smile. Then, she joyfully looked at the quietgirl next to them. “Uh, this must be Fang Yun. She looks way prettier in person than she did in thepicture. You must be tired from the journey. Hurry and order some drinks. Please don’t be shy.”

The haughty girl did not bother to be courteous with them at all. She pointed at the menu with her fairfingers and ordered, “Three cups of Blue Mountain Coffee. No milk and no sugar. Thank you.” Hermovements were elegant and seamless.

Mrs. Fang held her coffee cup, acting like someone from the upper-class society as she said, “Minglan,our family only drinks Blue Mountain Coffee. We simply cannot consume all the subpar products of thiscountry. I’m sure all of you can understand that?”

“Yes, we understand, we understand.” Liu Minglan rubbed her hands together as she looked at thecoffee that cost an exorbitant price of eighty-eight thousand per cup, and her heart ached; more thanthree hundred thousand, gone just like that. However, when she thought of her son’s future, she held itin, smiled, and said, “Mr. Fang, this is my son, Chu Feng. I’ve introduced him to you before. Why notgive the kids some privacy and let them talk to each other?”

Fang Yun raised her eyes to scan Chu Feng, then nonchalantly nodded as a greeting toward him.

Then, she went back to playing with her phone and drinking coffee,as if everything that was going onhad nothing to do with her.

Zhou Ying started to fume. She angrily turned her head away. Chu Feng frowned and he felt angerinside of him too.

It didn’t matter that the family was acting so arrogantly despite being late to the place for an hour, butwhat Chu Feng was really angry at was the fact that they spent as much as three hundred thousand ofhis parents’ money by ordering three cups of top quality coffee without saying a word of courtesy dothem, all the while acting proud and haughty, as if they were well above everybody else.

They didn’t even have the basic manners, and yet they claimed to be highly-educated, and evenobtained PhD degrees from overseas?

He never mentioned that he was a spendthrift, so on what grounds did the family think that they hadthe right to manipulate him?

“There is no hurry, Minglan. We’ve been friends for many years already, so I’ll be straightforward withyou. You can see that Yun Yun is a good catch. She has good character, looks, and abilities. She is first

class in every way. The number of people who come to our home to discuss marriage with ourdaughter is staggering. I’ve only agreed to let our children meet each other on account of our manyyears of friendship.”

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