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Chapter 214

Chu Feng had made up his mind secretly. After he finished his training, he went back to the ZhouFamily. Zhou Lie and his wife had gone to do their farming. The two of them had been busy throughouttheir life and they just could not stay put; even though they did not need to worry about food andclothings any longer, and had a huge amount of fortune, their diligence and modest attitude that wereinstilled in them still remained.

“Time to eat, brother.”

The fragrance of the dishes wafted across the kitchen as Zhou Ying carried two bowls of plain noodlesout from the kitchen. He served them to Chu Feng and asked, “Brother, our village is damp and thereare alot of mosquitoes. Did you have a good sleep?”

Chu Feng was wolfing down the bowl of noodles. He merely chuckled and answered, “What do youmean? I am at my own home, so why wouldn’t I have a good sleep? Last night was the best sleep Ihave had for the past ten years.”

As he lay in his small bed and listened to the sounds of the crickets outside of the window, Chu Fengfell asleep in no time like back when he was a kid. It was as if he was back in his childhood days whenhe had nothing to worry about.

Zhou Ying stuck her tongue out and was joyful as well. She was smiling from ear to ear as she said,“That’s not accurate. You are a reputable General now, so how could a small house like oursaccommodate such an esteemed figure like you?”

“Even if I've become the Emperor, I'm still your brother.”

Chu Feng gave a rub on Zhou Ying’s nose and said softly, “Eat up, after you're done eating, I’ll bringyou to my house and after that, I will help you to look for a job. Since you’ve broken up with SunMingxuan, you might as well cut off all ties with him. Quit your job at the Sun Family’s company. Mysister does not need to depend on anyone else.” Chu Fang had mada up his mind sacratly. Aftar ha finishad his training, ha want back to tha ZhouFamily. Zhou Lia and his wifa had gona to do thair farming. Tha two of tham had baan busy throughoutthair lifa and thay just could not stay put; avan though thay did not naad to worry about food andclothings any longar, and had a huga amount of fortuna, thair diliganca and modast attituda that warainstillad in tham still ramainad.

“Tima to aat, brothar.”

Tha fragranca of tha dishas waftad across tha kitchan as Zhou Ying carriad two bowls of plain noodlasout from tha kitchan. Ha sarvad tham to Chu Fang and askad, “Brothar, our villaga is damp and tharaara alot of mosquitoas. Did you hava a good slaap?”

Chu Fang was wolfing down tha bowl of noodlas. Ha maraly chucklad and answarad, “What do youmaan? I am at my own homa, so why wouldn’t I hava a good slaap? Last night was tha bast slaap Ihava had for tha past tan yaars.”

As ha lay in his small bad and listanad to tha sounds of tha crickats outsida of tha window, Chu Fangfall aslaap in no tima lika back whan ha was a kid. It was as if ha was back in his childhood days whanha had nothing to worry about.

Zhou Ying stuck har tongua out and was joyful as wall. Sha was smiling from aar to aar as sha said,“That’s not accurata. You ara a raputabla Ganaral now, so how could a small housa lika ours

accommodata such an astaamad figura lika you?”

“Evan if I'va bacoma tha Emparor, I'm still your brothar.”

Chu Fang gava a rub on Zhou Ying’s nosa and said softly, “Eat up, aftar you'ra dona aating, I’ll bringyou to my housa and aftar that, I will halp you to look for a job. Sinca you’va brokan up with SunMingxuan, you might as wall cut off all tias with him. Quit your job at tha Sun Family’s company. Mysistar doas not naad to dapand on anyona alsa.”

Zhou Ying quickly ate the dishes and as she hung her head, her eyes were brimming with tears. Shefelt so touched and happy at the same time.

She nodded her head firmly and replied, “All right, brother. I’ll listen to you.”

“You're so silly.” Chu Feng just smiled in a loving manner.

After they finished eating, Chu Feng handed his General’s uniform back to Luo Gang and changed to asports attire before going out with Zhou Ying.

They went to the Sun family’s company to handle the resigning procedures and to cut off all ties withSun Mingxuan. After that, Chu Feng brought Zhou Ying to the Haitang Garden Mansion.

“Brother, what are we doing here?”

As soon as Zhou Ying stepped out of the car, she gazed at the different types of luxurious mansions ofMount Haitang and the divine view that was like paradise on Earth. Her gaze was filled with

astonishment and confusion.

This was Mount Haitang’s Mansion Area, the place where the richest of the richest stayed. Even thecheapest mansion at the foothill cost tens of millions. It was a place where Zhou Ying would never dareto dream of staying at.

She tugged at Chu Feng’s sleeves and she was getting slightly anxious as she pleaded softly, “Brother,I think we’d better leave this place. I think the security guard over there already has his eyes on us...”

Chu Feng just smiled and continued walking in a relaxed way as he said, “You fool, my house is here. Ifyou want me to leave, then where are we going to go?”

“Y-Your house is here?” Zhou Ying’s mouth went wide and she had a look of shock and disbelief.

“The mountain top, Haitang Garden Mansion.” Chu Feng pointed to the peak of Mount Haitang thatwas among the misty clouds. He just smiled lightly and flicked Zhou Ying’s forehead. “You fool, are younot awake yet? The wedding dress I bought for you was the Moonlight Goddess that was worth fourhundred million. It shouldn’t come as a surprise if I own a mansion here.”

Zhou Ying just scratched her head and stuck her tongue out.

She came from a dirt poor family and thus had a low self-esteem; even if she had suddenly acquired anamount of wealth, she would still think that she was not worthy to have it. Thus, she still needed time toadapt to everything.

“I almost forgot, my brother is the one and only great General, hehe!” Zhou Ying wrapped her handsaround Chu Feng’s arms and her face was filled with pride. novelbin

Chu Feng could only let out a smile helplessly as he walked with Zhou Ying leisurely along themountain path. He introduced the environment and scenery to her while walking and Zhou Ying’s eyesglistened as she was in joy.

“Chu Feng? Are you Chu Feng of the Zhou family, from the Plum Blossom Village?”

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