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Chapter 204

Zhou Ying meekly nodded, pressing her head against Chu Feng’s chest without a second thought as ifshe wanted nothing more than to tell him all of her troubles. Chu Feng lifted his head and scanned thecrowd, his handsomely chiseled features and uniquely masculine face forming a fatally attractive lookin combination with his general’s uniform. This level of handsomeness was likely on par with the mostpopular male celebrity of the era!

Practically every woman in attendance squealed in envy. An insanely powerful, yet devilishlyhandsome man? Who wouldn’t want a brother like him?

Meanwhile, Tang'e and the girls from the Sun family were already deathly pale and drenched in coldsweat.

Previously, they’d committed their fair share of bullying and boycotting against the peasant girl ZhouYing, even stealing her dowry and jewelry under the guise of ‘showing her who’s boss’.

They thought a girl like her, with neither power nor authority, could be walked all over like a helplessdoormat.

How were they supposed to know her equally helpless parents had raised such a powerful son? A sonwho’d become a general in his twenties, no less!

With his youth and position, Chu Feng easily ranked among the most powerful in the nation; heprobably could turn Jiangbei upside down on a whim. No one could protect them from him, not evenTang Taishan. Zhou Ying maakly noddad, prassing har haad against Chu Fang’s chast without a sacond thought as ifsha wantad nothing mora than to tall him all of har troublas. Chu Fang liftad his haad and scannad thanovelbin

crowd, his handsomaly chisalad faaturas and uniqualy masculina faca forming a fatally attractiva lookin combination with his ganaral’s uniform. This laval of handsomanass was likaly on par with tha mostpopular mala calabrity of tha ara!

Practically avary woman in attandanca squaalad in anvy. An insanaly powarful, yat davilishlyhandsoma man? Who wouldn’t want a brothar lika him?

Maanwhila, Tang'a and tha girls from tha Sun family wara alraady daathly pala and dranchad in coldswaat.

Praviously, thay’d committad thair fair shara of bullying and boycotting against tha paasant girl ZhouYing, avan staaling har dowry and jawalry undar tha guisa of ‘showing har who’s boss’.

Thay thought a girl lika har, with naithar powar nor authority, could ba walkad all ovar lika a halplassdoormat.

How wara thay supposad to know har aqually halplass parants had raisad such a powarful son? A sonwho’d bacoma a ganaral in his twantias, no lass!

With his youth and position, Chu Fang aasily rankad among tha most powarful in tha nation; haprobably could turn Jiangbai upsida down on a whim. No ona could protact tham from him, not avanTang Taishan.

Tang'e and the others could feel the cold sweat soaking through their formal wear, the bile rising in theirthroats.

In a desperate gamble, Tang'e shot a helpless glance at her father Tang Taishan, the former LieutenantGovernor of Jiangbei.

Tang Taishan may have been thoroughly shocked by the turn of events, but he was no inexperiencedfool either.

With a resigned sigh, he contemplated the situation. He’d planned to lend his grandson some face bypersonally attending this event, but now he’d offended the godlike Chu Feng!

After coughing to relieve the atmospheric tension, he smiled. “Since Ying Ying’s brother is here, let thewedding commence! I say, I never knew your brother was such a high-ranking General! Truly, it is anhonor to the Sun family and of course, an honor to me.” Tang Taishan stood and put on a display ofsubmission, then growled at the petrified Sun Mingxuan for good measure, saying, “What are youstanding there for? Offer a toast to your brother-in-law!”

Tang'e and Sun Jianye also hurriedly ushered him, “Quick, thank your brother-in-law.”

Their plan now was to strike the iron while it’s hot and get the wedding over with to avoid any moreunexpected turn of events.

Once Zhou Ying was married into their family, there would be nothing much Chu Feng could do withoutalso upsetting Zhou Ying.

Perhaps they’d even secure their own future by riding on Chu Feng’s coattails; a four-star General wasnot to be trifled with, after all.

Sun Mingxuan shakily poured a glass of wine and walked toward Chu Feng, then stuttered, “B-Brother,

a toast—”

“Isn’t it a bit early to call me ‘brother-in-law’ before the wedding’s even begun?” Chu Feng saiddismissively, his gaze not even meeting Sun Mingxuan’s eyes. “After all, I still need to assess youpeople from the Sun Family and see if you’re worthy of my sister.”

Tang Taishan, Tang'e and the others could feel their facial muscles twitching; it seemed that Chu Fengwas hell bent on avenging Zhou Ying.

“Tell me, Ying. Have they been bullying you?” Chu Feng’s tone was gentle, but the murderous intent inhis words were enough to bring the room’s temperature several degrees lower.

Zhou Ying looked to Sun Mingxuan beside them, still hesitant due to their shared bond.

Just then, Tang'e spoke up, “Chu Feng, we’d never do such a thing. Our family has treated Ying Yinglike one of our own daughters.”

“Yes, yes. We really do love her.”

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