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Chapter 133

Chu Feng spoke up, “He returned the deed and Ma Sanyuan paid the price by personally showing upto kowtow and apologize.”

“Yeap, and I made him do that.” Sun Mingxuan arrogantly held his head high and said, “One word frommy uncle, and he showed up that very night to compensate and beg for forgiveness from us. He wasterrified of us. I’m sure that you didn’t know about this? Tsk tsk. I don’t expect small fry like you tounderstand top-secret stuff like this.”

"Oh, you did that?" A corner of Chu Feng's lips lifted into an amused smile. “Your uncle is just a third-in-command, and you think that he can command Ma Sanyuan, who’s worth three billion and hascontrolled Jiangling for over 20 years?”

“What do you mean by that?” Sun Mingxuan’s face fell immediately and he scoffed, “Tell him, YingYing. Which of your poor-as-heck relatives has the power to do that. Except for my uncle, who amongthem has the power to make Ma Sanyuan bow to us? Surely you’re not saying that you were the onewho did that? What a joke!”

Zhou Ying’s expression was unreadable as she mumbled, “It’s true. That's all Mingxuan’s doing, wesaw it that night.” Sun Mingxuan’s words may be cruel, but that was the fact—no one else in the Zhoufamily had this amount of influence.

The rich kids scoffed at this and started mocking, “I know, right? Who do you think you are to doubt MaSanyuan’s influence like this?”

“‘Just a third-in-command’. Do you even know what power is, you country bumpkin?” novelbin

“Ignorant. Ignorant to the core. Let’s not invite people like these in the future. He’s nowhere near ourlevel, so there’s nothing we have in common to talk about.”

Chu Feng simply watched the rich kids put on a show for Sun Mingxuan, who was getting more andmore boastful.

They would see who was the truly powerful one in a moment, so this show of flattery was just that—ashow.

Just then, with the sound of pattering footsteps, a charismatic middle-aged man barged into the loungewith a whole bunch of men. His head was lowered in respect, but it was definitely Ma Sanyuan, ruler ofthe Jiangling underworld and Chairman of the Chamber of the Four Seas.

The rich kids instinctively stood up with fear in their expressions. This was one of the bigshots inJiangling, after all. Of course they'd fear him.

Sun Mingxuan, though, knew his chance for glory had come, and immediately barked, aloof, “MaSanyuan, kneel to me!”

The next thing he knew, Ma Sanyuan actually did kneel in front of him. There was a look of terror on hisface as he pleaded, “I’m so sorry! I didn’t know that Xu Hai was your friend. Please forgive me.”

The rich kids’ expressions turned to glee, then shock, then disbelief before settling on horror.

They were gleeful because Ma Sanyuan had actually kneeled, but then they realized he was notkneeling toward Sun Mingxuan, but toward Chu Feng in the corner. What on earth?

Ma Sanyuan had practically prostrated himself as he spoke up again in a respectful tone, “I had no ideathat you were here, Mr. Chu. Please forgive me for not welcoming you.”

His men knelt in unison and cried out, “Please forgive us, Mr. Chu.”

From the start, they’d only had eyes for Chu Feng; they didn’t even spare Sun Mingxuan a secondglance. Dead silence filled the room as the rich kids’ jaws dropped, making them look like stone statuesthat could fit a whole coconut in their mouths.

Yun Muqing stared at the Chu Feng beside her with wide eyes, while he calmly poured himself tea.Zhou Ying was wearing an expression of shock as well.

Sun Mingxuan looked even worse; his lips were twitching nonstop and his face felt like it was gettingsmacked over and over again a thousand times.

“M-Mr. Chu?” Ma Sanyuan’s men maintained their kneeling positions in front of Chu Feng, as if theywere worshipping a god.

The lounge was dead silent. Some of the kids did not even notice that their glasses were overflowing,wetting their clothes in the process, as their hands froze mid-air due to shock while they were pouringthemselves drinks. Meanwhile, two girls in the corner who were applying lipstick to their mouths wereso surprised that their lipstick went all the way to the corners of their eyes.

Everyone was in shock. Wasn’t Ma Sanyuan a subordinate of Sun Mingxuan’s uncle’s? Why were theykneeling before that piece of crap, Chu Feng? What was going on?

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