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Chapter 121

Heather’s gaze was filled with the admiration and respect of a schoolgirl. This was the intimidatingAshura she knew, the savior who’d rescued her. Meanwhile, Chu Feng copied the information andpictures on Heather’s laptop onto his own phone, then said, “Anyway, this wasn’t all for naught. Even ifthe chances of finding this legendary monk is slim, at least I have something to work on instead ofstumbling around like a headless chicken. Thank you, Heather.”

Chu Feng was never the type to lament his misfortunes. After joining the army at the tender age of 15,he’d had countless near-death experiences by now. What was a measly Mandraka Poison to him? InQin Shihuang’s words, he was so resilient that even the actual Lord of Hell himself wouldn’t dare collecthis soul.

“Don’t thank me, my Lord. It is my duty. My men will continue to search for leads, and see if there arealternative antidotes to this poison.” Heather breathed a sigh of relief, smiled sweetly, then startedchatting with Chu Feng. After years apart, the two of them had much to catch up on and before long, itwas sunset when Chu Feng glanced at his wristwatch. “It’s almost five. I need to pick Duo Duo up fromschool.”

“Alright, then. I’ll send you off.” Heather was reluctant, but she said goodbye anyway. She was a littleenvious of Yun Muqing for being able to make Chu Feng, a godlike man, settle down as a husband anda father for a peaceful life where all he had to do was to look after them. For countless rich girls in theWest, this achievement was unattainable to them.

However, just as Heather signalled for the bill, Xu Hai took the opportunity to emerge from the cornerhe’d stayed in. “How can a seven-foot tall man like you let the girl settle the bill? Have you no shame?No generosity?” He shamelessly started to lecture Chu Feng. After being ignored by him, Xu Hai wasalready itching for a chance to mock Chu Feng. Now that he had his chance to both mock Chu Fengnovelbin

and impress Heather, there was no way he’d pass it up.

“Forgive my bluntness, milady, but this weak excuse of a man cannot measure up to you at all if hewon’t even pay for his own coffee. What can you even expect of him?” Xu Hai cast a dismissive look atChu Feng, wishing he could stamp the man into the ground.

“Talk like a loose cannon one more time and you’ll suffer the consequences.” Heather’s expressioninstantly turned frigid, the coldness apparent even in her gaze. In the West, anyone who dared to insultChu Feng like Xu Hai did would already be a dead man.

Xu Hai felt an inexplicable shudder. He was a little surprised that this Western lady had such anintimidating persona, but that only added fuel to the fire of his greed and desire; he liked the sense ofachievement that came from conquering a difficult lady. At that moment, Chu Feng glanced at Xu Haidismissively and said, “From what I can tell, you seem to be really confident in yourself? You thinkyou’re better than me? More suited to her than I am?”

Xu Hai scoffed with arrogance, “Of course! I’m the son of the Agricultural Bank of China’s local branchmanager! I’ve got both the looks and the talent, so what makes you think you can compete? Once shebecomes my girl, I wouldn’t just be able to buy her coffee. I can buy her this entire cafe, and afford tolet her shower in the stuff every day too!” Xu Hai waved his hand in a grand gesture that madecountless girls in the cafe swoon, wishing they could leap into his arms right then and there.

“Alright, you said it yourself.” Chu Feng nodded, then called for the manager, saying, “This young manwants to buy your cafe. Can you calculate how much he’d need to do that?”

The manager froze, but didn’t dare offend Xu Hai when she noticed he was dressed like a wealthy andpowerful person. So, she smiled and nodded before she began calculating. Five minutes later, she

smiled and nodded again. “Sir, if you include the cost of rental, overhead and equipment and the patenton our techniques, the total would be twenty million.”

Chu Feng lifted his cup of coffee and glanced at Xu Hai. “Twenty million, hmm? Cash, or credit card?”

Xu Hai stiffened immediately and started stuttering as beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. Hisfather may be the manager of a bank, but that didn’t mean he actually owned it! Even a spendthrift likehim only had an annual allowance of four or five million, and that was only enough to get a sports carwhen he wanted to show off in front of girls. How the heck was he going to raise twenty million?!

“What, you can’t afford it? There’s no shame in admitting that, you know,” Chu Feng said calmly with apointed look in his eyes. Heather, meanwhile, lifted a hand to conceal her amused smile; it wasshowtime.

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