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Chapter 118

Beautiful girls were always surrounded by suitors; this day was no exception.

At the opposite of Heather was a handsome young man that was dressed fashionably, who waspraising himself non-stop. Every once in a while, he would strategically flash his sports car’s key andthe Patek Philippe watch on his wrist that was worth millions; he was silently signalling his lofty status.

Given the young man’s experience, usually, no matter how high a girl’s standards were, that would gether attention. Then, she would express intense interest in him and slowly walk into his claws.

But on this day, this gorgeous beauty from the West only smiled faintly. She maintained her posture asshe drank her coffee. Her beautiful eyes wandered outside the window, as if he was nothing more thanair.

The young man was slightly discouraged as he thought, Maybe she doesn't know Chinese, so shedidn’t understand what I was saying? Right, that must be it. I, Xu Hai, am talented, young, and rich.There is no way that this girl is not interested in me.

Xu Hai raised his head, increasingly sure of his conviction. At this moment, a shadow appeared and hisconfidence shattered all over the floor, as if a heavy hammer had smashed into it. novelbin

“Heather.” Chu Feng stepped into the coffee shop and immediately saw the dazzling Heather.

“Dear, you are finally here.” Just as the greetings were done, Heather jumped up and cheered. Shewas like a little deer, hopping and running toward Chu Feng. With a friendly face, she grabbed ChuFeng’s arm, and they looked very intimate.

Then, Heather gave Chu Feng a big hug and the two of them embraced tightly. With her slim body inhis arms, Chu Feng could clearly feel the soft parts of her being squashed in their embrace as he smelta pleasant scent coming from her.

What… just happened?

Chu Feng was astonished, while everybody else there was full of jealousy and envy.

As for Xu Hai, who had been overly self-confident moments ago, had his confidence completelyshattered; he looked livid as the edge of his mouth twitched.

To have such a beauty plunge into his arms, flirting with him, Chu Feng was stunned and a littleconfused.

“My Lord, I’m sorry, please give me a hand,” whispered Heather, who stuck her red lips to Chu Feng’sears. Her eyes swept across at the gloomy Xu Hai who was sitting there and she rolled her eyesdismally. She said quietly, “That guy kept pestering me. I want to get rid of him but I can’t. It’s soirritating. I need you to play the role of my boyfriend and help me get rid of him. Hehe.”

Chu Feng helplessly shook his head as he smiled.

This was the peril of beauty; all this made sense, for Heather was a true beauty who could ruin citiesand destroy nations. No matter which era she was born in, she would always be considered adangerous beauty.

To begin with, Chu Feng didn’t have warm feelings for overconfident rich kids like Xu Hai who tookadvantage of their family’s wealth and pursued pretty girls unscrupulously. So, he nodded and agreed.

“Thank you, my Lord.”

Heather was pleased and she smiled. She held on to Chu Feng’s arm intimately and smiled sweetly.They looked like a young couple in their honeymoon phase with no tension between them.

Chu Feng was also amused. This high-and-mighty queen that could create Happy Valley that wasworth two hundred billion was now behaving like a little girl; it was interesting.

“Sir, my boyfriend is here. Please, may we have the seat? Thank you,” Heather said to Xu Hai, whowas sitting opposite them with his jaw wide open.

The edge of Xu Hai’s mouth twitched as his expression darkened even further.

He never thought that this Western beauty spoke fluent Chinese and had a boyfriend.

That was to say that she understood everything that he said just now. She was treating him like a joke!

Xu Hai threw Chu Feng a dirty glance and he felt very angry. The sum of everything on this guy wasworth less than five hundred. He didn’t have money nor talent. Besides, his looks were only slightlyabove average, so how did he get such a high quality girl?

Xu Hai was very jealous and thought that it was a waste. God was unjust!

But Xu Hai was a master in the battlefield of love; he wouldn’t give up so easily.

Instantly, he fixed his necktie, stood up, and stuck his hand toward Chu Feng. Confidently and warmly,

he said, “Huh, so you are this beautiful girl’s boyfriend. How are you? Please allow me to introducemyself. I am Xu Hai. I’m in the foreign trade finance business. The president of Jiangling’s AgriculturalBank is my father.”

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