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Chapter 111

In her high heels, Heather walked away slowly with her slim and elegant long legs. The crowd alsogradually dispersed.

Liu Xuecheng frowned, puzzled by Heather’s words. What did she mean by ‘supporting my family withmy own effort’? I’m the Director of the Cultural Center! I receive pay-offs of about tens of millions fromthose businessmen every year. How is it possible that I can’t support my family with this amount ofmoney? That’s nonsense!

Suddenly, Liu Xuecheng’s cell phone rang—it was her boss.

Liu Xuecheng took a deep breath and prepared himself for the call. He then answered the call withrespect by saying, “Chief, I—”

A strict voice from the other side of the phone line interrupted him before he could finish. “LiuXuecheng, I now announce that you will be suspended from all your duties in the Cultural Center due toseveral allegations of corruption, bribery and misuse of authority.”

It was as if he was struck by lightning when he heard the news. Liu Xuecheng stopped dead in histracks when his boss dropped a bombshell on him with the news. He staggered a few steps behind. Healmost fell if it was not for Han Li, who held him just in time.

“Chief, w-why?” Liu Xuecheng cried in despair; his face was very pale.

“How dare you ask me why? Think about what you’ve done all these years! Think about whichimportant person you messed with in your ignorance! It’s the mayor who called in person to name youfor disciplinary action!” Liu Xuecheng’s boss from the other side of the line rattled on in rage, “Officials

from the disciplinary department will search your house and confiscate your property soon! All you cando now is take care and hope for the best while waiting for their investigation!”

With that, a beeping sound was consecutively heard when his boss hung up the call. Liu Xuechengdropped his cell phone. Suddenly, he went limp and fell to the floor. He was shaking like a leaf, stillpetrified by the unfortunate news he received just now.

“Dear, what’s wrong? What’s the matter with you?” Han Li cried in panic.

“It’s over. Everything is over!” Liu Xuecheng murmured while staring blankly ahead. Suddenly, heremembered Chu Feng’s grave warnings. “You’re a smart person. Have you ever thought about theconsequences of messing with me? Well, that’s enough to destroy you completely!”

Shivers crept through Liu Xuecheng and he broke out in a cold sweat. Who the hell is he?

Even right after his own downfall, Liu Xuecheng failed to know about Chu Feng’s identity andbackground. The reason why Chu Feng was so powerful was beyond him. He could not and wouldnever understand any of these for the rest of his life!

After settling the business of Han Li and others, Heather dismissed most of the staff. She came to thelawn where Chu Feng was and reported to Chu Feng politely with a bow. “My Lord, were you pleasedwith the outcome?”

Chu Feng was stirring a cup of rich and aromatic hand-brewed coffee. His face remained calm andexpressionless. He could not be bothered about such trivial matters as Han Li’s business.

“Thank you. Have a seat,” Chu Feng said flatly, pointing at a seat beside him.

The company’s management personnel, who stood beside Heather, goggled at Chu Feng in disbelief.The place belonged to the company’s president. Why did Chu Feng behave as though he was the realowner of the place? Another weird thing was, Heather—the ever so arrogant and snobbish femalepresident of the company—was behaving like a goody two shoes and actually sat beside Chu Feng justas she was told.

Heather glanced at Yun Muqing on the side with her beautiful ocean blue eyes while secretlyspeculating the relationship between Chu Feng and the beautiful lady.

Chu Feng then introduced them to each other by saying, “This is Heather. An old friend of mine. Theowner of the business empire in Happy Valley, the one who single-handedly established the wholeempire. And this is my wife, Yun Muqing.”

Yun Muqing stared at Chu Feng in bewilderment. She did not expect Chu Feng to introduce her in sucha way because as of now, they were just a ‘fake couple’ and their relationship was not real.

Although she had prepared herself for any kind of possible relationship between Chu Feng and YunMuqing, Heather was still surprised by Chu Feng’s introduction. “My Lord, you are married?”

Chu Feng said calmly, “We have a daughter too. Duo Duo, come here!”

Duo Duo, who was jumping around and catching butterflies with Xiao Hu on the field not far from here,ran toward Chu Feng when she heard the latter’s call. Duo Duo smiled at him with her bright crescentmoon eyes. “Dad!”

Heather gazed at Chu Feng’s gentle and loving expression in disbelief. She doubted the person in frontnovelbin

of her was the notorious Lord Ashura who destroyed the whole Holy Temple on his own. It wasunbelievable that Chu Feng was so much different from the man who terrorized the Western MafiaWorld for so many years!

“My Lord, what a happy life you have now!”

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