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Chapter 10

Evening fell on the city of Jiangling; lights were turned on in the houses and cars sped down the roads.

Chu Feng sat in the backseat of the luxurious Lincoln, deftly making a pot of Kung Fu tea with fluidmotions, filling the car with its fragrance even as the look in his eyes was cold and cutting.

Thanks to the Mandraka Poison, becoming over-emotional would trigger his fits of aggression. The factthat Ma Sanyuan from the Chamber of Commerce of the Four Seas had broken his adoptive father’sleg already brought his temper to a boiling point, and he’d been suppressing his rage for the entirejourney. Tea drinking, however, helped calm him down a little.

“Chamber of Commerce of the Four Seas, originally called the Four Seas Gang, started out as a fewdozen people as a criminal organisation. After Ma Sanyuan came to power, he started forciblyrelocating people before demolishing their houses to build new ones. He also opened casinos, grantedhigh-interest loans, the whole evil package. Now he owns three realties, two spas, malls, karaokelounges and so on… He now has a total net worth of three billion.”

Listening to Luo Gang’s introduction, Chu Feng looked up at the Chamber of Commerce of the FourSeas’ thirty-floor building and sneered, “What an impressive fortune.” However, this was a fortunemade from the sacrifice of his adoptive father Zhou Lie, and tens of thousands of other innocentcitizens; it was a fortune forged with blood.

After parking the car, Luo Gang said, “As the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of the Four Seas,Ma Sanyuan commands three thousand men and his influence stretches across several districts in thecity, essentially giving him a monopoly over Jiangling. What’s more, rumors say he’s backed by a guywho controls the whole province, so even the mayor has to respect his decisions. The sky’s the limitwhen it comes to his power.”

“I have only one question,” Chu Feng simply waved his hand and said in an aloof tone, as if none ofthis was worthy of his attention. “How long would it take you to wipe out his Chamber of Commerce ofthe Four Seas?”

Luo Gang turned around and held up three fingers.

“Three days?” Chu Feng frowned.

“Three minutes.” Luo Gang said confidently.

“Then let’s get out,” Chu Feng downed his tea in a single gulp, his powerful aura was evident as hesaid. “The sky’s the limit? Then I’ll bring down his ‘sky’.” In all of Donghua, who would even dare to callhimself owning the ‘sky’ in front of him, God of War of the Dragon Soul? Actions must haveconsequences, especially ones that involved his family. Even God Himself would have been forced tokowtow in front of him and apologise if He were in this situation.

Meanwhile, in the chairman’s office on the top floor of the building of the Chamber of Commerce of theFour Seas, a forty-year-old man was smoking a cigar. Clutching a phone with his hammy fists, hespoke in an arrogant manner, “Zhang Ju, I’ll need your help with an agreement regarding that piece ofland in the northern area. I’ll add another two hundred million, for two residential buildings, and it’ll profitin the billions by next year when it’s done.”

“What? Relocation compensation? Hah! What’s the rush? Those peasants can be denied payment foryears, and they wouldn’t so much as breathe a word about it. If they protest, we’ll beat them up and ifthey still protest, we’ll go for their families. The Chamber of Commerce of the Four Seas has several

thousand men, and I have tons of tricks up my sleeve. We’ll make their life hell for them until they’rebegging us to begin construction.”

“Background? What kind of background can those peasants have? Ten years ago, there was this oldman who claimed he used to be a special ops soldier and violently resisted our demolition, and beat uphalf a dozen of my men. In the end, I broke his leg anyway and dumped him in a stinky drain for a fullday. Ten years, and I haven’t heard a peep from him. Relax, relax. If the two of us work together, we’llmake big bucks for sure. Can’t wait to hear the good news.”

Ma Sanyuan laughed strangely, then hung up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows before him,smoking his cigar as he watched the bright lights and numerous cars from high above Jiangling. In thismoment, he felt that he was a king hiding among the shadows, an all-powerful, high and mighty kingthat will someday bring the entire city under his rule, and become a god that is worshipped by all.

Ma Sanyuan was getting emotional on the inside, passion flowing through his very blood—


Suddenly, the office door was busted open and two men strode in, instantly dashing Ma Sanyuan’swonderful daydream. Ma Sanyuan started in surprise and looked up to see an apathetic young manstriding forward, with a straight-backed man following him respectfully—it was Chu Feng and LuoGang.

Ma Sanyuan burst out in rage, “Who are you and who let you in? Damn dogs, you think you can justwalk into the top floor like this? Do you have any understanding of the rules? Get the heck out of—”

Luo Gang charged forward first, revealing his angry face as he threatened, “Disrespecting the Dragon

Head? You must have a death wish!”


Before Ma Sanyuan could react, Luo Gang aimed a kick straight at his beer belly and sent him flyinglike a cannonball, crashing into his desk and making a complete mess of it.

“F*cking hell—”

He was barely done speaking when Luo Gang seized an ashtray and brought it down on Ma Sanyuan’shead, then brought it down again a dozen more times. In just a few moments, Ma Sanyuan wasbleeding and wailing like a pig being slaughtered; it was an extremely humiliating sight to behold.

Ma Sanyuan was on the verge of insanity; he was chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of the FourSeas, the kingpin of Jiangling, a man worshipped like a god wherever he went! But now, two rookiesmanaged to invade his territory and beat the life out of him?

“W-Who are you? How dare you mess with me? Do you even know who I am?” Ma Sanyuan wiped theblood off his face, his expression declaring vengeance.


Luo Gang replied with an audible slap and said coldly, “Watch your attitude. Use the formal pronounwhen you speak to the Dragon Head.”


Ma Sanyuan was speechless. He glanced up, only to find the plainly dressed, aloof man was leisurelystrolling around his office, then began throwing fish food to the arowana fish in his aquarium; it was likehe’d made himself at home.

“You have three minutes. Prepare your last will and testament, then choose a grave site with goodFeng Shui.” Chu Feng simply threw those words at him without sparing him a glance, then found analarm clock and set the timer.

What was going on? This was incomprehensible to Ma Sanyuan, who’d never been humiliated like thisbefore. So, he lost his cool and roared, “Bastard, who do you think you are to threaten me like this? I’llkill you right now!”

Then, taking advantage of Luo Gang’s inaction, Ma Sanyuan quickly took a walkie-talkie from his deskdrawer and yelled into it, “Men, where the h*ll are you all? We’re under attack!”

In less than a minute, sirens began wailing and over thirty men barged into the office, armed with metalrods and knives and cursing with immense arrogance.

“Ha! You little runts are dead. You think you can fight, but can you fight all of them?” Ma Sanyuan spatout the blood in his mouth and continued insulting them. “Kneel, kowtow and apologise to me, then slapyourselves two hundred times and I might still consider leaving your corpses in one piece, otherwise—”


Chu Feng frowned and suddenly slapped Ma Sanyuan’s face, so hard that three bloody teeth flew outof his jaw. “Such a chatterbox. When I speak, you listen. Understood?”

Ma Sanyuan, now shaking with anger, bellowed, “Cut them up! Cut these two bastards to death!”

Dozens of men immediately charged forward with their weapons, their presence intimidatingly strong.

Bang! Bang bang bang!

All of a sudden, gunshots rang out. All the hooligans stopped in their tracks and their eyes widenedwith disbelief; the three men who’d been charging at the forefront were now rolling on the floor,bleeding profusely from bullet wounds in their calves. Ahead of them, Luo Gang was holding a gun andwearing a cold, but murderous expression. “One more step, and I’ll blow your brains out next. Care togive it a try?”

There was an audible sound of everyone, including Ma Sanyuan, sucking in their breath. Their heartswere pounding so hard, they almost burst out of their chests. Did those two just assault them with agun? What the hell was going on? novelbin

The room was dead silent, except for Chu Feng’s finger-tapping on the table. Calmly glancing at MaSanyuan, he said in a cheerful but also terrifying tone, “You have 2 minutes and 17 seconds left. Haveyou thought of your final words?”

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