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Chapter 1

The North Pole, a land with nothing but ice and snow, with the earth and the sky in different shades ofthe same white, and in the deepest corners of this land, in a place undetectable even by satelliteimagery, a military base towered above all else.

It had the best elite soldiers, a state-of-the-art medical team and top-notch weapons, but only insidersknew this world-class military base was not built for research or intelligence purposes, but to protectone man—a man who’d been locked away, but was capable of bringing glory to the three millionsoldiers of the Donghua Armed Forces!

In the blizzard, a muscular old man with sharp eyebrows strode through the base, his military bootsstepping on the snow with an audible crunch.

“That boy’s illness is acting up again? What’s the situation?” The old man’s voice rang out as clearly asa church bell; on his shoulder, three golden stars gleamed.

“Marshal!” A military doctor wearing a white lab coat saluted him, then sighed. “The Dragon Head isgetting worse. It’s the third time this month. Not only that, his aggression and destructive abilities havemore than tripled! We’ve purposely reinforced the room wall with the sturdiest aeronautical alloys, sohe can rampage all he wants, but… ” Before the doctor could finish, a dozen elite soldiers emerged,struggling to carry a twenty-centimeter-thick chunk of the alloy metal wall.

The wall itself was covered in dents made by sandbag-sized fists, along with big footprints and even adent from a headbutt; all of the dents were clearly defined and, judging from the extensive force used,they were almost enough to puncture the wall itself.

“That boy did all this?”

“Yes, yes.”

The old man felt a prickle on his scalp; a twenty-centimeter-thick, reinforced wall made of aeronauticalalloys was sturdy enough to withstand the explosion of a small missile, and now, this man had all butturned it to scrap metal. With a force so strong, tanks seemed like nothing in comparison.

“I want to see him,” the old man said calmly.

The doctor became nervous and hastily said, “Marshal, the Dragon Head has just recovered from his fitof aggression, and it might come back at any moment. It’s too dangerous, so you—”

The old man strode inside without a word. In a custom-built room made of alloy metals, a young mansat on a chair with his limbs cuffed and his body shirtless. Although his skin was a gleaming bronzeand his muscles were bulging, he was covered in wounds and scars that criss-crossed over oneanother—the sign of an honorable warrior. However, his eyes were completely devoid of emotion, andhis aura reeked of death and despair.

A corner of the old man’s mouth twitched, his heart feeling a stab of pain. “Didn’t die again?”

The young man laughed at himself, his chiseled features expressing his mockery and dejection as hereplied, “I’ve almost crippled myself fooling around like this, but Satan just won’t let me into hell. I thinkeven if I did cripple myself, not a single soul would care.”

“Bullshit!” The old man suddenly raged when he heard that, flipping the table before him with a singlekick and scaring the doctors nearby.

“Who the heck is Satan to lay a finger on a soldier who belongs to me, Qin Shihuang?” He seized theyoung man’s hair and gripped it tightly. “Listen to me, Chu Feng. You’d better live, and live well! No onegets to kill you on my watch. No one, you hear me?!”

Qin Shihuang couldn’t help but tear up at the sight of this demotivated man, his heart feeling as if it’dbeen stabbed. Chu Feng, Head of the Dragon Soul squad and valued asset to Donghua, was the bestsoldier the nation had for decades, and Qin Shihuang was proud to have trained him since he wasyoung! An immensely decorated soldier, he was the pillar of faith and glory among Donghua’s millionsof fighters! The North Pole, a land with nothing but ice and snow, with the earth and the sky in different shades ofthe same white, and in the deepest corners of this land, in a place undetectable even by satelliteimagery, a military base towered above all else. novelbin

Three years ago, Chu Feng had even led his squad in the sacking of the holy grounds known as the'First Organization'. Even when separated from others, he’d blown his way through the seven Thronesof the grounds, filling the place with complete bloodshed. It was this heroic feat that earned him thisgodlike status, and the title ‘God of War’.

However, he was also inflicted with the diabolical ‘Mandraka Poison’ in the same battle, subjecting himto fits of aggression. When those fits were triggered, he’d go on beast-like rampages and harmindiscriminately, and there was no cure even as the fits became increasingly frequent. In the end, allChu Feng could do was to be tortured until he was nothing left but a senseless beast and watch himselfhit rock bottom after rock bottom; such was his cruel fate.

“Live? What’s the point in me living?” Chu Feng said monotonously, his eyes completely emotionlessand blank. “I idle away every day in this godforsaken place, worrying about when my fits will be

triggered again, worrying about harming my fellow comrades. Old man, I am no longer able to fight. I’mnot fit to be a soldier, and what else do I do besides using up precious resources? Living is torture tome, and death is my only release.”

It was not that he didn’t fear mortality anymore, it was just that he’d become numb. He couldn’t see anyhope, any future or even a tomorrow. He felt so guilty every day for the brothers in arms he’d hurtduring a fit, for everything he’d done… Such cruelty it was for a proud soldier who had once fiercelydefended his land, that death would have been a pleasure in comparison to living a life like this!

The soldiers standing around empathised so much that they started tearing up; even Qin Shihuang hadfallen silent, speechless.

“Marshal, the Dragon Head’s condition is getting worse and worse. If he stays demotivated like this, itwon’t end well. It might even be fatal…” A doctor walked over and presented a bag of crystalline whitepowder. “If this goes on, I’m afraid we’ll have to use this…”

Qin Shihuang froze; he’d always been a decisive leader, but now he found himself in painful hesitation.This was the God of War he’d single-handedly brought up, the pride and joy of the million-strong army.Was he really going to resort to this? But if he didn’t, then what would it mean if he continuedsuccumbing to these fits thrice a month? He could only only end up becoming a mindless monster atany moment, a heartless beast!

“Get out. Out!” Chu Feng was suddenly angered and kicked the bag away forcefully as he bellowed. “Iam a soldier, the renowned God of War! You dare let me use this thing, and turn me into a drug addict?How can I dishonor my fallen brothers in arms, the uniform on my back?”

The elite soldiers became covered in cold sweat. Even though Chu Feng was firmly bound to the chair,

they still had a strong feeling that like a fearsome animal, he might break free and kill them anytime, ifhe fought hard enough.

“Oh, so now you realize you’re a soldier? That you’re the Dragon Head, the God of War? If that’s thecase, then why can’t you get over minor wounds like these instead of being a coward, and trying to killyourself every chance you get?!” Qin Shihuang lost his temper as well, and jabbed a finger at ChuFeng. “Where’s your dignity? Your honor as a soldier? Your tenacious, determined fighting spirit? If Ihear you so much as breathe the word ‘die’ again, then I’m kicking you out! My army has no room forcowards!”

Chu Feng felt himself choke up; in the face of Qin Shihuang’s rage, he could only lower his head inshame.

Qin Shihuang harrumphed, then hesitated before taking out a file and tossing it to Chu Feng, and said,“I’ve been keeping this from you for five years, so it’s high time I told you. Take a look and make of itwhat you will. If you’re so hell-bent on dying, and leaving them both mother and daughter alone, thengo ahead and die!”

Mother and daughter? Chu Feng froze, then immediately opened the file and said in a surprised voice,“I-I have a daughter!”

Chu Feng stared at the girl in the photo, with her exquisitely doll-like features and felt his hands start toshake; his eyes, previously devoid of emotion, were now filled with renewed vigor and hope.

“I-Is this true?” Chu Feng felt like everything was too sudden, as if he was in a dream, but when hepinched himself, the pain made him hiss.

“The Dragon Soul never gives false intel. And what would I lie to you for? I’m sure you remember thatmission you went for in Jiangling, five years ago,” Qin Shihuang said simply.

Chu Feng paused, then remembered that pleasant night in the bar five years ago, the elegant figurethat belonged to the only woman in his life. At the same time, Qin Shihuang threw another file at himand told him, “This is your discharge report, effective immediately after you sign on it. On account ofyour outstanding contributions, the country will only revoke your military authority, but you get to keepyour rank and your position. Now scram, go outside, see the world, meet your wife and daughter.”

“Old man, can I really leave? Will the old geezers back in the capital agree to you doing this?” ChuFeng teared up, feeling a wild mixture of emotions.

Once one joined the Dragon Soul, the only way out was by death; this principle demonstrated one’sresolve to dedicate their life to the army and country, so everyone followed it without exception! Andnow Qin Shihuang had strong-armed the army into giving him a discharge, defying the law for his sake.One can only imagine the hoops he must have jumped through to make this happen.

“Don’t make me laugh. Who can stop me, Qin Shihuang, from doing whatever I want?” The old manscoffed arrogantly, pride emanating from him.

Just then, Chu Feng noticed the gold stars on Qin Shihuang’s shoulder, and that there were only threestars instead of four!

“Old man, your rank—”

“Look at you, dilly-dallying like a girl!” Qin Shihuang waved his hand impatiently, then kicked Chu Fengright on his backside, scolding. “I feel disgusted just looking at you. Just get out of here! And remember

to take your meds, don’t go around having your fits and dishonoring me in public!”

“I’m going, then.” Chu Feng grinned. “When you die, old man, I’ll be sure to come back and pay myrespects before drinking all your alcohol.”

“Get out!” Qin Shihuang roared.

Chu Feng laughed and left with a wave of his hand. The photo of his daughter felt oddly warm in hispalm, and it felt like his future was full of hope again.

“Chu Feng.”

He’d only taken two steps when Qin Shihuang yelled at him from behind, standing outside in thefreezing wind and snow like an unmovable mountain.

“Remember! Once a Dragon Soul, always a Dragon Soul, even when you’re gone! The sky is for me tohold up, the earth for you to walk on! This world and all the damn elites in it will bow to you! That’s theGod of War I know, the soldier I raised to join the Dragon Soul.”

With a resounding smack, Qin Shihuang saluted and yelled, “I, Qin Shihuang, humbly send you off,Dragon Soul’s God of War.”

More smacks echoed through the air as dozens of armoured soldiers saluted in unison. “We humblysend you off, Dragon Soul’s God of War!”

Even as the blizzard worsened, Chu Feng stood tall and took big strides ahead, not once did he stop orturned around. It wasn’t that he was heartless, it was just that he’d shed blood and sweat but never

tears in all his years as a soldier—

But now, tears were streaming down his face. Men cried too, but more importantly, they forged bondsas well!

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