The Stained Omega

Chapter 282
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Chapter 282

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 115.

✰ Cas⭑

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“And the human, how did you meet Jeremy?” Elder Alec’s words sound innocent enough but Eva’sheart rate rising and the way her hand becomes sweaty in mine, tell me that she’s starting to panic.The room falls silent as the three Elders stare at us and Eva just sits there. with her heart going into apanicked rhythm.

“You need to answer the question Miss Smith.” Elder Iris is smirking as she leans back in her chair, Ican feel Storm trying to push his way to the edge but I pull him back. It will do none of us any good forme to lose control right now.

“Give her a second,” Selena spits at the Elder, I glance at Elder Alec to see a worried look in his brightemerald eyes, he can sense Eva’s upset.

“Breath Angel, just one thing at a time, remember.” I mutter to her before addressing the Elder’s, “giveher a second, Jeremy is not an easy subject for her.” Elder Alec and Christopher nod but Elder Iris justlooks annoyed.

“She knew what this Council was being held for, if she can’t answer the questions then we will need theroom to come to our judgement now.” Elder Alec slams his hand on the table making both Eva andElder Iris jump in shock.

“Elder Iris, you will hold your tongue.” Elder Alec spears her with a look that has my respect for himgoing up a few notches. “Luna Eva, whenever you are ready, there is no rush.” I squeeze Eva’s handas she starts to shake, the only person she’s ever told the story of Jeremy to ist


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me and I think she hated telling it then.

‘I like this Elder.’ I grunt at Storm, unfortunately I agree with him and I’m not sure if I like the idea of adecent Elder.

“I was living on the streets when I went to Seattle, I wanted to put as much distance between me andshifters as possible.” Eva’s voice is small and I notice Selena snake over her stomach in a comfortinggesture, “I met Jeremy when he bought me a coffee, he seemed like a nice guy until he started to hurtme.” Eva takes a deep shaking breath, I watch her eyes close as she tries to hold back her tears, myguess is that she doesn’t want to cry in front of the Elders.

‘I’m here Angel.’ I send the message over the mind link and I feel Ghost purr as it’s received.

“I don’t want to get into it because it’s a part of my life I want to forget but a great deal of pain until Casfound me again.

v caused me Once he came back into my life I realised I didn’t have to live like that so I ran fromJeremy.” I’m so proud of her, she’s kept to the facts and not offered more than they need to know, I canunderstand why she’s sugar dusted some of the harsher stuff Jeremy did to her. She lived it, she re-lived it when she told me and there is no reason why she has to live it again now.

“This is insane, are we supposed to believe that in, what seventeen years with The Shalamayne shenever met Jeremy, not once?” Elder Iris leans forward in her chair with a wide grin on her face, she

clearly thinks she’s caught Eva in a lie. “Her and Jeremy have clearly come up with this plan to getsomething out of Everfur, the only question is what.”novelbin

“I swear, I never met him before Seattle.” Eva’s voice quivers as she tries to control her emotions, “andI’ve never asked Cas or Everfur for

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anything.” Letting go of her hand I dig into my pocket and pull out a piece of paper I found under mybed next to the sock and my keys.

“What’s this?” Elder Alec takes the piece of paper I hold out to him.

“When Eva first came to Everfur I had to practically force her from the Pack house to take her shoppingfor essentials. I’m not sure when she stopped counting but there you will find a list of everything Ibought that day with a total next to it.” Eva sucks in a shocked breath, “I found it under our bed Angel.” Ikiss her hand as I retake it in mine.

“I was going to pay it back, all of it. Before I realised we were mates and that I wasn’t leaving.” I smileat her as Elder Alec unfolds the paper and starts to read it.

“Well for someone who wanted something from Everfur you have kept a very detailed entry of what youowe them.” Elder Alec passes the paper to Elder Christopher before addressing us again, “I think I’veheard enough.” He looks at Elder Iris but she just shakes her head. before staring off at the far wall.

“Me too, I’d like to get back home at some point this month.” Elder Christopher rises from the table andwith the aid of his cane he slowly walks from the room.

“You’re free to return to Everfur Luna Eva, may your child come with good health.” Elder Alec standsfrom the table before collecting up the paperwork and placing it back in the file.

“And then what?” Eva’s hand tightens in mine as she asks the question. I am thinking.

“Then nothing, after speaking with yourself and Alpha Darryl I don’t believe any laws were broken.” Ibreathe a sigh of relief as Elder Alec walks around the table, “Alpha Castiel, Luna Eva, I look forward to

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seeing what becomes of Everfur under your rule.” He bows to us both before walking past us, I’mshocked that it was over so quickly and so abruptly. It feels almost like Elder Alec had made his mindup before we even came in here.

Elder Iris stands from the table and starts to stomp from the room, just as I’m about to stop her to saymy piece it seems Selena is done sitting on the sideline.

“Oh hell no,” Selena jumps in front of the Elder, I turn in my chair to see Elder Alec watching on withinterest from the door. “You have disrespected my Luna at every turn. You came into our Pack andtreated her like sh it found on the bottom of your shoc and now you’re going to slink out of here withoutso much as an apology?” Selena is furious, her normally sunkissed skin is bright red and I can see herwolf dancing behind her eyes.

“Selena.” I say in warning, I understand her anger on her Luna’s behalf but I don’t want her to getcarried away

“No, Elder or not, she knows the value of a Luna and she should show some respect.” Selena sayswithout taking her eyes off the scared Elder, they seem to stare at each other for a solid few minutesbefore a cough from behind us has Elder Iris shoulders drooping. It isn’t until a loud growl sounds thatElder Iris actually turns back to Eva and lowers her head, it’s not a sign of respect, it’s a sign ofsubmission.

“I am sorry for any disrespect Luna Eva, I understand that I may have taken this situation further than Ishould have and I’m sure I will face my own repercussions.” Eva doesn’t say anything as Elder Iriskeeps her eyes on Selena as she mutters her apology, Eva simply nods her head in acknowledgement.Selena steps to the side letting the Elder finally leave the boardroom.

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“You didn’t have to do that.” Eva whispers as I stand to help her from the chair.

“I did, you’re my Luna and my best friend. Now can we go home, I miss my mate and I really want to doan ultrasound.” Eva giggles at. Selena as she wipes at her face before taking my hand again.

“Home sounds great.” Eva’s grip on mine tightens as she slowly walks from the room, I can’t wait to gether home where I know she’s safe and I can keep an eye on her and our pup.

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