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Chapter 966

Fane did not pester them with any more questions no matter the consequences;

they did not seem to want to resume their chat either. After all, everybody had their own secrets.

"It's noon now, and you guys must be hungry. Let me ask the kitchen staff to prepare some lunch for

you! Rest well this afternoon since you’ve got some free time, and we'll get Elaine to arrange some

work for you tomorrow!" Fane, after sorting out his thoughts and plans, made some arrangements and

asked them to leave.

It was only after walking a good distance away that Brianna Sullivan spoke to Nathanael Sullivan,

"Grandfather, why haven’t we heard about the Woods family before? It looks like Skyler Celestino is


good. He was able to kill two masters that were on par with six or seven-star Kings of War. He's

incredibly skilled!"

Nathanael smiled and replied, "That’s right. Fane and Selena are rather wealthy as well —what with

those twenty villas—but it seems like most of them are empty. This means that they're not a strong

power. Nonetheless... Why are they daring enough t o offend a second-class aristocratic family when

they're not strong? Aren't they afraid that their enemies would get back at them a s they killed the

masters owned by the second-class aristocratic family?"

Brianna also nodded. "Think about it, Grandfather: What does it mean when such a strong master is

willing to follow Fane and Selena around? This means that Fane i s either a significantly important

individual that Skyler Celestino willingly dedicated himself to Fane, or Fane's that strong for the master

to willingly follow him." Brianna paused and gave a wry smile before adding, "There's also the

possibility that the pair has deep pockets to offer him a handsome salary, so much so that it moved the

other person to agree to work as their bodyguard's head commander!"

Nathanael thought about it and nodded." Yes, that makes sense.”

Nathanael was still unsure of the situation and what to make of it when Brianna continued, "But if we're

talking about handsome pays, then it'd make no sense since a master like that could've joined first -

class aristocratic families or other more powerful clans, don't you think? Their salary offer would surely

be higher, and it's stranger that I've never heard of this Woods family before!"

Nathanael sighed. "Whatever it is, we’ve finally met someone nice. Let's just stay here and work hard

to repay their kindness."

Brianna frowned and reluctantly argued," But Grandfather, you know what I want. I really want to get

my revenge!"

Nathanael gave her a bitter smile and shook his head at her words. "Revenge? Do you know how

difficult that is? Apart from that, it’s really nice that they're able to help us. On what grounds should we

ask people t o help us? Apart from that, we shouldn’t involve them as they'd be like mere ants to our

enemies who, might I say, are powerful."

The dejected Brianna inwardly sighed and fell silent.

'Young Master Chaffman, I—I'll be taking m

y leave now!" stammered Caleb, wiping the cold sweat on him after he helped Young Master Chaffman

into the car.

Too shook to even comprehend, Peace merely gave a short, "Alright, alright!"

To the two, it felt like they had a narrow escape from death.

It was in the afternoon that a thought occurred to Caleb, and he immediately drove to his second uncle,

Hunter. Co?tent оf Dr?м??оvels.coмnovelbin

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