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Chapter 858

The crowd held their breath for a moment when they heard what Ethan had said to Fane. Ethan Haays,

the miraculous doctor who possessed incredible medical knowledge, came and asked Fane to teachnovelbin

him the art of medicine?

Would that not mean Fane was even more skilled than him in the medical field?

Fiona could no longer stand idly by the sidelines and went up to them. "Sir Haays, are you saying that

my son-in-law's medical skills are even better than yours? I t can’t be true, right? You've been called a

miracle doctor, a divine doctor!" blurted Fiona.

Ethan knew that the woman before him was Fane's mother-in-law, hence he gave her a bright smile

and replied, "Yes, Auntie, his medical skills are spectacular!"

Ethan paused for a moment before he added, “Just think about it: All these highly honored Gods of War

had been injured in the battlefield, and not a minor one at that. It’s logical that no ordinary doctor could

treat them, and only a highly skilled doctor could do that. Not only highly skilled, but top-notch. Like,

top-top-notch, if you get what I mean."

Ethan thought of something before he quickly continued, "So, with Fane's amazing skills, he had

treated them. Basically, he can be considered as the Gods of War’s personal doctor!"

Only then did it dawn on the crowd that Fane had such a highly honored position : n the battlefield.

Even if he was not some God of War or King of War, with his remarkable medical skills and his

relationship with those Gods of war, it was sufficient to make him respectable.

No wonder the eight Gods of War told the same story—Fane truly had saved their lives on the

battlefield. The stories were not lies; they were the truth!

"Yes, Sir Haays is right! Fane is our exclusive doctor, specialized in treating Gods of War and some

eight-star and nine-star Kings of War!"

Skyler chimed in to help Fane and the others too. He smoothened the situation with a smile on his face.

"Wow...! That's really amazing! I really didn't expect that this son-in-law of mine would be so admirable,

so promising!"

Fiona patted Fane's shoulder as she gushed, "Fane, why didn't you tell me this


Fane was rendered speechless.

Fortunately, Ethan's explanation about the whole coincidental stories was justified, and the excuses

given by the eight Gods of War were covered up beautifully.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for others to not think that Fane was the Supreme Warrior.

Fane smiled and faced Fiona. "Mom, it's not that I don't want to tell you about it. I'm just afraid that

even if I do tell you, you won't believe me. Besides, I remember saying to you that my medical skills are

better than Sir Haays’. That’s what I said, but you didn’t believe it. You thought I was only bragging!"

Fiona's lips curved into a sheepish smile.' Well... You can't blame me for not believing you. After all,

you seldom cure people, and I thought you were just an ordinary soldier! How can I even think that you

possessed such medical skills and knowledge?”

By that time, Joan recalled something, and she went toward them with a frown. "Fane, something's off.

Before coming here, I remember that you told me you've purchased a necklace for Selena. Where's the

necklace? Why didn’t you take it out and put it on her? Her neck looks so bare and empty right now.”

"That’s right! Where’s the necklace you bought?"

Selena rolled her stunning eyes at Fane, the corners of her mouth curling up happily. "Didn't you say

you wanted to give me a surprise?"

Fane smiled warmly at Selena before he replied, "That's right, but you'll have to close your eyes. I'll put

it on you!" "Close my eyes? Why all the mystery?" Selena, internally overwhelmed with joy, closed her

eyes shut.

With that, Fane quickly took out a jewelry box.

"What's Fane doing? What kind of gift is he giving to Selena? I wonder..." muttered Ivan with a frown.

"The hell knows! Making it so mysterious, a s though it's a grand gift."

Xena sneered coldly. "It’s just a necklace. How grand would it be? Everyone knows what kind of

necklace it is, so why is he acting so extra and asked Selena to close her eyes? What’s all the mystery

for? It’s not like we don't know it’s a necklace!"

Xena was green with envy and jealousy; she never thought Fane was such a capable man. Had she

known that from the start, Xena would have used millions of ways to seduce and tempt him with her

beauty. It would satisfy her enough to be his second wife.

Yet, even when she entertained that thought, the image of Sharon George came t o mind. Xena

glanced at Sharon who stood beside her; an incredibly beautiful, gorgeous woman was she. Xena

knew she could never top that, even if she did follow through with pulling a million tricks to tempt Fane.

It was futile.

Fane would certainly not like her, and it did not help that that punk was no typical playboy that drooled

over pretty ladies.

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