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Chapter 576

Fane was speechless when he saw the duo unconscious on the ground.

He glanced at Xena, and the intent to kill was evident in his eyes. This woman would only bring

problems for as long as she lived; now would be a good chance to end it all.

He quickly dismissed the thoughts.

His lips curled into a self-deprecating smile.

If he killed an unarmed and unconscious woman, how different would he be from Quil and others like


He was the Supreme Warrior, too. How could he take advantage of someone while they were

defenseless? He would be the object of ridicule if others knew about that!

Moreover, the agreement between him and Ben would never be resolved if he killed her, and Fane

might never know who operated behind Xena. Furthermore, Ben could spiral into severe depression

should she die.

Ben loved and trusted Xena so much. What if Ben found it too much to cope with?

What if he took his own life after Xena died?

The more he went over it, the more he came to terms that Xena had to live to see another day. Even if

he wanted her dead, h e had to wait for the day when Ben would see this woman's true colors.

He could only sigh and say, "Nevermind." Once he walked to both unconscious women, Fane slung

them over his shoulders and walked to the edge of the fourth floor. He then jumped down but landed

lightly and safely on the ground floor.

Fane walked outside without struggling nor breaking a sweat. Once he placed both women at the

backseat, he started the engine of his car. He then entered the driver's seat and proceeded to drive

straight to the family villa.

Once he entered the compound, Fane recalled that he had something important t o do. He instantly

called Selena and informed her that everyone was safe and sound.

Just as Fane hung up, Andrew came his way. "Hey, didn't they go shopping? What happened?" he

worriedly asked as he was met with the sight of both passed-out women in the car.

'It's okay. They just fainted because they were frightened. They'll wake up soon!" Fane smiled bitterly.

He never thought that they were both cowards and would faint due to the fright.novelbin

Fiona was the first to wake up; her eyes opened the moment Fane finished his sentence.

Once she noted that she was in a car and that she was already home, she relaxed. "O h my goodness.

Am... Am I at home?"

She looked at Xena, still unconscious by her side, and shook her. "Xena, are you alright? Why aren't

you moving?"

The tight smile was still on Fane’s face." She fainted because of fright like you."

The events that had happened rushed into Fiona's mind at that instant, and she glared at Fane.

"Everything happened because of you," she icily accused him. "I nearly got shot back there, and I

would've died.

Thankfully, that person missed his shot. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have returned in one piece!”

"What?! Fane, what actually happened?'

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