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Chapter 533

Yet he never expected Fane to speak after pausing for a moment. "Lambasting my name is fine. After

all, I'm just a bodyguard working for the Drake family. However, you've slandered the name of a

Goddess of War. You cannot be forgiven that easily for that. Our Goddess of War here isn't even

married, yet you’ve said such things about her..."

Fane spoke to Ivan, "Young Master Ivan, the fatty accused you of slandering the Goddess of War as

well. Isn’t that practically defamation for you as well?"

"That’s right. He utterly and thoroughly slandered my name as well. I have nothing but respect for the

Goddess of War. There isn't a speck of disrespect within me. In my eyes, Miss Lana is the strongest

Goddess of War among the nine. Besides, it's a no-brainer that it's extremely difficult for a woman to

become a Goddess of War!"

Ivan bobbed his head as he agreed with Fane's words. He even threw in a statement that clearly meant

to suck up to Lana.

"What? Are you underestimating women?"

He never expected Lana’s expression to darken instead as she spoke unhappily.

"No, no. I didn't mean that. I-I'm just saying it's not easy..."

Ivan was suddenly shocked. Beads of cold sweat traveled down his neck.

Fane then said, "Young Master Ivan, you said it yourself—this fellow defamed you. Then we'll make this

easy and give you a chance to prove yourself. Our Goddess of War here will be watching if you do it


Go on and give this fatty two hundred vicious slaps. Oh, and each slap must be absolutely resounding

to prove your respect and regard for the Goddess of War! Otherwise, it would mean that you do not

truly respect her!"

"Mmhmm. Not bad. It's time to see if you truly respect me!"

Lana smiled and folded her arms across her chest. "Begin!"

"Two-two hundred? That's too much!"

Michael almost fainted on the spot, fury kindling in him. Fane was seriously overstepping his

boundaries. Couldn't the man just tell him to kowtow and apologize or something?

Instead, he told Ivan to give him two hundred slaps-hard ones at that. This was preposterous!

"Too much? Heh. The fact that you're allowed to live is good enough, Michael, and you still wish to

bargain with me?

Vermin like you have no right to question the reputation of a Goddess of War."

Fane's lips curled into a frosty smile. He turned towards Ivan. "Young Master Ivan, this is now in your

hands!" he said. "It's time to prove your loyalty-the respect and regard you claim to harbor towards the

Goddess of War!"

The corners of Ivan's mouth twitched. Now, he would have preferred the Goddess of War to kill Michael

in a flash of anger instead.

Were he to raise his hand and slap Michael, it would be a miracle if the other man did not hold a

grudge against him.

The person he was most frustrated with was Fane-how dare he ask him to slap Michael, putting his

respect towards the Goddess of War on the line! It was hard for him to go easy with such a matter at

stake. Furthermore, he could not fake the slapping, what with so many people watching.

"What are you standing there for? Move!"

Skyler glared at Ivan as he reminded him.

"That's right. Letting him live is mercy in itself, considering what he said about a Goddess of War!” Quin

also chimed in.

"Hah. If you’re not up for it, I'll take your place and defend her honor. I'll slap him to death in three


Xyle, another God of War, burst into laughter.novelbin

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