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Chapter 516

Ivan Taylor and Ken Clark, who were by their side, were happy when they heard this. Fane did not tell

the Taylors to prepare more tables when he knew that the Goddess of War was coming.

However, they had no idea that Fane was still very calm. "You'll know if she's a rich lady when she’s

here. How should I put this? Nine hundred million is nothing to her, what more ninety million!”

Pausing for a moment, Fane turned to look at Old Master Taylor and added, "I have your gift ready,

Grandfather, but it’s not the villa next to this."

"What?!" Many from the crowd inhaled sharply when they heard this. If it was not that villa, then what

was his gift?

Selena, who stood behind Fane, frowned. This man was full of surprises, she could barely keep up with


So the gift he prepared for her grandfather was not the villa after all?

"Not the villa? Then, this villa is..." Zeus Taylor trailed off.

Turning to look behind him, Fane pulled Selena closer to him. He then took a key out from his pocket

and placed it onto Selena's palm. "It's for Selena. The place we're currently staying in doesn’t have

enough space, s

o I want my family to move over. I originally wanted to surprise Selena with this, but I never thought

Ivan would see it first and ruin the surprise..."

Fane lovingly touched Selena’s cheeks. "I'm sorry, Honey. I wanted to wait till dinner ended to tell you

this tonight and bring you there to have a look. I had n o idea that it'd turn into this, and I have no other

way but to tell you the truth a little early."

Selena was dazed, so much so that her red lips parted. She wondered if she had heard wrongly.

All this time, the villa was not the place where Fane and the rich woman were secretly seeing each

other; i t was his gift to her.

She silently thanked herself for not dwelling in the matter or exposed Fane for it. Otherwise, things

might have turned badly.

"Fane, did... Did I hear wrongly? You spent over ninety million and won the auction on the opposite

villa, just t o give it to my daughter? For our whole family to stay there?" Fiona gulped, evidently

excited. Initially disappointed at Fane as Fiona believed he was kissing up to a rich woman, she was

happy once more at this moment. It seemed that she had really misunderstood Fane.

Fane smiled indifferently. "Don’t worry, Mother. The deed for the villa isn't here yet, but it belongs to

Selena alone. This house was bought for her. Moreover, it isn't proper for Kylie to be sleeping with us in

the same room. After all, Kylie is already around four years old!" "Amazing! That... That house is ours

for real?" Kylie clapped her hands excitedly. "That's so cool! Mommy, we have a new house!" she

beamed. "A very, very big house!”

Selena’s nose turned sour. The bitterness she experienced throughout these five tears was finally

turned into tears of relief that trickled down her face. 1

"Mommy, why are you crying?" Little Kylie frowned when she saw Selena crying, her face evident with


Selena knelt down and patted Kylie’s delicate little head. "Don't worry, Kylie, Mommy is just happy,” she

spoke through tears. "These are happy tears, okay? We'll be staying in a big, comfortable house soon!"

Fane was overcome with emotions as he gazed at his dear wife kneeling before their daughter. Selenanovelbin

had endured numerous hardships throughout these five years. From now onward, if she was wanted,

he would willingly give her the entire world. 1 "Alright!"

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