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Chapter 435

Fane smiled coldly, a murderous feeling growing inside him.

“Are you trying to die? How dare you talk to him like this?” Dennis was so angry that he almost burst.

He slapped Quil, "You bastard! If we were on the battlefield, I would've sliced your head off by now!"

Slap—! The slap was powerful and loud.

Dennis understood clearly that Fane did not make a move himself because of two reasons. Number

one, he felt that this person was not worth him doing anything; number two, he did not want to expose

his true identity. After all, this person was the seven-star King of War’s god-brother's son and it would

be an issue if Fane did not respect the King of War.

It would be difficult for Fane to continue hiding his identity if this matter blew up.

Fane had returned a few days ago, but even his wife had no clue about his true identity. It proved that

Fane really wanted a normal life.

On the other hand, he, Dennis, could care less about it and had nothing to be afraid of. After all, Fane

saved his life.

How could he stand idly by after seeing another party speaking to Fane like that?

"How dare you slap our young master?" When the bodyguards saw their young master being hit, they

rushed forward immediately. Two of them held up their fists and were prepared to attack him.

Bang bang!

Dennis turned around with speed and punched them continuously, sending the two bodyguards flying.

They hit the ground, spitting out blood.

"What's going on? You-you hit me? He's just a normal soldier, why can't I speak like that?" Quil was

unable t o recover from the slap. He had already said clearly that his father was Magnus’s god-brother.

As long as the other party was not stupid, he should have been polite to him!

After all, it would be wise to please him so he could speak well of them in front of Magnus in the future.

It could be said that pleasing him was akin to pleasing the King of War.

"Why am I hitting you? Young man? Normal soldier? Haha, do you know who he is? How dare you?!"

Dennis was so angry. If only this was not a soldiers' gathering. He really wanted to kill this Xenos guy.

"Marshal Howard, isn't your behavior a bit too much?" Magnus's face darkened and said, "Even if it's

my nephew's fault, you shouldn't have done that. If he's that important, tell me who he is, then."

Dennis was stunned and held his breath. He almost

exposed Fane's identity.

He thought about it and said, "He... he's a doctor that saved my life. He’s my savior so naturally, I'd get

angry after hearing Mr. Xenos speak to him like that!"

"Ah, no wonder you're so agitated!” Magnus smiled bitterly and looked behind him. More than a dozen

people had come over to watch the scene. Among them were majors, marshals, commanders and

some normal soldiers.

Those people surrounded them and were watching them.

"Uncle, he... he doesn't respect you. How dare he hit m e when he knows that I call you uncle?"

Quil was really angry because of that, but he knew that his useless bodyguards were definitely no

match for Dennis who was a marshal. He could only place his hopes on Magnus, hoping that Magnus

would help him out.

"Nevermind, it was my nephew's fault for speaking nonsense. However, there's no need for apologies

anymore since you've hit him. Let’s treat that as an apology.

"Shall we let this go, for my sake? We're being laughed at by the others, standing here at the door.

Let's all go i n!” Magnus thought and finally said.

Quil was very angry but he also knew that Magnus was someone who loved his reputation. He was the

one who organized the gathering and the consequences may be bad if he caused trouble. It would also

give a bad impression to the others.

'Nevermind, I'll deal with them next time!' Quil swore t o himself, gritting his teeth.novelbin

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