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Chapter 305

Yvonne did not Fane live here since she hated seeing that man.

What Fane spoke next took her aback: "Don't you worry; I'm not interested in you. Besides, my wife

looks ten times more beautiful than you, so do you think I'll try anything? Would I, a veteran, do

something as scummy as assaulting a woman?” i


That remark infuriated Yvonne. Not only had this jerk seen everything, but he also implied she looked

shabby and was not as beautiful as his wife.

Who would not take a few more looks at her whenever she was out shopping? He should know that.

Yvonne was extremely confident in her own appearance since those long legs of hers were rather


"Is she now? I’m quite curious to know who your wife i s. If there's a chance in the future, I want to see

for myself just how beautiful she truly is to be ten times more beautiful than me!" Yvonne spoke, her

arms crossed at her chest. This brat was obviously boasting. How could a bodyguard marry someone

more beautiful than her?

Fane chuckled at her statement. "We'll see if there's a chance!"

Checking the time, he then said, "It's getting late now,

it’s already 5 P.M. I'll be heading home now. I originally intended to take a break for a moment but was

startled by this pretty lady, so I didn’t get to nap."

After he was done speaking, he headed right out the door and swiftly went downstairs.

Befuddled, Yvonne looked at her watch on her wrist." Isn't...isn’t it only 4.30 P.M.?" she pointed out.

"How can he get off work just like that? Moreover, shouldn't he let his captain know and ask if he

agrees to it or not? How is this a bodyguard? He's living like a young master now!"

Yvonne scoffed. "Fire him. A bodyguard like this has t o be fired. Tanya, you have to fire him!"

Without much to console her cousin, Tanya spoke with a smile, "Yvonne, your hair isn't even dried yet.

You just finished your bath, right? Don't get so worked up. Your refusal to meet him wouldn’t happen to

be due to him walking in while you were showering, now would it?"

Yvonne blushed heavily after hearing that statement." Impossible," she denied vehemently. "Tanya,

don't you spout nonsense like these, you got that? I'll get mad if you keep making baseless


"What are you so nervous about? I was just joking with you. Also, I trust that you’ve locked the door as

you bathed. He couldn’t have walked in on you, no?"

Tanya laughed and added, "He's no ordinary bodyguard, you know. His combat skills are incredibly

powerful, and not even Harvey is a match for him. More importantly, we suspect that he shares a very

close bond with the God of War!"

"God of War!"

Yvonne gasped the instant she heard her cousin mentioned the God of War. "Are you talking about the

Goddess of War, Lana?” she sputtered.novelbin

"Yes, her!" Tanya nodded as she spoke.

"Is it now? How can a veteran share any form of relationship with the God of War? Besides, if that was

the case, why would he even work as a bodyguard anyway? Someone of such high status wouldn't be

a bodyguard, right?"

Yvonne was still slightly skeptical about that creep having any form of relationship with the God of War.

"Let me explain," Tanya started. "Back then when the God of War was returning, my father took a lot of

effort to learn which private jet she was on to pick her up. H e did not expect that Fane would

disembark the jet with the God of War..."

Tanya then continued, "So, we thought that even if that person isn't a God of War, at the very least he

shares quite the unique bond with the god. My father stated that pleasing him would be the same as

pleasing the God of War. Hence, him working here with us is a good thing.”

"A monthly wage of 20 million is a little too much now, is it?" Yvonne pouted her lips as she said that.

"It's not much. My father even said that he's only working here because he was in a good mood. This

price was actually quite low!"

Tanya chuckled and beamed, "I trust my father's judgment as well!"

Out of the blue, a servant from downstairs called out t o Tanya.

"Not good, Miss Tanya. A fight is about to break out!"

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