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Chapter 2366

Nonetheless, they could not say anything at that moment. After all, no one was focused on Fane.

Elder Godfrey was taken aback when he realized Fane had sneaked up behind him. Did something happen?"Did something happen?" whispered Elder Godfrey.

Fane, knowing he could not evade this, nodded at the elder. "No need to ask for now. You'll find out in a moment.”

When he heard Fane say that, Elder Godfrey was even more confused, but he did not persist on the matter. Lennon's breath was slowly getting moreerratic with his collar being grabbed in such a manner.

He felt like Skylar might actually kill him on the spot if he did not make things clear. so he pointed at the peak of the Divine Void Slope

"The final battle was one between the two strongest among us. Royce couldn't stand up te Fane, and Fane killed him in one blow." Lennon used themost abbreviated version of everything that had happened

However, the others were confused when they heard this. Royce had been killed in one blow, and it was nowhere random, either, the place being thepeak of the Divine Void Slope. All the elders had already ascertained the rules before they got there

Naturally, they knew that climbing to the top of the Divine Void Slope was an incredibly perilous road. There were countless obstacles, and only thetwo strongest could stand at the top for a final battle.

It was nothing peculiar to hear Royce having reach the peak. It was only natural, seeing as he was definitely at the helm of all the disciples there. Allthat and even with his impressive skills, however...he had lost and, what mare, killed in one strike!

Losing and being killed were two different matters. Being able to kill the other party required one to be much stronger!

"Who is Fane?" Skylar shouted

Why had he never heard of that name before? Skylar swept a glance across the northern clans’ disciples and assessed themThe strongest among them, other than Graham, would be Benjamin. He had never heard of the name Fane.

Cther than the Dual Sovereign Pavilion's elders, the other elders were confused as well.

The First Elder widened his eyes as he turned back to look at Fane, who, at that moment, hung his head low and kept mum.

The Second Elder was just as shocked. The two elders would never have expected that Fane was actually the one who faced off against Royce andkilled his opponent.

Even though they felt like Fane wascapable and-talented, it wasnowhere earth- shaking. No matter:how strong he was, they would.never have expected him to defeat achosen disciple from a fourth-gradeclan A Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org ol

The elder pointed at Fane. "It's you?"

Nonetheless, he had deliberately whispered those words.Fane let out a sigh; there was no point in keeping it a secret anymore. No matter how long Fane wanted to hide it, he would not have such a chance

With that, Fane nodded. "I was the one who killed Royce."Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

The people were shocked to haveheard this; never once expecting t thatFane wgtild be this formidable. Ifthey I had not heard it for themselves,the First and Second Elders wouldnot-have believed him. 1 Cantentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org =

In truth, they still had their doubts.After all, I) matter how strong Fanewas, he'was still justattheintermediate stage of the innatelevel hey were certain thatimuch,despite not knowing other. details.Cdntent belongs to NovelDrama.Org

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