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Chapter 2364

He seemed to be looking for someone. He stared as he looked at everyone present. Yet, after looking everywhere, he did not find what he waslocking for, and he suddenly got suspicious

He frowned before he looked at Graham. Graham's condition was not that great, it was obvious that Graham was recovering from a heavy injury.The Corpse Pavilion's First Elder's frown deepened. " Where is he?"

The elder cast his gaze at Lennon. When Lennon heard that, he quickly paled as his hands trembled. At that moment, he was in an incredibly difficultspot.

If he told the First Elder that the masked man was dead, the First Elder might put the blame on him. If he did not speak, there was no way they couldget past this.

He took a few deep breaths, his face already white as paper. His actions had made the elders all even more confused. Naturally, those elders had noidea what had happened.

Both the northern and southern clan disciples all clearly knew who was the strongest person who had entered the Hidden Place for Resources. Theyknew who was potentially in danger, but it was absolutely not the masked man!

Yet, the way Lennon looked seemed like he had something to say, but did not dare to do so. It was obvious something had happened.

The Corpse Pavilion's First Elder's face was red, fuming with anger. "What's there to hide?! I'm asking you where he is? Why are you all here, but nothim?!"

Those words from the First Elder were very obviously anxious, despite the fact that he told himself in his mind that the masked man would be the lastperson to have anything happen to him.

Yet, there seemed to be no trace of the masked man. On top of that, Lennon's strange expression had the Corpse Pavilion's First Elder's heart in anincredibly frantic state!

Lennon had aneven more sour lookon his face after hearing thosewords. Helooked like he had just ->ingested'some poison. His face ~alternated between turning redandgoing g'pale, and he was shudderingeven more fiercely. Contentbelongsto NovelDrama.Org =

The Corpse Pavilion's First Elder raised his eyebrow. He looked at Graham but saw that Graham had a strange look on his face as well. To be moreprecise, everyone present had strange looks on their faces.

It was as if what happened was impossible for them to talk about.

The Thousand Leaves Pavilion's First Elder was quite intelligent. Even though he did not know what had happened, it was easy to deduce that it wasnot a good thing for Corpse Pavilion.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

He let out a cold laugh and said, "Royce Charlton was the future pillar of your clan. Skylar, don't panic, he will be fine, don't you all think so?"The tone had been incredibly condescending.

Everyone had naturally managed to tell that the First Elder of the Thousand Leaves Pavilion was trying to imply that something had definitelyhappened to Royce

Fane raised an eyebrow, unable tostop himse from looking at theFirst Elder of the Thousand LeavesPavilion. Only then did he find outthat the masked man was calledRoyce sand that the First Elder of theThousand Leaves Pavilion wascalled Skylar. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Skylar had a dark look on his face ashe turned a ound abruptly anduttered, "Stap being so ~condescending. Even though Royeisn't here, just look at your owndisciples. Other than those who aresamewhat stronger, it doesnt lookhe many are left. Contegtbelongsto NovelDrama.Org

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