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Chapter 2345

"Even someone at the spring solidifying or even divine solidifying realm would not dare to try it so easily. Does he think that he can? He's looking fordeath!”

Graham glanced at the masked man, Graham was already at the level where he hated the masked man with a fierce passion. After all, that guy hadcaused Graham so much trouble and had even killed so many disciples from the Thousand Leaves Pavilion.

He had originally wanted to ignore the masked man, but hearing the masked man's arrogant words, Graham could not help but say coldly, "Youalways evaluate Fane like this, but aren't you the one who's constantly on the losing end? Don't casually give out criticisms like this!"

The masked man's face was suddenly red with anger, and wanted nothing more than to start a fight against Graham immediately! Just as the maskedman was about to retort, Fane could finally not resist letting out a cry in agony, "Ahhh..."

However, that cry was forcibly held back by Fane midway. He shut his mouth tightly, not wanting his cry to be heard by anyone else.

However, because of the pain he was suffering, his body was trembling even more intensely. He was shaking so intensely that every muscle on hisbody

was trembling. His temples thumped as if he would explode at any moment.

Even though they could not feel the pain Fane was going through, they could still somewhat tell what the pain was like from Fane's reactions, and towhat degree the spirit refining pill had advanced to.

At that moment, Fane had no strength to notice the reactions of those around him were to his cry of agony because he was already in so much painthat he felt like dying.

The spirit refining pill really was intense! Fane felt like his entire soul was being assaulted by intense attacks. His soul was being ripped apart in everyarea before being reassembled!

The pain from.is soul beingconstantly tos, left him unable tostand the.pain! Reassembling his >soul stillCequired him to use hisspirituarenergy which needed histrue eergy. So, not only did Faneneed to withstand the pain; henéeded to use his true energy aswell. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

The assault on two fronts left him in a dire situation! Fane was incredibly concerned, he did not know how much his soul would be reconstructed

How much spiritual energy and true energy would he need to expand? If all his true energy ended up being expended, would he not be completelyexhausted?

Fane was starting to regret his recklessness at that moment. He had swallowed the pill without first making sure the price he would have to pay. Hewas incredibly concerned at that moment.

However, it was already too late for any regrets. He had to hold on! Everyone on the Divine Void Slope was staring at everything Fane was doing withwidened eyes.

In the beginning, Fane was not trembling so intensely, so those further away were not able to see it clearly. However, at that moment, everyone couldsee it very clearly because of how badly he was trembling!

On top of thatthe earlier cry ofagony had ifmediately signaledFane's condition to everyone else.Hayden frowned and said," Fane's introuble 1 The spirit refining pill isn'tsomething to be fooled around with,wifFhe be able to withstand it?"Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Benjamin sighed, "For his spirit to bedestroyed ard reassembled, hewon't justaded to tolerate the pain; ?he'll also'need to expend a lot of =spir ital energy. Even if Fane’ sOincredibly strong mentally, heiwouldneed the spiritual energy tohold up.”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

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