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Chapter 2296

Over at the hill, two parties were preparing for battle. There were six of them in total-three from the

Thousand Leaves Pavilion, and another three from the Corpse Pavilion. Byron was leading the Thousand Leaves Pavilion, he remembered thatByron was a decent disciple of Thousand Leaved Pavilion, his ranking in the clan was pretty high.

Fane's only impression of Zamian was from their previous quarrel. From what he knew, he was just a lickspittle, always lingering around maskedman. kissing and wiping his a*s.

You would probably need to have a decent amount of power in order to be the masked man's bootlicker. The disciples of Corpse Pavilion who wereunder the reign of the masked man at the time were pretty respectful toward Zamian. Even though Zamian was not one of the chosen disciples, hisposition within the internal disciple was still reasonably high.

Fane thought to himself and turned his head toward Hayden, "Do you guys know Zamian Ness?"Upon hearing that, the three men paused in sync. Hayden looked at Fane with a knowing eye, "Can't believe junior Fane knows of Zamian too.”

Fane nodded, "As I mentioned earlier, both the Corpse Pavilion and I have grudges against each other. I know some of them who were of higherranks. You

know what they said about knowing yourself and your enemy."

That was just an excuse given by Fane. Whether or not Hayden believed him was not of importance. His only objective was finding out the identity ofZamian Ness.

Hayden chuckled lightly, his eyes glued onto Fane. " Zamian is one of the internal disciples of Corpse Pavilion. I heard he ranked first amongst theinternal disciples, he had some impressive skills as well.”

Fane frowned.upon hearing that. Itwas within his‘expectation, hethought Zamian was atthe veryleast a chosen disciple, buthe =<apparefitly had not reached thesta ndards of a chosen discipleyethe was just a mere intefnaldi8ciple. Content belongs:toNovelDrama.Org

No wonder their conflicts were mostly just harmless quarrels. If one party were to overpower another, it would have been an actual battle instead ofarguments.

Fury thrummes. through Byron'sveins as if héwas going to tearZamian. “Bespicable rat, youexceedet my expectations of yoknew you're a piece of sh*t, butdidn‘tknow you'd stood as lew as amaggot!” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org anovelbin



Zamian snickered nonchalantly, he was completely unaffected by Byron's words. It was as if nothing Byron said would ever have an effect on himByron was huffed and puffed, his whole being, shook in raw anger. "There's no way I'm giving you the corpse flower!”

Zamian's brows furrowed, his eyes were ablaze with flames. "Are you saying you want to duke it out?”

Byron hummed coldly, "If you say so. We'll settle everything at once!"

The reason he said that was because he remembered-if it was not for the sudden shift of space, the five men would have died under the men that themasked man led

Zamian chuckled nonchalantly, "As Isaid, this corpse flower is mine! Ifyou wishto die under me, I'll grant itDon't forget, my menareonawinning strike, you three on thes”other Rand: either injured physicallyordrained of true energy. You'llnéver beat us!" Content betongs toNovelDrama.Org

Byron bit the inside of his cheeks in anger, his face paled. Zamian was not wrong, the three of them were spent after the previous battle.

They were indeed no match for him, but they refused to give up on the corpse flower they attained with their sweat and blood. It was humiliating, tosay the least.

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