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Chapter 2284

Fane had not encountered a single soul, not even a fiend throughout the whole journey. That was the first time he had seen a living human. Amongthe three of them, he only recognized Isaiah.

Upon eavesdropping on their conversation, Fane found out that Hayden was from Thousand Leaves Pavilion while Samson was from Muddled OriginClan. The reason Fane knew of Isaiah was because they were both from the Dual Sovereign Pavilion.

Dual Sovereign Pavilion appointed three of their chosen disciples to the Secret Place for Resources. Aside from Nelson and Griffin, the third chosendisciple was Isaiah. The chosen disciples of Dual Sovereign Pavilion were of honorable positions, and they could do whatever they want withoutfacing consequences.

Ever since arriving at the Secret Place for Resources, disciples of higher positions were everywhere, and the chosen disciples had no chance toshow off their honorable positions. Fane had only a faint impression of Isaiah as a person

Earlier when he had a conflict with Griffin, Isaiah stood aside without saying a word. He was not aggressive like Griffin. nor was he self-righteous anddefending himself like Nelson did.

It was as if nothing mattered to him, and he showedno emotions. He also flunked the previous level in the blood world as he failed to kill 120 corpse puppets.

Fane sighed silently. It was better if he did not show himself, even though he had a new mask and clothing. It was not guaranteed that they would notbe able to recognize him after some interactions.

He had decided to wait for the three men to leave before he switched to another direction to head toward Netherland Mountain."Who's there?!" Hayden shot a glare toward the dead tree.

Fane was taken aback as he did not expect Hayden to have such a sharp perception. Fane made no major movement, yet Hayden was able to sensehim just by his sigh.

Hayden fetched his weapon in a swift movement, his eyes locked on the skeletal tree Fane was leaning onto. The other two men became aware in aninstance as they glared toward the same tree.

Fane picked on the comer of his lips in annoyance; he did not anticipate to be found out by others. Hayden's sharp perception was completelyunforeseeable. If he refused to show himself, they would eventually start attacking.

He decided to step out from the shadow of the dead tree to avoid unnecessary trouble. He looked slimmer in his new white linen robe, but his viciousaura was unconcealable.

The three men stared in perplexity at the man before them in a white robe and an unfamiliar mask."Which clan are you from? Why were you listening to our conversation?" Isaiah's brows knitted together as he interrogated Fane.

All clan associations had their own regulations when it came to clothing. Disciples who joined a clan had to follow a dress code. Each title andposition had different styles of clothing, but they were similar to each other.

Disciples of other clan associationswere usuallyable to identify whichclan a person was from accordingiothe clothing that they were wearing.The robe Fane had changed intowasnot of any other clan belongingtothe West Cercie State. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ©

Fane let out a few coughs and altered his voice to a lower pitch. "I-I've been chased by the Corpse Pavilion's disciples.”

Fane paused briefly after sayingthat, refusingatd further explainhimself. However, the three menwere able ts tell from just one singlesentence” If what the man before>thems was telling the truth, it wouldmake sense that he changed hisclathes and put ona masktodisguise his identity and Gover histracks. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

"None of us ate-from the CorpsePavilion andvwe' re also not from anyof the South clan associations. <>You're free to take off your mask;-orat leasttell us which clan you're:from,* Hayden responded cally ashefaised his brows in doubtContent belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Fane knitted his brows upon hearing Hayden's insistent tone.novelbin

"It's fine, it's not like we were exchanging any secrets anyway. It won't matter if he eavesdropped on us. He's probably just a passerby." Samson tookcharge and tried to smooth things over.

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