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Chapter 209

"True. Let’s go over to the Porsche store on the opposite side." Fane nodded and brought Selena



The two saleswomen finally responded after the family of three walked out. They stared at each other,

wondering if they misheard what Fane said.

The two thought the family would go to a store that sold cheaper cars when they heard the price of the

BMWs. They never thought that they would actually g o over to the Porsche store instead.

"Joyce, do you think we’ve lost a potential customer? What if he does have money?" The saleswoman

mopping the floor frowned. Regret tinged her expression.

"No way!” Joyce replied instantly. "The clothes the woman was wearing don't seem too bad, but the

man's clothes are basically market goods," she argued. "How rich do you think a man like that can be?

He probably just said something to provoke us to save his own face!"

After she finished speaking, she headed straight toward the entrance. "If you don’t believe me, let'snovelbin

watch them from here. They definitely won't go in!"

The saleswoman who was mopping the floor joined

Joyce at the entrance. Her brows furrowed. "No way... Joyce, they went in. Don't tell me they genuinely

want to buy a Porsche.”

"No, no. It must be an act," Joyce answered immediately. "They’re afraid that we're watching, so they're

pretending to go in. They’ll come out in a while. I've seen plenty of that sort before!"

"Are we seriously going in?”

Selena frowned at the Porsche store’s entrance. "Do you know how to pick a car? Porsches are very

expensive, and you say you want to buy two. I’m scared that we can't even afford one! How much

money do you have left, exactly?"

After he heard this, Fane replied carelessly, "Honey, don’t worry about it. Don't mention two cars;

buying this entire store won’t be a problem!”

Anxiety washed over Selena. This man still wanted to joke around at this time.

'Don't tell me Fane actually received 10 million bucks from the military. In that case, he must've been a

commander in his troop, or maybe a high-ranking officer!’

Selena drew her brows together as she considered the possibilities. Judging from Fane's confident

demeanor, he probably would be able to take out at least a few hundred thousand bucks even if he

were exaggerating his wealth. Otherwise, they would just be embarrassing themselves walking in like


Yesterday, she happened to learn the positions of a commander and a captain; the former was in

charge o f leading a good hundred men whereas the latter would lead roughly a thousand or at least a

few hundred men.

Retired colonels could obtain 10 million, though it could even exceed that amount.

Of course, some merely received 4 or 5 million.

'He probably had 10 million. He had just spent three million and two hundred thousand earlier. If he

buys two cars by the end of this, his spending could be about 5 million. He even promised to

compensate my mother with the three million and eight hundred thousand that can't be found anymore.

He wouldn't be that confident if he didn’t have at least 10 million!' Selena slowly made the deductions in

her head.

Noticing his wife's absent-minded gaze, he spoke," What are you thinking about, dear? Look around

and see if you like anything. We'll get whichever you like!"

Selena snapped back into reality. "I don't know the price of the cars here, and you tell me to get

whatever I like? Let's just get whatever that's cheaper! It’s a waste of money if we buy the expensive


After she said that, she stepped into the reception area and saw a saleswoman mopping the floor. Her

expression immediately darkened. "Oh, come on. They're about to close up, too! I don't think we can

get a car today..." she grumbled. “Let's come back tomorrow."

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