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Chapter 1998

Observing a fight could let one understand the other disciples' strength and also increase one's fightexperience. Although Wesley's current ranking was only 187, the fact that he had only been therefor a short time and also had the backing of Elder Sayer made him a celebrity. He would surely riseup to the top ten ranking in no time.

Even the informal disciples in the top fifty ranking did not have as much fame as Wesley becausemost of them got to where they were through long training hours and increased their strength littleby little.

What they did had was more perseverance than talent and Wesley had both in abundance.Therefore, it was not surprising his fight with Dale had attracted

the attention of many informal disciples.

Wesley, being the main character of today's story, was sitting at the viewing platform with a bunch ofsuck-ups around him. These suck-ups wanted to win over Wesley’s hearts, and their words seemedto be smeared with honey, as they piled on praises upon praises on him. Wesley, of course, wasenjoying it. He was sitting with his eyes closed and a faint curl of his lips as they heaped on thepraises upon him.

The man with triangular eyes was one of the suck-ups. "Although Brother Dale’s is strong, his talentis nothing compared to yours. Your talent if placed in Dual Sovereign Pavilion, nay, even in all of theother third-graded Clan associations, would come out the top amongst all of the other informaldisciples. I'm sure Elder Sayer will definitely recruit you as his chosen disciple and that you'll surelyrise up the levels like a rocket by then."

"Yeah! Even the top ten informal disciples here nodded their heads in recognition of your talents.You'll surely come out the victor in today’s fight and in no time at all, you might even be able to fight

against the top fifty informal disciples. Then, it's a oneway street for you to become a formaldisciple."

Wesley raised his eyebrow. On the surface, he declined to give a comment to all of the praises butin his heart, he accepted their words wholly. He never once thought his talent was inferior to anyoneelse. The chosen disciples, maybe, but definitely not the other informal disciples, even those in thetop ten. He felt that his cultivation time was still short, and if it was the same as their cultivation time,they would definitely be trampled under his feet. Just when the flattery was about to reach itsclimax, they suddenly heard one low exclamation after another which made Wesley and the otherslook toward the direction of the cause, only to see a few wide-eyed informal disciples chatting witheach other in an excited voice.

"Oh my god, I can't believe Brother Duncan is here! He has actually come out of his meditationretreat! I seem to recall he had been there for three months as he had been in the retreat ever sincehe had beaten the third-ranked informal disciple and thus becoming the third rank himself! He mighteven be stronger than the first ranked informal disciple now that he had completed his three-monthslong retreat!”

"Yeah! He’ll surely challenge the formal disciples after becoming the number one informal disciple.His talent is truly abominable. I remember he joined the Dual Sovereign Pavilion at the same timeas Brother Wesley and it didn't take him long to break through to the intermediate level of the innatestage. I can't believe he's even stronger now. Comparing myself to him makes me a sad potato."

These words drifted into Wesley's ear and he felt as if he had received a slap to the face whichshattered all of his previous enjoyment of flattery. If he had to choose who was his biggest rival inthis lifetime, then it would no doubt be Duncan Pierpoint. He joined the Dual Sovereign Pavilion atthe same time as Duncan Pierpoint and yet had always been suppressed by him. He could onlywatch with vehemence as Duncan surpassed him time after time. The thought of Duncan becomingthird-ranked and coming out stronger after his meditation retreat made his heart twist with rage.novelbin

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