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Chapter 1946

Four lights immediately lit up which caused the crowd to gasp. However, it was impossible forGerald to be satisfied with only four lights. His eye nearly popped out from their sockets as he willedthe fifth light to light up. However, he was destined to be disappointed as eight seconds passed andthe fourth light turned off.

His result was the best so far. Anyone would be happy to get this kind of result but Gerald foundhimself unable to smile at all. His face looked as if someone had smeared ash all over it.

"Fourth light eight seconds. Please come and stand behind me," said Ambrose.

There was a hint of pity in his voice. Although Gerald’s result was really impressive, it was obvious itwas not up to his expectations.

"Four lights only? I'm a disappointment,” said Gerald angrily. His entire face had become red andboth of his hands were shaking. "This is impossible! There's no way my power is only this much."He was preparing to have another turn when Ambrose stopped him. "Everyone only gets one turn.You're no exception. Your result is already quite exceptional and the second time won't be anydifferent. Come and stand behind me now!"

Gerald felt as if he had eaten something disagreeable. A burst of mocking laughter escaped fromMorton's mouth and after that, he could not stand straight from all the laughing he was doing. It wasobvious to the crowd Morton was enjoying Gerald's humiliation.novelbin

Oh wow, I can't believe you would be so shameless enough to boast about yourself with this kind ofresult. You can say bye-bye to the sengen pill now. You can't even light up the fifth light. If I wereyou now, I would find some hole to hide myself in," said Morton with his face red from laughing.

Gerald turned back his head quickly and stared at Morton with gritted teeth as if he was abloodthirsty beast. He would have shredded Morton to pieces if it was not for the rules. Morton was

not afraid of him at all as he nonchalantly fanned himself.

Everyone there possessed the ability to control their body temperature so there was no need for afan at all. However, that was the kind of image Morton liked to project to the world-an image of theson of a wealthy family.

Morton laughed even more as he looked Gerald up and down. "What? Am I wrong?

Are you still going to boast about how strong you are? For a moment there, I really thought youwere as powerful as you said from the way you were boasting about yourself. It’s laughable you'veonly managed up to the fourth light. I really wonder where you get your confidence from."

Gerald, of course, would not take this lying down. He felt as if he was being stomped on by Morton.He tried to calm himself down. "Yes, you're right in the sense that my result is not up to myexpectations.

However, there's no denying two seconds more and the fifth light would have lit up. Didn't you sayjust now you'll definitely get the sengen pill and take the first place? You haven't even done your testyet so what gives you the right to laugh at me?"

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