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Chapter 1900

"Our Master was at the first-grade soulpenetrating realm at that time, and he fought against thosetwo elite fighters of the third-grade soul-penetrating level and managed to defeat them! He killedthem both! Then the rest of the unimportant men of the Alliance Guard were finished off by the elitefighters of our clan! So, naturally, we won the battle!"novelbin

Master's Yarbrough's jaw almost dropped to the ground upon hearing the disciple's words; hisexpression was as though he had heard something strange. "Your Master broke into the soul-penetrating realm? How long has it been?"

After hearing the news, Master Yarbrough was so shocked that he did not know how to reactanymore, and so did Master Zeller. Both of them exchanged glances and felt that instead of askingthe disciple here, they should meet Fane in person.

After much deliberation, the two of them did not waste any seconds and immediately went towardthe Nine Gods Clan’s residence. At this time, Fane had finished crafting the soul-penetrating pill andhad consumed it.

A vast amount of energy was born inside Fane’s body and it wandered through his veins. The soul-penetrating pill was so effective and potent that in just two hours after taking it, Fane had brokenthrough to the third-grade soul-penetrating realm.

The energy of the soul-penetrating pill was still abundant. After two more days, the medicinal effectof the soul-penetrating pill was completely absorbed by Fane, and therefore, he broke through tothe seventhgrade soul-penetrating realm!

Fane initially thought that even if the soulpenetrating pill was a fourth-grade pill, it would beconsidered excellent if he could break into the sixth-grade soul-penetrating level. Nonetheless, henever thought that it would be this potent that he would enter the seventh-grade soul-penetratingrealm in such a short time.

The strength of the seventh-grade soulpenetrating realm was enough to fight those strong fightersof the Alliance Guard. Those who were stronger and more superior than him in the past, Fane didnot have to fear them anymore.

Just when he was excited about his martial level being raised to the seventh-grade soul -penetrating realm, a disciple passed on the two important people who were seeking to meet him.

Fane frowned and wondered in his heart who wanted to meet him at such a time. He went out togreet them.

After Fane went out to meet them, Master Yarbrough and Master Zeller immediately studied Fanefrom head to toe several times, and after they both confirmed that Fane had broken through to theseventhgrade soul-penetrating realm, they were even more surprised and happy.

Master Zeller spoke first. He explained the purpose of their visit and then proposed an idea that hehad never envisioned before.

"Now that you have broken through to the seventh-grade soul-penetrating realm, with your talent,even if a ninth-grade soulpenetrating level fighter attacks the Nine Gods Clan, you'll be able tohandle it. So, how about we initiate the fight this time, avenge our brothers and sisters and get backwhat we have lost? Those b*stards of the Alliance Guard are inhumane! How could they justslaughter everyone in the Pavilion Billow Cloud!"

Perhaps it was because of the tragic incident of the Pavilion Billow Cloud that the two Masters couldnot suppress their inner rage anymore. After knowing that Fane broke through again, they had thisconfidence to take on those Alliance Guard b*stards! They had to avenge!

Master Yarbrough gave a firm look at Fane. When he went to the Pavilion Billow Cloud, he saw thatLance Woods and Lily Lagorio were killed by the heartless Alliance Guard.

Master Zeller informed Fane about their death, and Fane only nodded slightly to acknowledge it. Hedid not care at all about their death.

That was because he knew in his heart that Lance had been plotting against him in his mind.

As for Master Zeller's proposal, Fane naturally agreed to that. He had long wanted to avenge thedead, but he was not able to do so because of his low martial level. Now that he had the strengthand the power, he had nothing to fear anymore.

Even if it was not for revenge, he had to fight the Alliance Guard too—to get the sacred springwater.

Although there was still some time left to remove the curse on Selena, he was not willing to wasteany time. The sacred spring water of the Crystal Cloud Clan coupled with the alchemical pill that hewould make later could help remove the curse on Selena!

"Let's do it! And I think, with my understanding about those old folks of the Alliance Guard, even ifwe don’t initiate the fight, they will gather men and strike at us too!"

After saying this, Master Yarbrough thought of the smug expression on Master Loador's face whenhe told Master Yarbrough and Master Zeller that he had attacked the Nine Armies and the Pavilion

Billow Cloud.

Although the Alliance Guard managed to wipe out the Pavilion Billow Cloud completely, the NineArmies survived! Now it was their turn to feel hopelessness and desperation!

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