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Chapter 1708

Fane's words had completely angered his opponent. Angus had longed to become the hall masterof the Hall of Divine Royal since a long time ago but he did not have the opportunity to. Now that hehad finally become the hall master of the Hall of Divine Royal, the other party was actually askinghim to dismiss the hall. He was so angry that his face turned blue before it turned pale.

However, he gritted his teeth but dared not take action immediately. After all, it did not matter if Fanehad already broken through. Even if this guy had not broken through, he had the combat powercomparable to the masters at the first-grade ultimate god-level. On top of that, the total number ofpeople between Fane and

the Pavilion of Gods and Kings was so much more compared to theirs. The number of people in theultimate god-level on their side was also much lesser compared to the people on Fane's side. If theyfought under such circumstances, the chances of them winning were minute. Even if they had won,they would suffer substantial losses.

"Hall master, take a look. Those people over there seem to be our people!" However, Angus did notexpect one of the elders from the Hall of Divine Royal, who was in the first-stage ultimate god-level,to see a group of people flying over to them at this moment.

"That's true. It's Elder Lawrence and the others. This is great! There's at least two thousand ofthem!" Angus had an instant confidence boost when he saw people from his side and happinesscould instantly be seen on his expression.

"How's that possible? Pavilion master, those are people from the Hall of Divine Royal! Aren’t wereally unlucky? There are at least 2700 to 2800 of them!" The smile on the face of the man besideHarry immediately disappeared when he saw the situation. He really felt like he was sitting on aroller coaster at that instant.

The corners of Harry's mouth twitched a couple of times. He was extremely happy when he sawFane and the others' arrival as there was a huge chance of them winning.

However, it was troublesome that there was an increase of more than 2000 people from theopponent's side and they had no idea if any of these people had already broken through into theultimate god-level.

Elder Lawrence and the other members of the Hall of Divine Royal soon flew over before stoppingat a nearby distance.novelbin

Elder Lawrence slightly narrowed his eyes when he saw the situation and said, "Elder Moseley, whyare you here? What's going on now? It looks like you’ve surrounded those people before beingcountersurrounded by members of the Woods and Cabello families?"

A man beside Angus immediately stepped forward and said, "Elder Lawrence, I wonder if you guysknow that the hall master of our Hall of Divine Royal, Master Matthew, had already died. Our peoplesaw his body the second day we entered this area. Right now, we've already agreed for ElderMoseley to be our hall master and everybody should obey him in the future. I’m sure everybodyknows about Elder Moseley's combat power and character. It's best for him to be the new hallmaster!" "What? The hall master has passed away?!" The members of the Hall of Divine Royal onthe other side were immediately surprised when they heard this. They obviously did not expectMatthew to be so miserable and died so quickly.

Elder Lawrence and the others were slightly delighted after being stunned for a short moment.Since Hall Master Matthew of the Hall of Divine Royal had already died, did that mean that he alsohad the opportunity?

However, he still spoke with a sad expression on his face. "Sigh... The hall master had always beenlooking forward to breaking through into the ultimate godlevel and he had always wanted to know ofthe ways to break through into the ultimate god-level. Now that there's finally such an opportunity,

who would have expected... Who would have expected that he would pass away when we've justentered this area! His death. .His death is really so sad!’

"Yes, Hall Master Matthew, you have the heart to achieve grand causes. Who would have expectedfor you to die at this moment?!’’

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